
Connecting worlds, the age of magical revolution is here!

A young man was living his life, when suddenly he was brought to another world because he absorb a wandering celestial body, now armed with magic and world crossing ability, he have one goal, to revolutionize the world with magic! this fanfiction include worlds such as saving 80.000 gold for my retirement Fate stay Night

FemboyMaker · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

True magic

"You have five seconds to answer my questions before I blow your brains out!" Rin threatened, putting her other hand in front of his head with an open palm.

A cluster of blue lines formed on her arms, indicating that she was ready to use her magic to potentially end him in seconds.

'What is happening?!' Tatsuya found himself confused. Tohsaka knows magic? Is that even magic? How can she run that fast then? Questions like those filled his mind as he grappled with the unexpected turn of events.

"Three seconds!" She pressed her arm again trying to put more pressure on him

"Wait wait wait! I AM Tatsuya! What the hell are you talking about Tohsaka?!"

"Not what i want to hear!" *Boom!*

Tohsaka unleashed her magic, creating an explosion that blew everything in front of her, sending smoke billowing everywhere.

The resistance in her arms suddenly vanished, as if the person in front of her had just faded into existence.

Tatsuya appeared behind her, his heart pounding so fast that he thought he might die from the shock of the unexpected attack

"Are you nuts?! If I hadn't moved out of there, you might've killed me!" Tatsuya screamed, yelling at her for the unjustified attack out of nowhere.

"So you really are an impostor!" She threw her arms back, sending another one of her magics right at his body.

He quickly blocked it with his mana barrier, creating another smoke screen around his body.

"What do you mean I am an impostor?!" An arm slashed through the smoke, revealing an angry yet confused Tatsuya.

"The real Tatsuya would've died from those attacks!"

"So you expect me to die?!"

"I expected you to talk! Now die!" She sent another flurry of magical projectiles his way.

'Damn it!' Tatsuya swiftly formulated a plan to disarm her without causing harm, his mind working fast in the midst of the chaotic situation.

He disappeared again, allowing the magical projectiles to pass through him, colliding with the walls and explode

Rin looked around, trying to find where he had gone, and suddenly felt arms wrapping around her body from behind.

"Unhand me!" She flailed around, attempting to break free from the boy's clutches by kicking and punching him.

"I will when you stop attacking me for no reason!" Tatsuya hugged her body tightly, ensuring he didn't hurt her but preventing her from launching any more attacks.

With the Tohsaka in his arms, he 'accidently' get a good feel of the girl's body,

The plump and softness of her body are now all on his arms, the sweet scent of her hair and the smoothness of her clothes makes him forget about the previous attempt of her assasinations,

Realizing she couldn't break free from his grasp, she resigned to her fate, a visible frown etched on her face as she continued to growl in frustration

"Fine! Just put me down, and we'll talk," she begrudgingly conceded, her voice still carrying a simmering anger in an attempt to maintain a semblance of control.

"Okay, i am gonna let you down, but if you attack me again then we are gonna have our conversations in this position" Tatsuya said, squeezing her one last time to show her that he can keep doing this all day


"Fine!" She growled, her face showing a subtle tint of blush as she felt the warmth of his body.

He let her down and she turn back to lack at him, her face still tried to look intimidati g but with that red blush on her cheeks, she looks like an angry puppy

'Adorable' Tatsuya intrusive thought said

"So? Are you gonna talk or what?" Rin crossed her arms over her chest, adopting a bossy attitude as she demanded an explanation for Tatsuya's newfound abilities.

"This is gonna take a while, why don't we find some place that we can talk privately on?" He suggested, she agreed and decide to do their conversations on her house,

Or mansion


"You live in a mountain?" Tatsuya said, observing the giant abandoned-looking mansion filled with vines and other signs of neglect.

"Yeah, making it easier for me to do experiments without getting caught" she responded as she open the gate to her mansions

"What about sleepover? How are you gonna tell your friends that you live in an obviously witch filled mansion"

"Just don't do a sleepover, and technically this Mansion are filled with a witch"

"You mean you?"


The both of them walk inside of the mansion, she lead him to her living room that have so many decoration that make it looks like it's a mansion from 18th centuries

"I didn't know you like vintage items" Tatsuya said as he look around the decorations

"As if you know a lot about me" she replied with a little sarcasm on her voice

"I know you are trying your best to get the first rank in class, but you are unable to do it because of me" he replied with a shit eating grins to which she retaliate with throwing another magical explosive bullets at his face

"You know those doesn't work right?" Tatsuya replied as he just shrugged off her attacks

'turns out it's not that dangerous, more like a smoke bomb than anything'

"So" she sit down on her couch, crossing her legs and arms as she wait for his explanations

Tatsuya sit infront of her as he then get ready for her sudden interview,

Or interogations if you want to see it that way

"Who are you? What have you done to the real Tatsuya?" Rin started her interrogations, getting straight to the point.

"I am the real Tatsuya, no matter how many times you try to deny it; it is the truth.

Also, since when do we get to the first-name basis? You always call me 'Hoshin-san' whenever we meet, as rare as it is," Tatsuya said, attempting to mimic her voice when she called him on those rare occasions.

"Bullshit. Nobody can multiply their magic circuits in a week like that. Tatsuya doesn't even have a magic circuit. Tatsuya is not a magus. So, how can you claim to be Tatsuya while being a magus?" She asked with clear doubt in her voice.

"What's a magus?" Tatsuya asked, genuinely not knowing anything about the term.

"Hah! Nice try, but I know you know what a magus is. You are one, after all. So why don't you stop the joker act and tell me the truth!" Rin slammed her hand on the table between them, her eyes still locked onto him.

"You are in my house b*tch, my teritory, my workshop, you might be stronger than me outside of here, but in here i can end you within seconds" she leaned forward, whispering those words to try to intimidate Tatsuya even further

"You think you can just enter my territory, kidnap one of my citizens without notice, and get no repercussions?" Rin questioned, her tone stern and accusatory.

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about, but I am Tatsuya. I got my magic through a very weird series of events that even I don't understand.

So, are you going to let me explain myself, or are you just going to keep accusing me of something I don't even know?" Tatsuya, not intimidated by her, challenged her and leaned forward, meeting her gaze.

They glared at each other for a while, sparks seemingly flying from their eyes as neither of them showed any intention of backing down. The tension in the air grew thicker with each passing moment.

"Fine," Rin backed down, returning to her seat with her arms crossed.

"Now, try to explain yourself, 'Tatsuya.' How did you suddenly gain magical abilities out of nowhere?" she said, her tone laced with sarcasm as if challenging him to justify the impossibility of his situation.

"Alright, so I know this will sound crazy, but just hear me out."

A few minutes of explaining later (Read ch1).

"So that's what happens," he finished explaining his circumstances.

"Bwahahahahhahahaaaaa!" But Rin laughed herself out instead.

"You—You don't think I will believe that, do you? Oh my god, that was hilarious. A celestial body just so happened to collide with your body and then separate itself from your body by cutting itself, instead of, i don't know, running away?!

And your body absorbs those left-behind parts, with no repercussions whatsoever, and then you get True magic because of it?

Why don't you just tell me that Jesus himself is the one giving you magic?" She said between her laughs, finding the absurdity too much to take seriously.

Tatsuya just looked at her laughing her ass off with dead eyes, anticipating this reaction.

"Alright then, 'Tatsuya,' why don't you show me this 'world-crossing' thing you have?" She challenged him to demonstrate his 'True magic.'

"Alright," and he did just that.

Suddenly, they were both teleported into a forest-like place. The walls were replaced with trees, and the couch they were sitting on vanished. While Tatsuya was prepared for the disappearance of the couch, Rin was not, causing her to fall onto her butt on the grass.

"Nice try, this is just illusions, isn't it?" Rin said while caressing her butt from the fall.

She stood up and walked toward one of the trees.

"This is not real, isn't it? My walls are still there. You just make it look like it's real," she said, still doubting his world-crossing ability.

"Test it yourself then, see if you can find any walls around here," Tatsuya simply said, leaning against one of the trees with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

She turned around with a hmpf and began to walk carefully in one direction. Slowly, she moved, attempting to encounter any furniture or the walls of her own house.

But it was futile. She was not inside her house; this was not her house. She kept walking and walking. After several minutes of walking in one direction, she had yet to encounter any resistance from walls or furniture.

"Just so you know, you look really stupid with your arms spread around like that," Tatsuya couldn't help but comment on her awkward posture.

She walked slowly, arms outstretched, as if trying to navigate in the dark by feeling for objects around her.

"Shut up!" She turned her head back to scold the leaning boy, her face blushing madly

'Tch, how big is my house anyway?' Rin still clung to the belief that she was inside her own house, despite the evidence pointing to the contrary.

30 minutes later

"HOW?!" We can see Rin running around the forest, desperately trying to find anything that could suggest this is all an illusion.

"I told you, some alien cat thing gave this to me," Tatsuya said nonchalantly, completely disregarding his extraordinary ability.

"No! No, I refuse to believe this!" Rin suddenly fell to the ground in frustration, slamming her hand into the ground.

"Why are you so stubbor—"

"BECAUSE! TATSUYA!" Before Tatsuya could ask his questions, Rin had rushed back to the front of him, gripping his collar with her hands.

She gritted her teeth, her face red with frustration as she gripped his collar, as if trying to rip it away in her anger.

"Do you have any idea what we magi have gone through to try to achieve this?!" She shook his body in frustration, as if feeling that centuries of effort had gone to waste.

"What are yo-"

"For hundreds of years! Magi all around the world have been trying, searching, and experimenting for anything that can give us even a glimpse of this power!

Countless sacrifices, countless atrocities have we tolerated just so we can achieve this true magic!" Rin exclaimed, the weight of history and struggle evident in her words.

"To which has all led us to the Holy Grail, the most powerful magical device that can lead us to Akasha, giving us the ability to use true magic,

to which my father! died fighting for!" Rin's voice cracked, the pain and emotion behind her words revealing the personal cost of the pursuit of true magic, tears started to pool up in her eyes,

"And now you!" She pointed accusingly at Tatsuya, frustration and anger still burning in her eyes,

"You! Have 'accidentally' acquired a TRUE MAGIC because you are WALKING HOME?!

ARE YOU FUCKING! KIDDING ME?!" In her frustration, she threw Tatsuya against the tree he was originally leaning on.

She gritted her teeth, her face looking down as her hair covered it. Tears started to fall from her eyes, a small, anguished sob escaping her lips.

In that moment, it seemed as if an entire generation of bloodshed, sacrifice, and relentless pursuit of power had all crumbled into a bitter void of futility.

"What have we all been fighting for?" She asked herself, her voice cracking as she sobbed through her frustration and the crushing weight of a life seemingly wasted.

"What has my father been fighting for?" She said, her voice catching as she remembered her father's sacrifices.

Tatsuya looked at the girl, crying for the wasted life of magi in their pursuit of true magic.

He didn't know what to do; he felt like he had stolen what should have been their reward for all their troubles, for all their sacrifices up to this point, he had stole it all,

Looking at the girl crying in front of him broke his heart; he felt like an asshole who had stolen someone's hard-earned reward for himself.

Left with nothing else to do, there was only one thing that came to his mind.

"I am sorry."

With nothing else to offer, he could only apologize.

"Don't—" Rin tried to speak, but her sobbing stopped her from uttering any more words.

"Don't apologize; it's not your fault. It's just... We are tired, okay? We are desperate—so desperate to get anything that can lead us to true magic.

And now, suddenly, you show up and you get true magic without doing anything.

It's just... frustrating, okay?" Rin said as she collected herself from her sobbing self, trying to compose herself to look dignified again.

"I know, and for that, I am sorry." He apologized once again. He couldn't even fathom the depth of what the magi had gone through just to get what he had.

A world-crossing ability, defying any sense whatsoever; a body that could regenerate from literally any wound; an abundant amount of mana that made him look like a baby dragon from an outside perspective; and a body strong enough to fight tanks all on his own.

And what did he need to sacrifice for that? Nothing.

He was just in the right place at the right time. He wasn't the chosen one; nobody chose him. Fate just worked and gifted him to be the strongest in the world.

Compared to all the things the magi had gone through just to get a glimpse of his power, all of those efforts seemed to be in vain.

"If... This would make you feel better, I am still experimenting on what I can do, and how I do it. I am a complete newbie on these magical things, so if you want,

Maybe I can learn from you in magecraft? And in return, any information I gain about my abilities and how they work will be shared with you. I will tell you everything about my abilities and how they work, and you can also try to experiment on me about what I can do,

Without any dissections or things like that, of course.

How about that?" Rin looked up, seeing the face of her friend, rival, the one she had set to be her goal.

Her first year at high school was not what she expected. She had always dominated the academic ranking in the school.

But last year, she had been dropped to rank 2 because someone apparently scored a perfect 500/500 score.

Of course, she checked who it was, and she found out that the one who did it is a lazy genius.

Someone who doesn't work for anything; every time he is in class, he is just sleeping without caring about what the teacher said.

He is good with sports when he actually plays, but most of the time, he is not playing. He is lazing around without doing anything and only moves when someone asks him to move.

It's as if he is a robot that can only work when someone tells him to, but when he does work, he does it perfectly without a flaw.

It's... frustrating to see someone achieving so much without doing anything while someone like her, who has been working so hard for a long time, can't even catch up to his pure genius.

And now he gets true magic by accident? What the heck?

She wanted to refuse his offer, his pity offer for her futile pursuit of true magics, and tell him that she can do it on her own through her own effort.

But... What kind of magi would reject such an offer?

"Fine," Rin said, standing up and wiping away her tears.

"Tomorrow morning, I expect you to be at my house by 10. We will uncover all of your True magics and make history for all the future magi to come.

We will be the first recorded magi that wield True magic." With a newfound determination, Rin's eyes glowed with an intensity that mirrored the centuries-long struggle of magi.

The weight of their shared history and the promise of unlocking true magic fueled her resolve. She was ready to embark on a journey that might redefine the very essence of magecraft,

proving that their tireless pursuit had not been in vain.

~~~~~~~~~ To be continued ~~~~~~~~~

HOW ABOUT THAT?! WOOOOO! Even i felt chills when i write this heartfull confrontations

Anyway, how about it? Do you think adding Fate to the list will be a good idea?

Let me know on the comment,

See you later!