
Conquering the Elements

The adventures of a man who got from our world into the Avatar Universe. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I post fan fiction by agreement with the author! It is not recommended to read by a native speakers, be careful it's a big chance to awaken a last form of Sharingan. The whole fanfic is here https://tl.rulate.ru/book/52044

Cutiepie747 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

39.As always

How great it is to fly, I can no longer imagine my life without the opportunity to surf the air, contemplating the beauty of this extremely wonderful world. The mood was great, and it couldn't even be spoiled by Wang Shi Tong's assistant, who was not far behind me.


- Foxy spirit, tell your boss that I'll be in soon! – I shouted, after an hour of flight, unable to withstand the unblinking gaze of the spirit.


- In two months! – I started haggling, seeing no response from her. – Okay, okay, I'll be at the Library in a month!


Probably I shouldn't have ignored her for two years. I often saw her flash before my eyes on purpose, making thick hints. I would like to get there, but knowing myself, I will be stuck there for a long time, and I can't do that in any way – first Kaya and Shizuka will tear me to pieces, then Yui and Katara, and Arnuk and June will join for dessert.


 – You say Wang Shi Tong is sending me a letter? – it's not me who is schizophrenic, it's just that the fox communicates with me using spiritual telepathy. – Ok-a-a-y, then let's take a look, - I agreed doubtfully, sensing a trick somewhere.


After catching the scroll, I began to look with even more wariness at the fox baring its teeth at me.


- What are you waiting for? I've already got it... – I had no time to finish, as a higher-order energy began to envelop me, that disrupted the flow of my magic, which was why I could only helplessly wait for something definitely not quite good... – I knew it! Never trust sly foxes! – I had time to say one last thing to the laughing spirit, as I felt myself being squeezed.


What followed was an incomprehensible jumble of colors. The body seemed to be squeezed and stuffed into a narrow tube. My whole journey took place at some kind of near-light speeds, that is why I wanted to part with the contents of my stomach. All this did not stop me from cursing the spirit of knowledge and his cunning assistants.


- A-a-a-a, - in this place, the sound is so funny distorted, a little like when you talk into a running fan... Sometimes I don't understand how my associative chains work.…


- A-a-a-a, - now the voice turned out to be panicked, I just spat right at the ceiling of the Wang Shi Tong Library. There are still twenty meters to fly to the floor, the cabinets are long, which means that the ceilings are the same, and magic still does not obey well!


 – Wang Shi Tong, I'm sorry! I was already going to come to you myself! I cross my heart! – maybe falling from such a height won't kill me, but it won't be pleasant either.


 – You'll definitely lose your heart someday, – big owl caught me right before the collision. – You can save your verbiage for your women, you won't appease me with speeches. You have been traveling around the Shi Wong Desert for two years now, but you have never looked at the spirit waiting for you, who, one might say, gave you a second life, and this is your gratitude, Yu-k-i? – it seems that all this was said calmly, but the horror was compared to that dark ancient spirit I met.


- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just love reading books too much, learning something new - it's all so interesting. I'm afraid I would have lost myself under all the accumulated knowledge here, – I tried to justify myself under the gaze of the huge black eyes of the spirit of knowledge.


- Hm-m.…You're telling the truth, – Wang Shi Tong concluded, and stopped to be like a cobra ready to throw. – I'll be honest, I'm impressed by intelligent beings who value knowledge, but I like those who keep their promises even more! The nature of people is changeable and fickle, just recently a human male came to me, who assured me that he would not use the knowledge accumulated in my Library to harm. But in the end, he tried to burn all the information about the People of Fire and the Spirits of Tui and La! Creation is the meaning of knowledge, but not destruction! Now I will be careful to give permission to people to visit my monastery, – damn, well, Jao you did a good service, you managed to shit here too. _ Be careful, he burned all the records telling about the spirits of the Moon and the Ocean for a reason. They once helped your people conquer the magic of water, I hope you can protect them. I will not detain you for long, as soon as you leave all your knowledge here, you are free to go to all four sides.


- Somehow I did not expect such a sudden arrival, and I did not take what I had written with me, - I scratched my nose in embarrassment, trying not to look at the spirit.


- I don't see any obstacles, the main thing is that they are in your head, - with a flick of his wing, a fox suddenly appeared, ran up to him. And in his mouth was an ordinary scroll. – I created this scroll myself, you don't need ink to fill it, just your thoughts are enough, the text will manifest itself, – seriously?! Then why did I transfer so much paper to writing?!


- Very convenient, - I tried to give my voice less emotion, without showing how really "glad" I was.


- My assistant will take you to your last room, and as soon as you finish, I ask you not to leave right away, we will need to talk about one serious problem, - intrigued, ancient spirits have ancient problems, only I'm afraid I'm not in his league yet, but I can always just listen. – Little Wong sent his regards to you and can't wait to see you again, – really hope to see him soon.


 – Is he okay? – I asked while Wang Shi Tong was in the mood to chat.


 – What's going to happen to him? He's smart enough not to run into strong spirits.


- That's good, - if he hadn't been there with me, I don't think everything would have been so smooth. - And last, how did you manage to move me? Is it possible to learn this? Will you teach me? – my eyes lit up, even Wang Shi Tong was taken aback by my pressure and took one step back.


 – You won't be able to do that, – the spirit stated categorically, before I could get upset, he continued, – but maybe you can do something better, ancient spirits are a concept, and each of us has our own original abilities. Moreover, as I see it, my theory was correct, you already possess three elements... Who knows what surprises await you in the future, – he finished mysteriously, making it clear that he knows something for sure. – I won't say anything more. Time is knowledge! Start filling out the scroll already, – he said already in flight, moving further away from me.


 – Well, now it's just the two of us, heh-heh-heh, - I looked ominously at the fox, who sent me here. - Come here, let me stroke you, I will be gentle... Hey, wait! – I shouted after the vanished spirit. If I catch you 'round here again...




 – Oh, it turned out to be harder than I thought, – I muttered, putting down the completed scroll.


At first glance, everything was quite simple, think about what you want to write and everything will manifest itself, but the devil lies in the little things. Maybe there was still a good speed in the first hours, but over time, thoughts begin to jump, it becomes more and more difficult to focus on one thing. The mind asks for some changes, that is why I need to do some other activities.


But Wang Shi Tong was such a pain in the ass, he wouldn't let me out of the room. Everything was done so that I could finish as soon as possible. Toilet, bathroom, bed, I don't know how the ready-made food appears. I would rate the room two stars, but the service has failed, the administrator does not want to let me out in any way.


The return was great, most likely, the cunning spirit was striving for such a result, so that I myself wanted to finish everything as soon as possible. It turns out that I know a lot of things, but it's a pity that only superficially. For example, throw me into the Middle Ages, where I won't make a single discovery. Yes, I am the true child of the twenty-first century.


- Let me out! I'm done! – I shouted into space. – Dobby is finally free! – I ran out the door that opened, breathing in such a cool air of freedom, and even if it is a little musty and smells like earth…


 – I believed in you, Yuki. Even I couldn't fill in that many words in three days, – Wang Shi Tong appeared behind my back as usual, he's also mocking me, right? I would have pulled out his feathers, but I'm too generous, and it's definitely not because I'm afraid of him. I just know that in the future I will become stronger, then we will talk like a spirit with a half-spirit.


- Okay, you've had your fun, - here you're the only one who laughed at me, at least not out loud. – What do you know about Harmonic Convergence? – the spirit asked, nodding his head, inviting me to follow him.


- So, this is a battle between the forces of light and darkness, that is, Rava and Vatu. The event takes place every ten thousand years, when a parade of planets is lined up, and the portals of spirits at the North and South Poles connect. The winner rules the world for the next ten thousand years. The last battle was won by the spirit of light, thanks to the help of the first avatar of Wan, – I don't like this question very much, it smacks like global problems…


 – That's right, then you should understand what it is, – he pointed to the wall, which showed a star system on which artfully carved painted planets were visible, and under them there was a waning time: seventy-seven years and nine months... something familiar.


It turns out that the countdown will end in the one hundred and seventy-first year after the genocide of the air nomads... Wait a minute! This can't be happening!


- Will there be a new harmonic convergence in seventy-nine years? – I turned my shocked gaze to Wang Shi Tong.


- That's right, a fateful clash awaits us very soon, should we wait for a new world order? – now I don't understand – When I was just a baby bird, I wanted to know everything about this world, and my greatest interest was Rava and Vatu, those who have always been here. And now, after thousands of years of research, I can confidently say that the spirit of darkness has a much better chance of winning! – good Owl, don't scare me like that, I want to live carefree for at least three hundred more years.


- Good always triumphs over evil! – I said naively, but immediately deflated, the gaze of the spirit of knowledge became too heavy. - Ahem, what evidence is there? – I asked already being focused.


- Seventy percent of all spirits are dark, what has never happened in my memory – this suggests that the spirit of darkness is only getting stronger. Right now, he is still being held back by the barrier created by Wan, but as soon as he disappears, Vatu will be able to immediately regain all his power. Rava has lived for all ten thousand years in the souls of people who, even if they were Avatars, cannot pass a large flow of energy through their soul. That is why the spirit of light has not regained its strength. She feeds the avatar herself with her energy, part of her strength goes to control Vatu's jail, and the other part goes to maintaining the light spirits... we can say that all the energy goes into action. The reserve of forces is always at the same value, if not decreasing at all.


I want to go to the canon world! Why are there such difficulties?!


- You wouldn't start a conversation if you didn't have a solution, – I said as soon as I calmed down, seeing that Wang Shi Tong was not thinking of being nervous.


- Their very essence consists in endless confrontation. They just need to be returned to their familiar environment, and so that they do not interfere with ordinary people and spirits with their fights, we can try to detain them in a barrier, like that which separates the world of people and the world of spirits. The most important thing is to arrange everything so that the barrier does not let them pass outside, but freely gives access to their excess energy to maintain balance, – he explained his plan, everything sounds great, of course, but there are too many nuances.


- And where will we get so much energy?


- Of course, from other spirits and conquerors. You need to become the absolute law in the human world, so that at the right time you can mobilize all the magicians of the four elements, regardless of their talents. In our business, every bit of energy will be important. While you are creating a barrier, we, the spirits, will stand up to protect you from the dark ones who have gone berserk, they will definitely not allow us to finish... the barrier will weaken them too much, – this bird has dumped so many problems on me, I always knew that Higher Forces don't just throw people into the worlds. There is always some kind of planetary scale problem, everything is according to the standard.


- And how will Vatu's victory affect the human world? – what happens to the light ones, I remember. They will change their orientation, in other words, after a while there will only be dark spirits.


- The world of people and the world of spirits are halves of one whole, so over time its energy will permeate the entire human world and will gradually bring your dark part to light: rigidity, cunning, selfishness, and all this will be multiplied tenfold, anarchy - that's what will happen. Hmm, I'm not even sure who will be more terrible in the end, dark spirits driven by constant hunger or people who, for the sake of their ambitions, put thousands of innocent people's lives on the altar…


The problem is too big, so there's no way to get off here.


 – Or maybe we can do this? – I ran my hand over my neck.


 – Ha-ha-ha! – Wang Shi Tong burst out laughing, I wish I hadn't seen it, his head tilted exactly ninety degrees back, it looks like a horror scene. – The last time I laughed like that was three thousand years ago, uh, - he wiped his tears with his wing, when suddenly he was about ten centimeters away from me. - Even if we had the strength to kill him, I definitely wouldn't let you do it. You would have ruined us all with your actions. I will explain on my fingers, our world is them, in each of us there is a piece of light and darkness, creation and destruction, harmony and chaos... By killing one of them, we will simply commit a grand suicide although... you will remain alive with us, your neutral source filters all the passing energy, but will it be good for you to live in an empty world?


 – Well, it wouldn't be very good, – I admitted, carefully taking a step back from the spirit, Tong is too close, we don't have such a relationship, keep your distance.


- I've given you food for thought, as soon as you think it over, come to me, we'll discuss the details, and now it's time for you. This is for you for my two years of waiting, – he said, touching me with his claw. At first I didn't understand what this was about, but suddenly I felt a familiar feeling of squeezing.


- Wang Shi Tong! – I had time to shout indignantly, as I was squeezed and sent down the pipe.