

This is the story of how a young abandoned boy Conquered the entire World. Roman grew up in a little village named Chisai.It was full of Demi humans.For a fact, Nobody in that Village knows how a human looks like.As a result, The village elder took Roman as a Demi-Human and raised him from the very beganing.Many of the villagers made fun of Roman Calling him a "Defect" but Roman Didn't pay them any heed as his Parents and Sister loved him as he is! One day,Those Called "Higher beings" attacked Chisai and annihilated everything including Roman's Parents.Luckily, Roman and his Demi-Human sister survived.Loosing everything, Life became very hellish.Insults and Lust for Ryu were everywhere.Upon failing to bear those embarrassing feelings, Roman swore to his name, "I will Conquer this disgusting World and Rule it as a Single Monarch". The journey to Conquer this Fantasy World where Magic,Skill and Monsters exist begins now!! Stay With Roman to enjoy a thrilling Victory.

AbsoluteRule · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


The whole cave was shaking nonstop.

"What the hell! What's happening?.Did I trigger something?"

I looked at the Place where I punched and saw a red Colored button that I hadn't noticed before.That button was pressed by me unintentionally and as a result a big bright magic circle was triggered.It was covering the entire Cave. In some mere moments, The magic circle slowly faded away.It left a last hint on the cave walls.


It was a last Visual that appeared on the wall.After that the cave stopped shaking and it was very calm and quite.I instantly gave a sigh of relief.

"What a relief,I thought something bad was about to happen.looks like the lady luck is still on our side"

BUT! in the next moment the ceiling of the cave opened wide splitting itself in two parts. And the ground below us split into two parts as well. Luckily the part where we were sitting didn't fall apart.I was taken a back by that.

And then I peeked below and saw a spacious big room underground.There was a light magic spell attached to the ground.Maybe it was a sealing magic?

"Why is there a sealing magic out here? By the looks of it,It Doesn't seem like a very strong one."

And all of a sudden a loud yet frightening roar came out from the Underground facility.The sealing magic that was like a protection symbol disappeared.Ryu instantly woke up after hearing the roar. And hugged me out of fear.

In the next moment a explosion was about to Occur in front of us but I hurriedly increased the intensity of Gravity around the underground.As a result the underground exploded! Ryu grabbed me more tightly.Well it was expected as She Didn't mature enough.She will have a drastic change when she turns 16 within the next couple of months.Come to think of it, I was the only exception in Chisai.Everyone acts like little kids until they turn 16.But I was more mature in my earlier ages.

Ryu looked at the broken facility and was taken a back...She trembled while saying;

"L-Loook! Over there!!"

Her voice didn't seem normal.It was shaking a bit. I tilt my head and looked over the place where Ryu was pointing.But I couldn't notice anything.It was a bit smokey over there.

"Don't worry, Nothing's over there.I guess I just destroyed everything haha"

I was stroking my head and making a wierd face.

"Look closely! Something is definitely over there and It's dangerous."

"Ehh? I can't see anything because of the smoke"

Ryu's eyesight was definitely better than mine.But still It's a naive way of thinking that something might be there.I definitely destroyed everything in that Underground facility.Even if there were some living Orgasm,There was no way they could survive the explosion.


Proving my delusion a false statement, A big snakelike magical beast appeared in front of us.There wasn't a single scratch on it.It seemed as if the explosion never occured.I Couldn't feel It's presence but still an Armature like me can easily tell at a glance that It's a dangerous being . It was 5 to 6 meters long and 2 to 3 meters wide with a Scary but Graceful appearance.Just by looking at it, Someone can tell that It was full of Pride.

There were two other snake monster beside her.They were as big as her. They were acting like some kind of elite gaurds.It was as if, The bigger snake was their King/Queen.Many other Normal sized snake monsters could be seen too.The Scenario was messed up, It was as if we were Preys and they were the hunters.

Ryu was shivering as she held me much harder.I wasn't in a good mental condition either but I had to stay strong.


I covered Ryu's mouth instantly before she could mutter a single word afterwards.And then I whispered

"Shhhh...Don't make any kind of noices.Let's just observe It's move"

"Ryu nodded"

I was afraid. What if it cursed us if we muttered a single word?

We were friezed on the spot.The Prideful snake glanced at us once and ignored us as if we never existed.

It went outside the Cave's radius.Two of those elite gaurds also followed her back.But the normal sized snake monsters didn't move a single inch.

Even so, I let out a small sigh.Then I looked around and Noticed a lots of different types of Monsters.Goblins,Werewolf,Troll,

Mindless Ogre entirely surrounded us.

More specifically, They Surrounded the Prideful snake.Her gaurds Were About to make a move but she exchanged a death glare with them. Those snake gaurds bowed to her afterwards and came back to the Cave's radius.

I couldn't understand the intention of doing such a thing.So,I was a bit puzzled.

In the next moment, The Prideful snake's eyes turned dark red and it instantly used venomous fang on a troll.Every last one of the Trolls died in that mere moment even though she just bite a single troll.

She breathed Icecle ray on the Ogre's and the Ogres freezed on the spot.

She mercilessly slaughtered the Goblins and after that spread Venomous poison in the area, Werewolves and other living orgasm who inhaled the poison died on the spot.

Noticing that, Ryu grabbed me even harder.I could sense her fear.Who wouldn't get a trauma after seeing such a thing? The Scenario was terrifying.It's as if she was warning us not to try anything funny.

Either way, I was afraid that the poison might affect us too but my worries were dumbfounded. The cave's radius was Covered with a protective barrier.Not even the poison can reach the cave's radius.even if the poison managed to enter, It would be purified.

Maybe the Prideful snake created the Protective barrier herself.And that's why the gaurds returned here.They knew how dangerous their Queen get!

In the next moment, The Prideful snake blew up everything along with herself with a big explosion.

I was dumbfounded by her acts.I thought It's the end for her and she was stupid as hell.

("Haha what do you know? She is a mindless Monster afterall!)

But Oddly enough, My happiness faded in the next moment..

She was unharmed.Not even a scratch could be seen.

Ironically, The ground itself didn't seem any different from earlier .Only the Corpses of monsters disappeared in the thin air.

I muttered, "What a great control of magic".


After that, The prideful snake monster moved and slowly approached us.

I tried to hide Ryu behind me but after exchanging a glance with the magical beast I was unable to move a single muscle of my body.

I was thinking, "Did it use some kind of magic or was it Because of fear?" Either way I couldn't move.

("Oh! Shoot! Did it get angry Because I Suppressed the explosion and destroyed the facilty? It Isn't our fault though! I just ensured My and Ryu's safety!")

She stood right in front of me and let out a weird groan.

My very existence was shaking out of fear.

She locked her eyes with mine!

A minute ago,Her eyes were frightening but now it looked sooo pretty that my inner self was jumping out of happiness.

Again, Those happiness didn't last long.My head was hurting as hell as if I would die.and there was some loud and wierd noices echoing in my head.

Report; The Catastrophe Monster, Magical snake Queen is examining your Soul.

REPORT; The Catastrophe Monster,Megical Snake Queen is examining your physique...

Report; The Catastrophe Monster,Magical Snake Queen is trying to imitate you....


failure.. failure...failure...FAILUREEEE



I grabbed my head with my both hands and let out a crazy scream.


A sweet,moisture and warm Voice said...

"You are not the one"

And Oddly enough, My headache and pain instantly faded away.

After that the Prideful Snake moved to Ryu's side.

She locked her eyes with Ryu's.


Ryu broke through the Skill!!!! The Prideful Snake looked astonished.

In the next moment, I noticed that the Guard's Of the Prideful Queen attacked Ryu at the same time.

I yelled "GRAVITY" and gritted my teeth. That successfully slowed down one of the Gaurds.

"Fire Balll"

I used fire ball with my other hand on the other Gaurd who almost reached Ryu. The Gaurd fell faraway from the impact but it didn't cause a good damage.The Gaurd didn't get a single Scratch.

After that I looked at Ryu and Ryu looked at me...

Her eyes were gleaming with determination So I nodded. I understood that she was going to do something crazy but this is not the time nor the place to stop her.

She Chanted, "Flareeeee" while both of her hands were above her head.

A large amount of fire. Two or three times bigger than herself emerged out of nowhere.

She brilliantly striked down the Flare upon the snake monsters including the Prideful Queen.

Ryu looked very exusted.

"Loooks like she used all of her Mana"

So I grabbed Ryu and lift her on my back.

"Listen up!! Don't inhale the air outside this barrier...Hold your breath for a minute" i thought what if the venomous poison was still there?

Ryu nodded in agreement.

Then I started to run while holding my breath,carrying the exhausted Ryu.it wasn't hard to run as I used Gravity. So I ran faster

with ease.

The gaurds took a litle damage while The Queen didn't feel anything. Maybe She had "Fire resistance?". Who knows?

The Gaurd tried to chase us but The Queen exchanged a death glare with the Gaurds.

The Gaurds bowed and went to a formation.

The Queen looked at the bright full Moon and was Dancing in a formation.

I looked at the Queen. It looked like She was dancing.She was looking sooo Graceful that it seemed like She was having a conversation with the mother nature herself.The Queen exchanged a glance with me while Dancing. Her gaze somewhat looked heavenly.

As time passed by, I totally lost them. I let out a sigh of relief. Looking back, I was able

to escape because of the Queen's Marcy.if she wanted us dead then She could have massacred us in a mere second.

I sat beside a big tree.

I didn't heard a single noise from Ryu! While running. so, I looked behind and saw that She was still holding her breath.

" Heyy...Heyyy!! Exhalee...Exhalee...Breath you idiot!!!"

Ryu took a deep breath.

"Huh! I thought I was dying"

"I told you to hold it for a minute! Fool"

"Hehe" ugh

Ryu Collapsed!

"Wh-What happen to you? Don't joke around at a time like this!!"

Ryu didn't respond but She was burning hot. I Checked her throughly and it looked like a symptom of Mana exhaustion.

I panicked.

"What should I do now? I am not a Healer you know"

"DAMN IT!! I am useless."

It wasn't a life threatening situation but I couldn't come to that conclusion.I was worried sick.

So I lift Ryu again and started to run.I was using Gravity again.Maybe I was over using it but it didn't matter to me.

After sometime I spotted a light from my right direction. Therefore, With a lots of hope, I ran toward that direction.

The closer I got the more noises I heard! A young girl's Voice and an Old man's voice echoed throughout the forest.

"Kyaah..Help...Help us!!"

"Stay out from my Daughter you dirty Monsters"

The Old Man was swinging a Sword randomly. Many dead bodies could be spotted on the ground.two or three Demi Human's dead body along with some Goblin's and Werewolf's corpses.

Some Goblins and Werewolves were still alive and was attacking them.

I looked around and saw a carriage.

"Looks like they are mercenaries"

"Alright!! I will help them"


I crushed some Goblns on the ground!

"Fire ball!..Fire ball!..... Fire ballll!! "

I burned some werewolves.

I walked within my abilities radius.

"Gravity lift"

I lifted some Goblins and werewolves out in the air and threw them into the deep forest.

" Fireeeeeeee Balllllllll"

I burned the remaining monsters! Using a biggg fireball!

Then I went near them.

"H-Help my Sister"

And collapsed as I too used up all of my Mana and remaining Strength .