
Conqueror's Haven

In a world where Champions, people with abilities, rule what remains of humanity. People took advantage of each other to survive. Canis is no different. He will do anything to become powerful, to have authority and power so he can live the way he wants, without any hindrance. However, how can he achieve his dream when he has a level cap limit of 7 and a single ability upon awakening? In an accident involving a Conqueror's Pillar, he awakens his ability. All that hardship for 12 years now bears fruit. Using his ability to capture and mate with 'Queens' and create his army of monsters. He begins his journey to this new chapter in life to become the most powerful Champion.

Gunshot_Zon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 020

7 days.

It's been seven long days since 'The Reset'.

People were fully healed and revived, and anyone who died, even if they were in pieces would be revived.

This is the reward that the Conquerors received for every successful 'defense', the elimination of the Raiding party.

However, this is not all good news for the main organization involved in this Conqueror Pillar.

People who revived went straight to these three main places.


Freedom Guild.

Champion Association.

The UASF doesn't have any responsibility for people which is why they could easily reject people who wanted to take shelter in their facilities.

However, most of the people still stay near the facility for 'protection' purposes.

The Grandiflorians began to attack on the 3rd day after The Reset, so the survivor who clung to the UASF ran towards their wall and stayed there or hid near their facility.

For the Freedom Guild.

They only took people who were Yellow and above, this included their families too.

The purpose of this is because they have limited food and they don't know how long the 'Time Limit' for the Pillar is.

So they want to increase their chance of survival by getting more soldiers and minimizing the food consumption in their storage.

Of course, this wasn't said in public.

They only said that they had food and shelter shortages, and told the other Low-Ranks to ask the Association for help.

Because of'The Reset'n the Association took the most hit.

Most Low-Rankers came here.

They clung to the Association for protection, food, and shelter.

The Association cannot reject them, because they are known to be the 'Guardian of Humanity' and that is also the reason their organization exists.

However, people who go into the Association didn't get enough food.

The place is very cramped and the facility began to smell.

People cannot even sleep in the condition they are in.

In addition, they are required to help out in the defence of the facility.

For some people, they risk hiding and going to tall buildings and scavenging to survive.

Most of them also died when they encountered any Grandiflorians.

In addition to the chaos, people began to break down.

Mental health became a problem.

Experiencing death breaks their mind.

Couple that with hunger and survival.

It is like a small-scale 'Descend experience' once again.

However, amidst this chaos.

People are calling out for the hero.

The hero who appears one day and kills all the Grandiflorians.

A hero who wears a turban and armor.

A tamer.

Of all the classes in the world they pray that 'The Tamer' came out.

That he clear the Pillar once again.

People can be seen praying on the side of UASF lobby.

Inside the Champion Association, there is a small group of people who made a small altar with branches and painted red leaves.

On the other places, The Champions of Freedom Guild always look at the distance hoping to see a red tree walking towards them.

Canis stands inside the Association and looks around the environment.

His head is covered with a towel that was issued by the Association.

(Even the inside of the association is in chaos.)

People are moving everywhere.

'Come on give us some more food we are starving here!'

Pang! Pang!

'I need a bed can someone give it to me!'

'Damn! Association! Can't do your job right when in time of need.'

Canis moves towards the security located near the entrance.

He already registered himself when he went inside so the security was surprised he was walking towards him.

"Do you need any help?"

Canis ask the security.

"Ah, you working here right?"

Canis shows his ID.

"Tsk! What do need something? Do you want to 'volunteer'? PAH! I will tell you immediately that the essentials are already depleted. Also, you're a Classless, right? you cannot even help in keeping those 'trees' away."

For some reason, the security personnel's attitude changed when Canis volunteered to work.

"Don't get me wrong, you're not the only employee here who asks to volunteer, several employees immediately ask if they could work right now… but afterward they ask for additional food or clothes… I already know what you are up to."

(It seems like, that's the current situation here is quite bad.)

Canis moves towards the reception area, there is a small group of people who are praying on a makeshift branch with red leaves.

The face of the people looks like they are tired and hungry.

Canis continues to look around.

The Association lobby has trash on the side of the room, the tiles are dirty because of the continuous movement of people inside, and the smell of the lobby is also not good, it was a mix of iron, piss, and sweat.

In short, this place is disgusting.

(Hmmm… I think its time… )

Canis exited the area and went outside the vicinity of the Association.

This is a normal scene since most people scavenge the area for food.


2023 April

Freedom Guild


Duke stood up and pointed his finger towards Luke.

Luke was looking down and taking the heat.


A letter was given to Luke from the group of Joaquin.

"Brother… He said…"


Duke's voice rose immediately.

"In this paper!"

Duke is violently waving the paper around.

"He said that he was killed by a tree with red leaves and the 'Tamer' CONVENIENTLY STOLE EVERYTHING THAT WE WANT IN UASF."

"Yes! I know we should treat that 'Tamer' like our enemy."

Luke replied.

Mares scowled at Luke's reply.

(He couldn't even tell that he got played.)

Mares thought about it.


Duke shouted so hard the spit came out from his mouth.

He then took a deep breath and calmed himself, no one talked while Duke tried to recover his composure.

"This is obviously a 'trick' stupid brat."

Luke's head flinched as he heard the word 'brat'.

"We all know that the UASF was attacked, we even sent our spy into that area, unfortunately, our 'own' spy inside UASF knows of our plan and didn't get to work on the day of the mission. But we know something about this 'Tamer'."

Duke walks towards the window and looks at several Champions fighting the Treants.

"The Tamer visited the UASF several times and killed several of those monsters, our spy even saw the corpse of dead Treant, and some of the security personnel even told our very own spy that the Tamer helped them… now tell me Luke… tell me this… why would he do that? Huh? Why would he attack the UASF, steal the loot inside the vault, and come back and save the people of UASF?"

However, his own spy is only part of the security area in the perimeter and the ground team, this man wasn't included in the inner workings of the facility.

Duke threw the paper towards Luke.

With the force exerted by a Violet Rank, the paper got destroyed before it even hit Luke's face but it's about the meaning of the action.

"We are being double cross Luke."

"No! I Don't-"


Duke shouted once again.

"These are criminals, Luke, he is the leader of Muerte La Marcha… a Dark Guild… we join hands with them because you said… you could trust them… you said you have something that they cannot resist… you gave me your word."

Luke didn't reply and looked down at the ground.

"Everything in that letter is fake… That Tamer… the one he points his finger to… save those people below us… what would you think will happen if we mobilize our guild to hunt their Hero."

Duke was looking at the fighting outside.

"Answer me, Luke… I want you to think for yourself…"

Unlike earlier, Duke's voice is calm, like a brother who wants to teach his sibling a lesson.

"They will reject that idea… they might even leave the guild… worst case scenario they might even fight us."

Duke moved towards Luke and put his hand on his shoulder.

"That's it, Luke…"

Duke continues to tap his shoulder.

"He thinks we are an idiot that will destroy our own guild… I bet he is counting on that… However…"

Duke grinned.

"No one messes with my Freedom Guild…"

Duke looks at Mares.

"Mares, assemble a team and find the location of this Muerte La Marcha. We will hunt them down!"

"Yes, Sir."


Luke immediately said.

"Please… let me come when you hunt them down… I want to redeem myself."

Luke looks sincere in his request.

"Of course, the full power of the Guild will fall into them…"


"The fact that we are inside a Conqueror's Pillar, they are like rats trapped in a cage."



'Hold every information about the attack. Because the top floor is exposed say this instead, The attack happened but our vault is safe."

This is the first order of Commander Girthwell after The Reset.

The Commander, his Captain, and the Elite Squad are all in a makeshift office discussing several things.

Food storage.

The well-being of the security.

The people outside the facility.

And the previous attack.

"Does his action make sense…"

Ethan wearing a knight's armor seriously asks.

"I know what you mean Ethan… I heard it too from the security team… That 'guy' saved our people when those monsters kept attacking them."

Erwin smiled and tapped his friend on the shoulder.

"Not just that but… look at me…"

Ethan proudly shows his armor.

The armor is already at Indigo Rank, even though he is still at Green Rank.

"He didn't steal this… the value of this armor is also high, selling this as a set in the black market will also earn him a lot of money."

"I agree with you, he didn't even take my bow."

Seth showed the bow to everyone in the room.

They know that it's a Violent Rank Weapon.

"WAAAIIIT! Your equipment was safe but he took mine! Why! Why! Why did he take my weapon!?"

Trinity throws a tantrum inside the office.

"He also took my 'ring' if that makes you feel better."

Commander Girthwell immediately said.

There was silence in the room even Trinity shut herself up.

"The only similarities that we have is that he took both 'Artifact' and wasn't interested in equipment, however…"

Tap tap!

Girthwell tap the table multiple times.

"Why did he take the equipment inside the vault?"

"Because it's EASY!"

Winston proudly answered however, the team shook their head and was disappointed.


Winston asked.

"Then he should have taken Ethan's helmet and sword, Glen's spear, my bow, Erwin and Raj's sword…"

Seth replied.

"Maybe his nice~?"

Winston said as his voice pitch increased.

"He killed us, Winston… No one nice killed a person and stole that isn't his…"

Seth replied.

"Anyway, what do want to do Commander? Should we hunt him down… We have to bring an antidote this time."

Erwin said non-chant like he was going to hunt a rabbit.

"We already heard of his activity before The Reset if we are going to hunt him down we need to keep it quiet-"

Knock! Knock!

Commander Girthwell orders Winston to open the door.

"Sir! Sir! The Tamer is back…"

A security went inside the meeting area. 

"Everyone! Prepare for battle!"



Girthwell and the others went outside and they noticed that the Treant with red leaves killed another monster with ease.

Break it in half, dig out the 'seed', and break it.

The monster makes it so that, it looks like it was so easy to do.

"Everyone prepare your mask!"

Erwin shouted.

Everyone, even the security wears a facemask with a filter in it.

(We don't know if this will be effective to that monster poison but it's all we have.)

The man riding the Treant on the side pointed at Girthwell.

Everyone was shocked by his action and the look at Girthwell and the man back and forth.

Girthwell stood tall and ready to pounce whenever the 'Tamer' made a move.

The Treant did something strange using his vines it throw something toward Girthwell.



Girthwell caught it on one hand.

A bag.

A shoulder bag.

Inside the bag, a staff, a ring, and a letter can be seen.


Trinity immediately moved towards Girthwell and took the wand without any care that she took it from his boss.

Girthwell picked up the ring and put it on his finger.

The 3 red orbs are shining brightly.

(What do you want?)

This is something that is running inside Girthwell's brain.

He opens the letter and drops the bag on the floor.


The mission was given to me by Jefe who stayed at Marian Hotel.

I have a change of heart.

Keep your ring and this wand as a sign of good faith.

I will keep the other loot.

Think of it as a payment for you and your subordinate's lives.

This is a cheap price to pay.

Don't you think? 

P.S. This is more important than money, don't worry they are not poisonous.


The Treant and the man began to move away.

"Commander… give us your order."

Erwin said as he looked at the Commander.

The Commander looks around the area.

All of his men are alive and well, the security personnel trembles a bit due to the idea of fighting the Tamer, but in the end, all of his men are breathing.

And to top it all, the Treants that were attacking their facility are already dead.

(Cheap price to pay… that cheeky bastard.)

"Don't engage."

Commander Girthwell said in a loud voice.

The security personnel were not surprised by his decision, in actuality they felt relieved but the Elite Squad and his Captain were taken aback, however, they sheath their sword and followed the command.

"Sir! Sir! Look at that!"

A security personnel shouted.

In the distance, behind where the 'Tamer' was standing, a makeshift cart can be seen.


If you look closely it is more similar to a long crate.

"Is that?"


Seth uses his ability.

Inside the long crate, there are various things inside.

Different size with different colors but it can easily be distinguishable.

"Those are… fruits."