
Conqueror's Haven

In a world where Champions, people with abilities, rule what remains of humanity. People took advantage of each other to survive. Canis is no different. He will do anything to become powerful, to have authority and power so he can live the way he wants, without any hindrance. However, how can he achieve his dream when he has a level cap limit of 7 and a single ability upon awakening? In an accident involving a Conqueror's Pillar, he awakens his ability. All that hardship for 12 years now bears fruit. Using his ability to capture and mate with 'Queens' and create his army of monsters. He begins his journey to this new chapter in life to become the most powerful Champion.

Gunshot_Zon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 010

Wong! Wong! Wong! Wong!

Wong! Wong! Wong! Wong!

Wong! Wong! Wong! Wong!

Wong! Wong! Wong! Wong!

'Intruder in B6.'

'Intruder in B6.'

The alarm burst inside and everyone was caught off guard.

"What! How did he get in? Is that a unique ability holder?"

A large fat man who was sitting in the office on the top floor shouted at the people around him.

"Sir! We don't know yet!"

"You don't know! They are already at B6! We need to move now!"

The fat man who was wearing a suit shouted.


The people around him respond.


"Yes! Sir!"

"Command the Elite Squad to move and protect the vault immediately! I will move towards the VIP vault myself! Report every movement of the 'thieves' and those ' trees' to me when you notice any changes."

"Yes! Commander Girthwell!"

'The commander will move?'

'Let's go! If we don't move, we will get punished.'

Everyone in the room began to disperse and move to their position.

They look like they are already trained in case this situation arises.

Erwin immediately called the Elite Squad and gave them their orders.

"How many are the trespassers?"

Erwin shouted at the radio after he gave command to the Elite Squad.

The radio room replied.

'There is only one trespasser… it… it looks like he is a tamer…'

"A Tamer? What monster did he tame?"

Erwin replied.

"A Tamer Class? Charges alone here? Did he want to commit suicide?"

Commander Girthwell said at the back while listening to the conversation.

'He… he tamed a similar tree monster that we are fighting outside.'



Erwin and Girthwell look at each other with a surprised look.

"Did you say? The tree monsters that we are currently fighting outside? He tamed one of those monsters?"

Erwin immediately replied, he was surprised by what he heard from the radio.

'Yes… I believe so… that what we are seeing in the monitor before they destroyed the cameras.'

"Who on Earth is that person?"

Commander Girthwell said with a surprised voice.

"Did a sprouting new Champion appear without us noticing it?"

Commander Girthwell added.

"I don't know Sir, our headquarters always keep in touch on highly prospected candidates. If a Tamer who could tame a Violet-Rank monster exists we would know about it… No! I think the whole world would know about it."

Erwin replied to his Commander.

"Tsk! The radio operator might made a mistake about that… that's not possible in any sense… first of all the best tamer, Delger a Violet Rank Champion, only tamed a Green-Rank monster… and he is the best tamer in the whole world… the monster that the intruder has, might have a similar in appearance but a totally different creature."

Commander Girthwell calmly replied.

"That, that would make more sense Commander… but I think we still have to inform the Elite Squad regarding this to prepare thoroughly."

Erwin immediately replied.

"Of course Erwin, I will move to the VIP vault, and follow me immediately." 

"Sir! Yes Sir!"

Erwin immediately salutes and looks at Commander Girthwell's back as he moves towards the VIP vault.

'Sir, Elite Squad already arrived in front of the Vault and the trespasser began to move towards their location.'

The radio operator said immediately.

"Noted on that keep me posted, I'm going to follow Sir Girthwell in the VIP Vault here on the top floor. Radio contact will be hard due to interference so redirect your concern to the VIP line. Keep us posted."

'Sir, Yes Sir!'

Erwin immediately turned around to move towards the VIP Vault.

"The best scenario will be to capture or kill the trespasser before they get to the vault… the second best is that those 'thieves' emptied our vault and we lost a lot of crystals, materials, and items to be shipped… even though the value is astronomical, it's still an acceptable loss…"

"The worst scenario is that the trespassers found out about the VIP Vault and storm it too… but…"

Erwin smiled like he just said a joke.

"Commander Girthwell is guarding the door right now, even if they tried to storm in they need to fight the Commander."

Erwin looks at the battle happening outside.

There weren't any changes and the battle is still in stalemate.

"If only, we aren't inside the Pillar, reinforcement would have come immediately… those people wouldn't even try this shit show."

UASF is a known and respectable organization in United Asia.

Guilds and the Guardian's Association will immediately respond to their call.

The government will even send people around just to help out.

Reinforcement will come all over the place and these scenarios will not happen in the first place.

"Tsk! What a day! I should have taken the leave I am planning to…"

Erwin continues to move towards the VIP Vault.


Five Champions are already waiting at the large receiving area in front of the Vault.

'The enemy is a tamer, and he has a monster that looks like the tree monsters outside the facility.'

'Commander Girthwell said that it might not be a similar race of monster, they just have a similar appearance.'


A man with an average body size wearing full armor with a sword and shield answered the call.

"Those Treants have different looks from each other, it's not hard to imagine that a similar tree monster looks like them."

The man with blond long hair carrying a large bow said nonchalantly. 

"Hmmm… If only they let us try killing one of those monsters as I requested, we could grasp their strength and ability right now."

A man with a muscular build with no shirt only jogging pants and a knuckle confidently said.

"HAHAHA! You need to fight them to grasp their strength, Winston!? That's why you're still Yellow Rank… I on the other hand already grasp their ability just by looking at them."

A woman who looks like a teenager holding a small shield and a wand made fun of a muscular guy.

"What did you say, little girl?"


"Yeah! HAHAHA! Look at the chest of yours!?"

The girl reddened her face, she glanced down and looked at her flat chest.

"Why you!?"

The girl summon a small tornado in her hand.

"Trinity… Winston… please stop your too noisy I am sleeping here."

Another guy is resting on the corner, with his spear gently resting on his side.

"Glen! Why are you even resting!? We already have an intruder."

Trinity dispelled the wind in his palm and shouted at Glen.

"Sheeshh! You're too noisy for a kid!"

Glen replied while he blocked the noise by putting his little finger on his ear.


Trinity looked around with a surprised look, her face continuing to redden.


Winston laughs hard.

"Didn't you hear, the enemy is a Tamer, we just need to kill him and the monster will get out of control… Why is this even a problem? Are you afraid of tamers all of a sudden?"

"Waaa.. Wai… No! No! I am not afraid of lowly tamer!"

Trinity replied.

'Report! The operators that we sent to block the trespasser didn't respond anymore! We assume that they die in the line of duty! They are almost near the vault!'

"Alright, we copy!"

The man wearing armor replied.


The man said in a relaxed voice.

Glen opened one of his eyes and sighed.

"Alright! Alright! You are treating us after this Ethan, and Seth… just because you are silent means that you're free… you will take care of the drinks!"

Glen happily said.

"Why do you involve me in those kinds of things, you are really troublesome-"

Seth replied.


The large double door opened up and a Treant appeared in front of them.


Ethan immediately replied.

"The monster is quite small compared to the monster outside."

Seth immediately said.

"What! Does it mean it is weaker!?"

Winston sounds disappointed.

The monster has red leaves and an octopus moving roots.

"I cannot see the TAMER!"

Seth shouted.

"Me too!" by Glen

"Same here!" by Winston

"Where is he?" by Trinity

"Hawk Eye!"

Seth immediately uses his hawk eye to let him see in the distance.

"Waaaa…. No one is in the corridor!"

"Wind Search!"

A gust of wind burst out making Trinity the center of it.

It was about to hit the Treant and move past it to detect any people who were hiding.


A black pollen begins to emerge from the Treant.




The others panic immediately as the heavy pollen rushes towards them.

"Wind Shield!"

As soon as they heard it, everybody moved towards Trinity.


Darkness covers the area.

"We cannot see anything!"

Winston was surprised at the immediate change of situation!

"Don't let your guard down! Trinity how much time we have left!"

"30 secs! This is not designed for this kind of attack!"

Ethan shouted and Trinity replied.

"How about the tamer?"

Seth asked.

"Nothing! My skill was immediately blocked! Any now seconds my skill will be finished!"

"Cooldown time! Trinity! Do you have other skills that can deal with these things?"

Ethan said as to analyze the situation.

"Ahhh! One minute cool down! I'll use Tempest!"

"Alright! Everyone hold on! Don't inhale the pollen!"

Ethan immediately informed the group.


The windshield disappears.

The pollen immediately covers all of them.

Everyone holds their breath.


A large tornado of wind appears in front of them.

The pollens now follow the wind direction and rotate together with the wind.

Crack! Crack! Crack!


The sound of falling rocks can be heard everywhere.

The team can partially see now… the heavy pollen is still around and they still cannot make it out of the current situation.

But some light coming from the above floor came it.

"Freaking nuisance, how can we fight if we cannot see the enemy!?"

Winston shouted.


Glen uses his spear and rotates it.

The skill is meant to counter any long-range attack but this time, he uses the skill to blow pollen away.


A circular tunnel of wind was made in an instant and everyone's eyes widened immediately.

The target of Repel is towards the door to see the monster's location, however.


There was no one there.

Ethan shouted in response to his surprise.

The heavy pollen began to fill up the absent space created by repel and tempest. In addition, the tempest skill slowly died down.

However, there is no improvement!

The heavy pollen swallows everything including their space.

No light can be seen.


"Be careful! It's hard to move!"

Seth who is a ranger immediately notices the subtle difference.

No one responded.

"Trinity! Is your skill ready!"

"Glen! Use your Repel!"

"What!? Ethan! Winston!"


"Vibration! I can feel the vibration! Where is coming from!?"

"Everyone! Be careful!"

"The vibration is continuing… someone is fighting… where…."

Seth looks around with arrows ready, he turns around with vigilance.

He felt a little vibration near his feet like a ball bouncing on it.

Then he felt something hit his shoes.


Seth flew away immediately.


"Is that… argh!!..."

His legs were heavily damaged, it broken but luckily he wasn't amputated.

"A bomb did just explode."


Without knowing anything another bomb exploded beside him.


Another one.


And another one.

Seth is already bleeding and breathing heavily.

He picks up potions from his bag and pours them on his wounds.

"Is… this a joke… what the hell is happening?"

"I might be a Yellow Rank and rank lower than Ethen and Glen… but I should not be struggling like this… Is this a different monster? Or similar to those Violet Rank outside."

Seth started to believe that this monster was Violet Rank's monster.

Monsters are comparable to Dragons themselves.

"But that's not possible… I believe Commander Girthwell finished off one of those monsters… I heard he had a hard time finishing it off due to the thickness of the armor but in the end, he won… Is the report wrong? That can't be right?"

His wound heal but his stamina and mental damage are just piling up.

Seth was just standing up when.


Something tied him up.


He tried to resist, he tried to break free!

But the grip is so tight.


Then something penetrated his neck!


It feels like something punctured him.

He looked at the source and he saw a red hose and a large needle sticking on his neck.

Then Seth's vision slowly turned dark.

Thank you for reading.

Gunshot_Zoncreators' thoughts