
Conquering the Elements

The adventures of a man who got from our world into the Avatar Universe. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– I post fan fiction by agreement with the author! It is not recommended to read by a native speakers, be careful it's a big chance to awaken a last form of Sharingan. The whole fanfic is here https://tl.rulate.ru/book/52044

Cutiepie747 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs


Despite her still childish naivety, Driya absorbed new knowledge very quickly. Due to the fact that she had jumped the middle rank, her knowledge was scant, but she knew, or rather, felt when spirits were evil, when they were good. At the level of intuition, she avoided dangerous places, whereas it is at the middle rank that spirits gradually begin to ask questions about their surroundings, here you can also see a clean white sheet that has yet to be filled with paints.

 Just being next to such a positive generator, it's hard not to succumb to the same mood – it was exactly what I need after the battles. And it would be doubly painful to find out if something happens to her. In order to reduce the chances of a tragic outcome, I decided to tell everything I know about the Spirit Kingdom and its inhabitants, and strictly ask not to meddle with "very evil and strong spirits."

 Especially for her, at first I had to simplify some words and expressions, but as she communicated with me, she began to use more complex words in her speech. After all, there is a certain knowledge base in it, which seems to be inscribed in the spirit itself, and now Driya is "unzipping" these packages. Or maybe it's the influence of the energy of the Spirit Tree? Who knows, the main thing is good that there is such a thing.

It was interesting to see what kind of abilities she has. Seeing no secret in this, she openly demonstrated her newfound powers. As soon as she briefly closed her eyes, the grass and trees began to move around us, as if nature itself had responded to her call. In the next moment, the roots of trees grew out of the ground, which began to wriggle and fawn towards Dria herself, it seemed that they were very happy to be near her. The grass that was calm began to grow rapidly, it stopped growing only when it became waist-high.

 Running my hand over the grass, I was amazed at its strength. Such a one can calmly stop the enemy's advance, causing some damage in addition, but all her techniques will be effective only in a suitable environment, or not… I looked with some apprehension at the place where the green slime had just hit, released from a bright and colorful flower that grew out of her hand right before my eyes.

 She's a walking weapon herself! Driya can be called the spirit of nature, and her body is a full-fledged ecosystem, which by itself can produce what it needs. And now, unable to reach her back with her hand, she easily extended her arm, which now looked more like a vine.

 It seems that I shouldn't worry so much, if she could survive being a lower spirit, she will definitely be able to live some more time before becoming a full-fledged higher one. But I think, just in case, it's worth taking her to a safer place with a heightened background of nature, and then I can look at the dark spirits of water for one round.

 It was not difficult to find such a place, it was more difficult to part with Driya herself, who did not want to be alone in any way.

 – But why can't you stay with me? Do you want me to talk less? It's because of that, isn't it? – clinging to me like a koala, she tearfully asked.

 It doesn't seem to be my fault in this situation, but I feel like the last bastard who leaves a child alone in an adult alien world.

 - No, you're doing a great job, - I said with a sigh, while stroking her head, - I just can't stay here too long, but I don't need tears, - wiping her tears, I continued. - It feels like you'll never see me again. Look at it all, on the other hand, what were the chances of us meeting again? But such a meeting happened, so don't hang your nose, – I finished with a small click on her cute nose.

 – Then why can't I come with you? – Driya asked, already calming down a little.

 – Uh, you're still too weak for that, – it wouldn't be bad if I said it that way, would it? - I live in the human world, and as you know, only very strong spirits can get there, - it seems that now she will definitely accept the situation, but I also told her about the barrier.

 - I get it, - too joyful acceptance of the situation, I thought she would be saddened, - I just need to become strong enough to go with you! Well, hold on the next time we meet, you won't leave me! – out of an overabundance of emotion, she even started pointing at me with her finger.

 Of course, I didn't expect this effect, but her idea looks even better. It won't be too long before she becomes a higher spirit, and she can go to the solstice with me, the main thing is to find her this next time. Although I think fate will bring us together again...

 - That's the attitude! – I exclaimed with a smile. – Then get stronger quickly! And don't forget to avoid dangerous places, also try to find the baboon spirit Wong, he can help you.

 - You've already said this a million times, I've already understood everything, - said Driya, - I'm still not some kind of child, it seems I'm already a hundred and twenty years old? - well, you shouldn't tell her that this age among the spirits is akin to a human child who is still in the nursery.

 - Well, that's it, I'm off, - spreading my arms to the sides, I said with an awkward smile, I never liked to say goodbye.

 – You should be careful too, – she said, already being in my arms, – I remember you even better now, – Driya said after sighing several times near my neck, like a dog…

 After a couple more warm words, breaking off the hug, I went on. According to my calculations, there were about four hours left until the end of the winter solstice.

 This place is striking in its impermanence. Every time I left the lava river, I memorized all the water sources that I came across. There was a small lake right where I'm standing now, which was going to become a swamp soon, but now I see a whole mountain range here...

 Rising to a height, and squinting, I was able to recognize the beginning of the ocean beyond these mountains. That's where the water spirits I need should be, well, then I'll have to fly around these mountains.

 Carefully flying around the mountain peaks, I thought about testing my strength in a battle with a higher spirit. Thanks to a whole arsenal of different techniques, I should be able to hold out for a draw, but that's not for sure. I think the risk is worth it, the residual energy of the higher spirit should allow my source to make a good leap. Besides, I can always escape from an unwanted battle, the platform from the water has shown itself to be on the good side in terms of speed.

 At that moment, when I was flying over another mountain, a sense of danger howled, without hesitating for a second, I flew a long distance from the mountain, which began to shake.

 Pressure fell on my shoulders, which even caused the platform from the water to gradually collapse. The reason for all this was a big stone giant, which had previously merged with the whole mountain, its size was not inferior to a five-story house.

 It's called, remember the devil, how he's already here! Of course, I assumed that Wong was hiding some of his true power well, but it's only now that I've realized the real difference between an average and a higher spirit, and I don't really like it...

 Until the platform was completely destabilized, I decided to go down. Moreover, all the water that I have will be useful to me here.

 –A-a-a-a-a!,– the giant roared loudly. Having finally freed himself from the mountain, he ran straight at me. His speed was not impressive, but with his steps alone, which shake the earth, he significantly reduces my speed. It's uncomfortable, I feel like I've been put on weights with a lot of kilograms.

"I say I wanted to test my strength?" – sometimes I got overreacted, I won't do it anymore, just take this thing away from here! Okay, put aside the panic, it's not even known yet who will be the winner.

 Concentrating on the water, I created a giant water drill in the shortest possible time, which I launched right into the center of his body. Staring at how the technique, crashing into the body of the spirit, cuts it in two, and immediately after that it splits into elemental energy.

 At least I expected such a good outcome, but a higher spirit is a higher spirit. As soon as the drill bit managed to leave his body, the incision left by the technique began to overgrow with a speed visible to the eye.

 "Okay, the first pancake is lumpy, but I'm pretty sure that you have some kind of weakness," – I thought.

 But now I don't have to worry about the water, with his roar, he dumped tons of snow on the ground, which had previously rested quietly on the tops of the mountains.

 Continuing to retreat, I did not stop sending more and more techniques at him, but the stone giant, without even trying to defend himself, went ahead. It seems to me that as long as he is standing on the ground at all, he has an unlimited supply of his element. The ground under his feet moves up his body all the time, it turns out he can regenerate indefinitely, but I don't havesuch a stock.

 Abruptly walking away from his fist, I thanked the universe once again for making these creatures so slow. I shouldn't have mentioned his slow speed... It became much harder to run away from him, because he literally began to slide on the ground. With his movement, he is now not inferior to my speed.

 Such dancing can go on for a long time, there is no point in continuing this fight, I have already figured everything out for myself. First, in an environment favorable to the supreme spirit, his energy reserve is almost inexhaustible. Secondly, the quality of the higher spirit is many times higher than that of the average, there is too much power.

 - Great, - I didn't even whisper, but hissed. This bastard has started budding! In all seriousness, new spirits of middle and lower rank are falling from his body to the ground.

 Oh, they know something about combat tactics, too. The new spirits did not seek to attack, they only bypassed me, closing me in the center of the circle. They don't even give me time to move into the human world, what means I need to create such a pause by myself!

 I need to run away. Having created a film of water, I ran with all my might in the opposite direction to the spirits. So now the main thing is concentration.

 - Bomb number three, I choose you! - hehe, what kind of nonsense come to mind in the middle of a fierce fight...

 Having created my most powerful water magic technique at the moment, I immediately sent it to the spirits running towards me.

 Covering my ears with my hands, I curled up on the ground, knowing exactly what would follow this move.

 From the power of the explosion, my whole body was thrown a whole meter into the air. There was an incomprehensible noise in my ears. Vietnamese flashbacks came back to my memory, which should not be there in any way... I had the same situation when I was going through some old videogame about the Vietnam War, soldier Anderson, was shocked by a shell explosion that occurred right next to him.

 After recovering a little, I took control of the nearest water, and made myself a kind of cold shower, which quickly brought me to my senses.

 Cautiously peeking out from behind a more or less whole tree, I began to look out for my detractors. Only a huge crater was visible at the impact site. Everything seems to be clear, did I really kill everyone with that attack?!

 - Well, did you freaks get it?! – I shouted, still recovering from the heat of battle. The echo had not yet had time to reverberate from the mountains surrounding me, as I heard a rummaging in the ground near the place of attack, - How is that?!

 A small version of that giant has surfaced on the surface of the earth. Just now, the spirit had a metallic sheen all over its body. It's probably his main body, something like a core... Next time, I need to find him right away and hit that place.

 Looking directly at me, he began to gather himself into a "transformer" again. Stones began to burst out of the ground, which, under the influence of his energies, were connected to his metal body.

 So, I bought some time while he's gaining weight, it's worth getting out of here. Everything was great, I'll come visit you again sometime. This time, the panic served me well, it was much easier to concentrate on the transition.

 Forty seconds later, I was about to fall into the barrier space, as on one intuition, I created ice claws on my hand.... which cut through the middle spirit of the stone. Such an unexpected gift has already been launched at me by a whole and healthy giant.

 Everything would be fine, but... the energy of this spirit began to soak into me!

 Immediately saturating my body with all the energies that I have, I ran straight at the barrier. It seems that seeing such obscenity, the barrier let me through much faster.

 Already being in the human world, I assumed the most comfortable position for myself, and began to wait for the process of digesting the energy of the earth. I can definitely switch off now.

 - "The surprise is good, the situation is so–so, but it was fun" - was the last thought before sending my mind to rest.