
Confused In a New World

Hi, I’m Joshua well I guess not anymore, do any of you know what the hell is going on? I’m still not sure myself, all I know is I’m really confused. Starting from the God who sent me here saying something about his program malfunctioning, to now not being human, nothing makes sense anymore. I guess I’ll figure it out somehow, maybe if I learn more I won’t be confused anymore? Who knows, definitely not me! Wish me luck!

XantosZ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Boobs? Tail? Cat Ears? I’m Confused!

'That was a really weird transition. You would have thought that it would have been faster though,' I think to myself as I wake up, on my side in a forest after a few minutes of darkness. I'm not sure why, but I fell like something changed in those minutes. Standing up I know something is wrong, first of my point of view is way lower than it used to be. As I stretch I yawn out loud and freeze. 'That sounded way too damn feminine.'

Along this line of thought, to scared look I place my hand over my crotch. Nothing, no bulge in my clothes like I'm used to. To shocked to process what's going on, I fall on my butt. Except, when my butt hits the ground a shock of pain lances through my back, starting from beyond my tail bone?

I reach out behind me, while my other hand goes to my head. The first thing I find is a tail covered in golden fur, as well as my small dainty hand holding it. Then I feel the ears on top of my head. Then as a last confirmation, I look at my chest. 'B+?' I'm not sure how the metrics go, but I think so. 'I. Have. Boobs...' after all these revelations my mind just goes blank. My mind is going through to much right now.

After a few minutes I finally get my bearings. Sighing I run my hands through my hair and ears. 'Nope never mind, ears are super sensitive,' I think as a shiver goes through my body. Well I guess I should try and find somewhere safe, maybe a cave or an abandoned hollow tree if I'm super lucky. Finding a relatively straight stick I start sharpening it against a tree. After a while I finally make it a somewhat acceptable makeshift weapon.

"I wonder if I can learn some spear throwing skill if I consciously try to throw a spear better and better," I mutter to myself. Getting into a stance I throw my spear in a direction without trees. Throwing the spear aiming at a spot not far away, I miss terribly. Thinking about what I might have done wrong I think I know what it is. After many try's of trial and error, I finally have some spot on accuracy.

-Spear Throwing lv 1 skill gained.

"It worked, it really worked," I said, talking out loud to get used to my new voice. "Wait, maybe if there are skills there's a system in this world too? Status."

Name: Erin

Race: Cat-kin

Level: 1

Blessings: Luck

Special Skills: Knowledge Assimilation

Strength: 20

Dexterity: 60

Agility: 40

Vitality: 20

Wisdom: 30

Intelligence: 30


Analyze Lv. Max

Auto-Translate Lv. Max

Spear Throwing Lv. 1

"So, if an average adult has 10 per stat at level 1, like some web novels and such I've read, then I'm off to a great start," I say to myself. "Oh god, why is my voice so high, I almost sounds like an anime character. Thankfully it's only almost, so I'm fine."

Muttering to myself like a crazy person, I didn't notice the rock jutting out of the ground, till it made friends with my foot. Not reacting fast enough I land chest first on a really big root, knocking the wind out of me. "@&$!?&?, my boobs!" Letting out a string of curses that would make a sailor flinch, pain continues to come at me. After a few deep breaths I feel fine though.

Looking at the rock that I tripped on I realize that it has a really sharp edge. "Maybe if it isn't too deep I can use it to sharpen my spear, and make more!" I start to dig around the rock and it was actually just lodged a little below the surface. Using the rock I make some finishing touches on my spear, making it just actually sharp. After finding a few more straight branches, I make those into spears as well. Satisfied with my makeshift spears I hold them in my left hand.

Now that I finish making the spears I really want to test how hard I can throw a spear. Reeling back my arm it shoots forward like a catapult. The spear sped through the air and twenty feet before it hit its make an unsuspecting bird accidentally flew through its path. So forty feet high pierced through on a tree, my spear and lunch was. Thinking along this line my stomach grumbles.

Thank you for reading my book, I hope you have enjoyed it. If you haven’t already, go look at my main book, Lightning and Ice Reaper, as well as my short story the fourth era.

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