

Theodore was always bullied ever since he was a young child - by his own family and friends - for being fat. The only person who loved and cared for him was his grandpa. His grandpa died when he was 8 years old. His parents never welcomed him into their home and young Theodore found himself having to look after himself. But that all changed when he transmigrated into another world filled with magical creatures which he thought only existed in fantasy stories and got a system. Join Theodore in his journey as he conquers women and the world. #No yuri #Incest Note that the MC will be lame at the beginning. He will not be OP right from the start. WARNING - There is incest in the novel so if you are not comfortable with that do not bother reading it. But technically it is not, because the main character has taken over Theodore Nightshade's body. But still, if you are not comfortable with it then please do not read it.

Frosty_Cupcakes · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 1-Prologue

It was dark outside with clouds covering the sky. A boy of massive weight at a height of 1,63 m was sitting in a classroom next to the window. He was in deep thought whilst peering through the window looking at the kids who were playing on the fields outside.

"It's a cruel world...ever since I was a kid I knew the truth.This place never welcomed me...Don't get me wrong,I was lucky enough to be born...and I still believe that there will be a moment when I can help someone... at least I hope so..."

As Theodore Fatmann was deliberating on his life, his bully Michael Toad came along with his group of friends to beat - erm convince Theodore to buy them lunch.

"Hey porker,go buy us lunch",said James.

Everyone looked at the group that just came in and where talking to themselves.

"Poor guy, how long will this go on?"

"Hey, be quiet or do you want to be picked on too",said someone shushing her friend.

"Look at him, he is so fat that he probably demolishes all the food in his house",shouted another student from the class.

"Hahaha", the group of students laughed as they broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Hey, I am talking to you", shouted James as he threw a punch at Theodore.The punch struck him square on the face and he fell to the ground and smashed his head onto the edge of the table.Theodore then looked up at his perpetrator with his bloodied face and spoke up."I don't have any money", Theodore said with a voice so low that almost no one heard him.

"What do you mean by 'I don't have money?' Look at yourself, you are so fat that you eat all the time. If you didn't have any money how would you feed your elephant sized body ", taunted Toby.

Just before they could argue further the bell rang to signal the end of the break.

"Look at what you have done! The break is over and we haven't eaten anything", screamed Michael as he readied himself to give Theodore the beating of a lifetime. Just before he could, the teacher arrived and called out to the students to take their seats and to take out their books.

"This is not over", Michael said as he gave Theodore a death glare before taking his seat.

The rest of the day continued unexpectedly well for Theodore, that is until he found himself being shoved head first into the toilet.

After Michael and his group gave Theodore a swirly and stole his leftover money,they left him there all alone.

As Theodore was sitting in the bathroom stall sobbing, one of his seniors at school came in and found Theodore sitting there all alone sulking with his head and some parts of his shirt wet.When he saw the blood flowing from his face, he ran over towards him and asked Theodore,"Hey are you okay."

Then Theodore tried to stand up but couldn't and fell on his behind."Hey easy now, please let me help you stand up."

"No, trust me I am used to it", said Theodore as he stood up and left the bathroom stall leaving his senior in a state of shock.

As Theodore walked back home,he found himself deliberating on his life again.

"I know there is some people who are not fond of the way I look... not just at school... my own parents too. My brother and sister are a year younger... maybe it's because they are beautiful, but they never treated me like I'm human. When I got into middle school, the bullying reached a new level. That was my existence... everyday. My grandpa was the one person in life who showed me any affection."

Just as he was lost in his thoughts, it started raining. He hurried to get himself out of the rain. He stood at the bus stop to shield himself from the rain, but before he could relax a group of delinquents came and started to loot everyone there.

When it became his turn to be looted, they found nothing on him. The delinquents were quite angry and started hitting him.

Just then the bus arrived and the delinquents boarded the bus and it drove along. The people who were there rushed towards him to provide their help.

People started calling out for help and a cab stopped. The driver then looked at Theodore who was lying on the the ground bloodied and told the people to put him in his car.

The driver drove his cab at a high speed to get to the hospital. After ten minutes of speeding, the cab arrived at the hospital. The doctors then took the bloodied Theodore to the operation theater and started operating on him...

After ten days, Theodore woke up and looked at his surroundings. He then saw the nurse enter his room and then knew where he was.

The nurse performed a check up on him and told him that there was nothing to worry about and that he was fine.

After two weeks he was discharged from the hospital, but unfortunately for him it was the last time that he would see the light of day as he was struck by lightning after he exited the hospital.

Hey guys, this is my first novel and I hope you guys will support me. Thank you!

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