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Helohhhhhhhh · Anime e quadrinhos
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21 Chs

Sun Jin Woo vs Goku

Sun Jin Woo was a young man living in a small village in the heart of Asia. He was a strong and determined individual who had a passion for martial arts. He had trained in various styles of martial arts since he was a young boy and had become quite proficient in them.

One day, Sun Jin Woo heard about a tournament that was being held in a nearby city. He decided to enter the tournament, hoping to prove his skills and earn some money. Little did he know that this tournament would be the start of his journey to greatness.

When Sun Jin Woo arrived at the tournament he was met with a surprise. Standing in the middle of the arena was none other than Goku, the legendary martial artist from the Dragon Ball series. Sun Jin Woo had heard of Goku's reputation, but never expected to meet him in person.

Goku welcomed Sun Jin Woo to the tournament and told him that he was the one who had organized it. He then explained that the tournament was a way to test the strength and skill of the participants. He also warned Sun Jin Woo that if he won the tournament, he would be challenged to a fight to the death with him.

Sun Jin Woo was scared, but he knew that he had to accept the challenge. He had trained too hard and too long to back down now. He entered the tournament and fought his way through the competition. In the end, he emerged victorious and was declared the winner.

Goku congratulated Sun Jin Woo and told him that it was time for their fight. Sun Jin Woo was nervous, but he had trained his whole life for this moment and he was ready. The fight began and Sun Jin Woo put up a valiant effort, but in the end, he was no match for the power of Goku.

Goku eventually defeated Sun Jin Woo and was about to deliver the finishing blow when something unexpected happened. Sun Jin Woo's body began to glow with a brilliant light and he suddenly found himself imbued with incredible strength and power. He was now able to fight on equal footing with Goku.

The two martial artists battled for hours, trading blows and exchanging techniques. Sun Jin Woo eventually emerged victorious and defeated Goku.

The crowd cheered as Sun Jin Woo emerged from the arena, victorious. He had proven himself to be a master of martial arts and had defeated the legendary Goku. From that day on, Sun Jin Woo was known as the greatest martial artist