

I open my eyes and find myself lying in bed as it appear to be morning.

"What happened…Was all that a dream" said Adrian

{No that wasn't Adrian} Suddenly said a monotone voice.

Startled Adrian jumped off of bed.

"Who are you?!?!" Adrian exclaimed

{I am your system, Adrian}

"So you are the system the Gods gave us, do you have a name?"

{We were not given a name, but if you so desire you can name I}

"Um, how about Oracle, like from Batman's Arkham Knight"

{Initializing Request....Request Accepted....Applying the name "Oracle"....Named applied and adopted}

{Hello, Adrian} said a soft yet smooth feminine voice

"...What happened to your voice" I asked, but wasn't complaining at the same time.

{Every name has meaning in every world, and in adopting the name of your choice I adopted the voice and characteristics of that said character}

"Wow, does that apply to every person or thing that I decide to name"

{It only applies to those that you have the capacity to influence and if you have the ability to support the intensity of the name in use, in my situation however it was like a one-time free pass}

"So kinda like how Rimuru named the monsters causing an evolution from That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime?"

{Based from your memories, and the information you provided about this Rimuru Tempest character, yes it is a similar process but instead of magicules, you use your own mana instead}

"Oh ok that's good.....WAIT did you just say from my memories, are you able to look through my memories, nah, nope, that's a complete invasion of privacy"

{I am sorry Adrain, I was programmed to be of best use to you and use the resources to understand to my availability, if you so desire, you can limit my actions to your preference}

"Can you at least not look through any of my personal information and memories unless I allow you to do so."

{Noted, are there any other questions would you like to ask}

"...Um, yeah something I just thought of now.." Adrian paused one more time before he decided to speak again "....are my sponsors or any Gods able to listen in on what I do at all times"


'Great did Oracle just pull an Alexa on me, but now a got a punch of noisy gods watching my every move'

Oracle started talking once again

{The only thing I can say is that they have the ability to only watch you, hear you and at times communicate with you, but if you want privacy, you will be given privacy for certain occasions like going to bathroom} [A/N: Hint, Hint]

".....'Sigh'....Alright then, I was dragged into this, I better get something out of this..... so now Oracle can you tell me more of what you can do"

{The options I have that you currently have access to are Status, Missions, Map, Events, and Shop}

"Alright, can you open my Status


Name: Adrian James


Class: None

Title: None

Lvl: 1

Strength: 5 (Average)

Agility: 5 (Average)

Defense: 5 (Average)

Intelligence: 5 (Average)

Mana: 100 (Average)

Luck: 100 (Very High: Normally it is 1 for everyone else and does not change unless special circumstances)

Charm: 100 (Very High: Normally it is 10 for the models of Earth and does not change unless special circumstances)

Equipment: [Soul-Seeking Knot]- Rarity Epic: Evolvable (Tier 1), The Biomnitrix- Rarity: Mythical (Tier:10)

Skills: [Steal]- Rarity Ultra-Rare: Evolvable (Tier 1)

[Plot Armor] (HIDDEN): Rarity: Supreme (Tier 10)

"Damn my Luck and Charm skills are actually that high… wait a sec, is there a mirror around here?"

As Adrian looks around he spots a mirror and looks right into it and the results surprise him.

What is shown is some who looks like Adrian except more flawless and can even be compared to Kane, the God of entertainment.

His skin was even clearer than before with no blemishes, a bit towards the pale side but still had that peach color. His features were more defined as he had a more empathized jawline, showing a small amount of cheekbone, along with his narrow defined eyes. His eye color became more deep blue as if you were looking into the blue sea and his hair, which was originally black, had now light brown and even blonde highlights.

His body which was in-shape before, as he lifted his shirt, he could see he had a well-defined six-pack.

"This is certainly….not bad at all."

"Another Question Oracle, I suppose only the God take gave me the Plot Armor skill can see I have the skill, but what about the Biomnitrix, can they see that I have it along with my other equipment"

{You are right how only the god who gave you that skill can see it, but other gods who are both around the same strength and pay attention to the distortion caused by the skill can realize you have it. With your other items and equipment, they do not know what you have in your inventory, but if you use it and they see you have it.}

'Alright that is good to know, I can at least use the Biomnitrix to gain the abilities without changing my appearance and it will appear as if it were a skill.'

{Adrian, I like to let you know that you have completed a Hidden Mission}

[Hidden Mission Complete: Name Your System]

- As being the first few individuals to decide to give your system more value that you even decide to give it a name. As a result, the system has gained the meaning behind that given name at no expense of the user. Continue on your journey with a new companion by your side-

Reward: 1 Gacha token, Early access to Gacha option

'Damn…that is definitely something extra but it is all good' Adrian thought

"Well, I know have two Gacha Tokens along with access to the Gacha, but I'll probably use it later once I have settled everything right now"

After going through everything I needed, I decided to explore the new space I was in.

It appears that I am in a small house with a bedroom, kitchen, living room and bathroom.

All the furniture was sufficient, nothing over the top and it all seemed just like a comfy home.

'Alright let's go outside then'

As I opened the front door, what I saw was just forest and trees all around my small home.

It was if I was living in the middle of the woods, isolated from everything else.

As I took a few more steps outward suddenly I heard a bell sound that was from my system

{Welcome to the games everyone, I hope you all got settled into your new environments}

What was heard from the system was not Oracle's voice but instead it was the voice of Kane.

{I see that a few of you already completed a few missions even some hidden ones, great great. I am sorry to tell you all this but this will be the last time you hear from me in a while, I know I am sorry please don't cry.(**cricket noise**) Well, with my final farewell for a while I will issue you all a challenge or a limited-time mission. Whoever reaches level 50 first in one month will receive a mystery prize…who knows what it might be?!?!}

Suddenly I heard Oracle's voice once more:

{Limited Mission Offered-

[Prove Yourself]

For his farewell, the god Kane has offered all challengers in the competition a chance to get a lead above the others. To prove yourself, distinct yourself from your opponents and show fast growth.

Time limit: 1 month

Reward: ???????

{To keep track of everyone's progress there will now be a leaderboard available to everyone, it will be available to everyone in the next 3 days. And alas this is farewell for now, may luck be with you and…let the show begin}

Sorry for the late upload had work and stuff to prep for college. I’ll start writing on my phone more to keep up now, so sorry in advance if there are any errors. Comment if you want me to add anything or if you find any errors. Thank you if you decide to support me and the series. Until next time.

Canadian_Llamacreators' thoughts
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