
Conquering The Naruto World

A man is reincarnated into Naruto after his death watch his growth as he conquers the Naruto world.

BlackKingJade · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

Kuro woke up with a sweat in the middle of the night again, and it was the third time this month. Recently the dreams had been increasing in frequency as something was calling him, something was telling him to go deep and explore but when he did he was blocked by his nightmare.

Shaking his head, he noticed that he could sense something nearby. To Kuro It felt stiff and emotionless as if all personality was taken away from it which gave him an idea of what it might be.

But it scared him to think of that possibility, Kuro knew he wasn't a good actor so he might have had a good amount of slip-ups and this was an orphanage but thankfully for him he was lazy and thus didn't show anything outstanding except maybe his more mature mind.

Putting his worries behind him he went back to meditation if before he was doing it just go past the time and strengthen his mental defenses now he was doing it for a different reason something far more important to him.

Sleep, the ability to rest in blissful dreams of having a harem and kicking madara to death with one strike. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't yet control his dreams, so he was stuck to a few choices.

After thinking for a bit he decided to update his operating software on the computer in his mind and used that to rest until morning. As the sun happily showed off its bright light to Konoha Kuro was walking home with a few other orphan kids to the Academy, he had stopped walking with Naruto to avoid being spurned on to help him out and break cannon.

But with Naruto's current mind he definitely noticed, and despite that never said anything so Kuro rested a bit assuredly and ended up making friends with the few other kids and one of them lived in the same orphanage as him.

His name was Kai he was smaller for his age with brown hair, average face and amber eyes but he was also one of the few that didn't discriminate against him due to the color of his skin.

"I hate my teacher, he always picks on us orphans like we killed his mom or something! Jeez if I could I would hang him up naked on the street and give him a reason to have been so harsh!"Kuro's new friend spoke wildly as always, causing Kuro to shake his head in response.

"If you hadn't set up a stink bomb in class the other day it wouldn't be as bad, that same guy is still my teacher and despite not liking him and his shit teaching ability he has some good lessons from time to time."While saying this Kuro used his newfound ability to try and sense someone but found no one near by and took it as a good sign.

"Just you wait, you will rue the day you mess with the gigia master megamind that is me Kai!" Said the person in question crackling loudly if Kuro had anything to say was that he was unfit for doing anything much besides doing youtube videos since he was too mentaly unstable.

Kai had a plan in mind, one that would shock everyone in the academy; he just needed a bit of time to prepare it. His face smiled wildly as he thought of it but quickly wiped the smile off his face when he came to the academy entrance seeing a blond boy a year older than him looking lonely.

It was the demon, so he was surprised when Kuro casually walked up to him.

"Hey Naruto, sorry to keep you waiting, let's head off to class. I got some notes from the past few months and a test is coming up. We should study after class today."

"How about we train with our weapons instead? I'm sure that's more productive than memorizing that confusing stuff." Naruto replied with a smile laced with some confusion scratching his hair with his left hand.

Kai couldn't believe his eyes, obviously the demon was trying to lure his friend away to eat him and grabbed Kuro to pull him away." Why are you hanging out with that demon, you could get killed and eaten!" Kai said not so quietly, not caring if Naruto heard it or not.

Kuro stood still resting the pull, his eyes quickly darted around to see a small crowd nearby of incoming students, parents and facility.

'Dammit, Kai what the fuck did you do that for! Was it Danzo who planned this? Why is there a small crowd nearby!' Kuro roared in his mind angry at being put on the spot to answer this question.

So far he was trying to avoid this situation since he knew Kai with all his quirks was still like the rest of the village children and got his opinions from the people around him and the only reason he wasn't discriminating against Kuro was do to living in the same orphanage and knowing him nearly since birth.

So it was between the person who he treats as a friend, and the person who treated him as a genuine friend. But he managed to keep himself from showing it on his face, and Naruto, the target of this attack, had a sort of depressed look in his eyes as he "understood what was happening."

'I have to think of something and fast, instead of complicating things, simplify the problem and make the best plan. Between betraying the main character of the series who can decide your life and death in the future, or potentially breaking the plot and setting off a chain of events where it can- wait no.

Who's to say that plot can easily be broken!, who's to say I will definitely die because of simply showing kindness to someone like me!, someone who I looked up to in my depression!

Someone who was shunned and discriminated against in their past life! Why should I have to become a scumbag against my own will? If I were to be a scumbag, I WILL MAKE THAT CHOICE!

FUCK ANYTHING THAT WOULD GET IN MY WAY! I AM LIVING AND MAKING MY OWN CHOICE!' Kuro's eyes gained a bit of determination, with a hint of madness and before anyone could register what happened he broke free from his grip and slapped Kai.


"What makes him a demon, just because he had some weird marks on his face? What about me? My skin is the same as my name and yet you hang out with scum like me, I thought better of you." He said clearly to Kai holding nothing back before addressing Naruto.

"Sorry for the past few weeks Naruto, how about we go get ramen after class?" He asked, having made his first step.

Naruto smiled in response and they happily went to class together as friends, not paying attention to the superficial crowd around them. They were being judged for things they couldn't control anyways, and when would a lion pay attention to the rambles of the sheep.

Little did Kuro know that instead of getting hate he instead gained a flock of female fans that he would rather not bother him so in the time to come he was greatly annoyed.

As for kai?

He changed after a few weeks stalking Kuro,Shikamaru,Choji, and Naruto seeing them go out and eat all kinds of food with the money Kuro got from the managers of the Orphanage as a reward for making friends and eventually Kai and Naruto also became friends.

Kuro and his friend Kai arrived at a certain shop where you can buy books, and more importantly magazines, even more important the magazines the original Naruto used for research for his jutsu.

In return for getting Naruto's promise of a favor if he one day became Hokage, Kai and Kuro had a mission!

To steal the best looking magazines without getting caught and deliver them in a secret location, where Naruto will pick them up and then with the salary he got from the third Hokage for ramen pay for the mags.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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