
The Frisks

A few hours earlier . . . 

"Still not stable." 

Friskay tried to open her eyes, but the whole world was static. 

"No, no, no, Frisk KINDNESS, keep those closed! We're trying to hold onto you." 

"Huh?" Friskay saw monsters in front of her, and then a flash back to her ship's crew. "Oh shit." She was caught in some kind of error. "What's going on?" 

"You are currently existing within two different places," the technician in front of her said. "When you were pulled, you were also pulled into a secondary instant teleportation system of a second ship." 

Fuck. "I'm going to die?" Not caring about the technician's warning, she looked beside her. Farrisk and Friskarino were both caught as well. They looked unconscious. 

"Not if you don't mess around," the technician warned her. "Quit opening your eyes. Do you want to be ripped apart to exist into different pieces? We are trying to keep you together." 

"Turn off communications and let us go to the other ship ya stooge!" 

"The other ship is a Balancer ship." 

Ooh. Ooh. Friskay gritted her teeth. "Chance of success of snagging all of us?" 

"Stop talking. We will retrieve you if you shut up. The others have too hard of a signal to retrieve. We might be able to get one after we save you." 

"The more signals, the worse the chances. Let me go. I will scream if I die, it should echo. If I don't, then let them go too." 

"Are you nuts?" 

"No, I am KINDNESS you asshole. Nothing will happen to my team if I can help it. Do it!" 

"Fine. Letting go. I hope for your sake they don't eat you alive." 


Friskay waited a few minutes. When she didn't feel herself being eaten she opened her eyes. 

Humans. Oh thank goodness, a unity ship! She looked beside her and saw her Frisk men. "Damn, I'm good." She made her first movement and smacked them each on the back of the head. "Wake up, Guys. We survived." 

"Ouch!" Friskarino grabbed the back of his head. "Oh? We survived?" 

Farrisk was rubbing his head on the other side of Friskay. "Where are we?" 

"A union Balancer ship. So, make with the nice." Her job was done. 

After the guys schmoozed as much as possible for the interruption, they managed to get a few Multi-Player 20's. The next step was simple, head back to their ship. 

But, they were humans, and they had a natural curiosity. Especially since the MP20 should have been at least ten years away in development. Besides, humans were in the room. A couple minutes. What was the harm? 

"Look at the side storage. I bet we could have a couple thousand songs on there, not like twenty." 

"That's nothing. Look at the social media on it. Damn, I remember there were five. Just, five that were compatible. There's like twenty now." 

"First page," a human on the unity ship said. "There's over a thousand now." 

"A thousand?" Farrisk breezed through them. "Whoah. Whoah! How the heck? How did that happen in just a . . . a few months. Right? Maybe a year at most?" 

"Longer." Farrisk did not look at the guys happily. "Enter your mission codes." 


"We've been fucked." 


"Come on, let go of me!" Friskay yelled as the last two Frisks held her back. 

"Just relax. Don't go nuts," Friskarino warned her. "Trust me, Sans is not going to hurt her." 

"Yeah. Probably," Farrisk added as he looked at his MP20. 

As the conduit FRISK, they were prohibited from having any kind of outside technology down there. Now that the mission was over, they should have only wanted to bring their last two surviving team members back. Call it good. Frisky as leader should have accepted her punishment. They should have waited until her punishment was over and then work on their next mission. Learning whatever new names they would be graced with. 

Should have meant nothing now, and they would never return to their ship. 

They moved back to the Underground and . . . and waited. Waited to figure out what the next move should be. They watched the battle with PERSEVERANCE and then watched Frisky and Frisk interact with Undyne, watching their fate of becoming prisoners for Sans and Papyrus. 

Friskay couldn't take it anymore. "We need to get her. She's going to be killed," Friskay said, trying to fight the guys back. "Come on, Farrisk. You know as well as I do what he'll do!" 

"I don't know for sure about anything. This is beyond anything I ever thought possible. There is no BRAVERY within it," Farrisk said as he continued to hold her back. "I doubt he'd ever hurt Frisk or Frisky. Sans not like that." 

"Having like a hundred burgers with a guy doesn't mean you know him." Friskay stopped struggling. "Once shit goes down, what'll happen? He's gonna be pissed. If it were me, I know exactly what I'd do. My first stop would be to a flower and then all hell would break loose." 

"I don't . . . I . . ." Farrisk looked at his twin brother. Him, his brother, and Frisk were the ones who knew Sans. None of the others really cared for the Skeleton or his jokes that much, and Frisky felt too ashamed to meet him again. "Frisky's going to be fine. Frisk is definitely going to be fine from Sans." 

Friskarino kicked some of the snow. "Why would anyone create this kind of hell? Why can't they just let the Monsters know the truth? This is abuse. I thought this stuff was passed us. I thought we as humans were done with this. Learned from this." 

"I know." Farrisk let go of Friskay. "You okay now? Listen, Sans would never hurt her." 

"She should be with us! Not over there." Friskay kicked the snow at Friskarino. "We all know what's going to happen when he finds out. How can you stand up for him?" 

"Nothing is his fault," Friskarino reminded her. "None of it." 

"What he will do, will be. I guarantee, we'll all be trying to flee the Underground together. We should grab them, and take them back up." 

"No, we should wait!" Friskarino shouted back. "Friskay, stop. Seriously. You're trying to blame him for something he hasn't even done yet." 

"But he will. Both of you know it. Big old lovable punnable Sans is going to wipe out the human race when he finds out." Friskay looked away from their hiding spot. "Even you can't deny it. It's just a matter of time." 

"Well, um, maybe . . ." Friskarino sighed. "Peace offering?" 

"Balancers maybe . . . they could maybe bring one back? I don't know. I mean, it's been a long time." Farrisk ticked off his fingers. "The last one went in a sour way too." He pulled out his MP10. "W.D. Gaster. Yeah, that guy. Traces of him can still be found in the Underground. I don't see how that's possible. According to this, humans weren't responsible for him." 

Friskay chuckled sarcastically. "Not responsible? Okay, circumstances will let us get away with that one. It was his own fault, but seriously? Without human involvement, he never would have done it." 

"Okay. Let's just focus, alright? We're PACIFISTS," Farrisk said confidently. "We don't kill. We stop and wait to understand the situation for what it is. Going in and grabbing them at this junction is too risky. We don't even know what Judgment Hall did. We don't really know if the Balancers can take care of whatever happened." He bit his lip and looked out in the distance. "We can't even guarantee his safety. That little six year old kid, they'll know that the world would be better off without him." 

"It's not fair." Friskay sat on the ground. "Are you saying we can't do anything? We should just let everything get wiped out? Because that's what is going to happen. Once Sans the Skeleton finds out, Judgment Hall won't be a hall. It'll be the whole entire human race." 

"You really needed to meet him more than once," Friskarino said as he sat down beside her. "You've seen him in Judgment Hall, just like everyone else, but that was because he thought his entire Underground world was ending. He thought he actually lost everyone. Lost his brother. Lost his friends. Heck, even when Frisky pulled power away from the GENOCIDER in runs, he just let it go. Even if he knew we killed his brother, he just let us go. Don't forget that." 

"Friskarino's right. There's no guarantee Sans would be like you. I mean, he's not a monster, he's a Monster. He's shown in the past it takes a lot before he does anything." Farrisk placed his hand on her shoulder. "Of all the Monsters we ran into down here, he was one we never had to fight for anything. Never deceived us about anything. For any reason. Not until we hurt him that much. Frisky and Frisk are going to be fine." 

"Fine. Fine! I suppose what happened is pretty big," Friskay finally conceded. "Frisk himself might be in danger, and we don't really know which Balancers to trust yet." She groaned. 

"Right. We'll research. We'll find the greatest source of allies that we can. Not all monsters are created equal," Farrisk reminded her. "So, cheer up." 

"I don't know." Friskarino shook his head. "I just don't know. I mean . . . maybe we can just leave them alone?" 

"That is not an option!" Friskay scoffed. "Just leave them alone? Just leave them here to rot away, thinking there's no way out? That's cruel!" 

"That's kind of an idea," Farrisk agreed to his brother. "All they need is one more go. There's some nasty stuff coming. One more communication with our turned ship and Frisky with FRISK. One more go, and it's over. Karma is going to bite back because there's no way Sans would ever do what was asked of him. Then Frisky and Frisk we'll be back and everything would be great." 

"Humanity lives. Sans lives. Frisky and Frisk come back and everyone gets what they wanted." Friskarino just looked away. "Seriously? Don't you guys have souls? Oh wait, you do. So why not use them?" He stood back up. "It's not right." 

"The punny idiot gets to live his life with no more resets and with his stupid brother," Friskay said disgusted. "Life moves on. That's all he ever wanted." 

"It's not right." Friskarino turned and walked away. "It's not right." 


Sans and Papyrus' House:

Great, just great. Sometimes being the good guy just didn't go well. Frisky looked at the shackle on her foot. 

"Well, that was an interesting battle," Papyrus said as he fixed the last shackle on Frisk. "Um. Don't know how that happened, but, well. At least you're safe." He turned and walked away. "Sans! Watch them. I need to find a safe place for the keys." 

"Yeah, okay." 

That voice. A calming, good voice from a friend . . . as well as the one who continually butchered me over and over. That tone never changes. Geeeettttttt dunked oooon! She heard it all over in her head. She got Frisk back, but she was now his prisoner. Just be careful, don't anger him. 

Sans slowly approached. Frisky didn't see his face, just his black shorts and part of his blue coat from her hoodie. "Well, I guess I have a captive audience. You okay, kiddo?" 

Frisk waved his hand on the side. "A little. For awhile, I couldn't talk well. I also couldn't walk well, Sans. I expected that. I feel more like myself, except for that drop. It hurt!" He rubbed his knees. "I think it's skinned." 

"Skeletons don't need bandages. Good to see your back to normal though. We'll find something later," Sans said to Frisk. "How about you, are you okay? You kind of cut it close." 

Oh great, he's talking to me. Frisky just shrugged. 

Sans bony hand grabbed her shoulder, making her jump slightly in surprise. He took his bony hand off her shoulder. "I know. You need a burger." 

What? He didn't just seriously say that. 

"Your hit points low. Hang on." 


Papyrus's voice. Frisky just kept her eyes ahead, knowing that the less she looked around, the better when prisoner. 

"Yeah, bro?" 

"Sans! What are you doing with those burgers?" 


"But, they are supposed to be prisoners!" 

"Prisoners need to eat." 

"Oh! Oh, that's right. Undyne said we had to take care of them like we would a pet." Papyrus came over and looked directly at Frisky, tilting his head slightly into her view of vision. "Look at how low you are, human. You're about as tall as Sans now. Are you really a grown human?" 

"Yep. Good thing she won the fight. She wouldn't be able to stand up to the competition much longer." 

"Sans!" Papyrus scolded him again. He raised a hand toward his forehead. "This is no time for jokes! Do you have any idea how close I was to . . . oh, oh, nevermind." He coughed and looked at Frisky. "Uh. Do you need anything else, human?" 

Sans bony hand came back into her vision again. This time, with a burger. "Here, split this with the kid." 

Frisky took the burger and held it. It looked good. Like the best thing ever. It probably tasted like forgiveness. Oh? That, that word just popped out of her head. That couldn't be it though. She saved Papyrus, but she still didn't leave that battle with no casualties. And, he still had no idea who she had been. Forgiveness. That's a laugh. Didn't he hear my name by now? Why hasn't he killed me yet? 

"Oh, that annoying dog is back." 

"Oh, a white dog," Frisk said as he tried to move from his mom, going as far as he could on the shackle. "Good dog." 

"Sans, the prisoner is playing with the dog!" 

"Well, at least it isn't a hot dog." 

"Aaah! No, no! It's almost as big as you!" 

Frisky continued to eat as she watched Frisk play with the dog like a normal six year old again. Although he was about the size of a two year old now. Sans didn't seem to mind, and Papyrus eventually didn't care. 

 "Sans!" Papyrus moved directly to his side. "I almost forgot. What are we going to do for sleeping?" 

"I hear beds work well." 

"Sans, I'm serious. How are we going to watch them all night?" Papyrus seemed deep in thought. "Well, perhaps . . . uhh . . .we could take shifts?" 

"We don't have to watch them. We just have to be in the same room." 

"Oh, but we only have two beds." 

"And a couch." 

"Ooh!" Papyrus tapped his foot some more. "This is a horrible idea. All of this." 

"Come on, bro. It's a short term solution. We'll measure out more options tomorrow." 

Frisky still didn't move too much, but she was reminded how tight the hoodie was around her mid-section now. Her body had grown worse from her original dimensions, not better. 

"Uh." Payprus scratched his skull. "Well, I suppose it's the right thing considering the . . . circumstances." He looked over toward Frisky. "Okay. We'll arrange something." He looked toward Frisk. "Why does he keep rubbing his knees, Sans?" 

"He's just a kiddo and Undyne basically dropped him. Come on, Papyrus." 

"Mm? But the other human never got physically hurt. How bad could it be?" Papyrus moved over toward Frisk who was still playing with the dog. "I suppose you would treat a pet if it's injured." 

"I vet you do." 

"Oh, I will see what I can find. You're in charge, Sans. Move the couch upstairs and we can take turns guarding them at night." 


"I will be back! With Bandages and a book on pets! Nyeh heh heh heh!" Papyrus headed out the door. 

And . . . that's when things changed.

Author's Note: Quick little note, since the Frisks are going to say something that can't be helped. 

Monster= Classic Monster. Monsters that were sealed in the Underground. They always get the big M. 

Balancer and/or monster= Interchangeable wording. Addresses today's modern monster. They get a little m.  

Last of all, FRISK is a team name used for that particular mission. Since everyone is authorized to use Frisk, they are all pronounced Frisk. When they personally address each other out of battle situations though, they each have their own personal 'twist' that makes them recognizable no matter what their team name is. And it's easier than remembering their identification numbers too. 

Serena_Walkencreators' thoughts