Marashi, a retired Chunin from Kakashi's generation, was a business owner until a soul from Earth took over his body and gained the [Computer Cafe System]. He doesn't have too much time until Orochimaru invades the village, so what will he do? Play games, of course! From selling hours on the computer and snacks, he could upgrade his shop and his stats! How will the Shinobi World react to modern games and full-immersive VR versions of them? "...This is just plagiarism." "Yeah, I guess."
Looking at his Status, he saw that he had exactly 25,000 CC Points and felt that he should spend it on something.
Firstly, he needed more PCs as he only had ten and eventually, if he were to have a full house, he'd be making 5,000 Ryo per hour and that's certainly not bad, but what about upgrades that could go up to 75,000, 100,000, and perhaps a million and more points.
So having more chairs open will be key, he also felt that now was the time to upgrade one of his stats.
Vitality will be a good one to invest in as he would have more endurance to keep his energy up and his fatigue low. That will be crucial in running the shop so he won't feel beat at the end of the day.
Chakra Pool: D+
Chakra Control: C
[VIT: C- ==> C 1,000 Points. Confirm?]
He bought it and felt a wave of relief and energy.
[VIT: C ==> C+ 1,500 Points. Confirm?]
Once again, he felt revitalized as if he had woken up from a good nap.
[VIT: C+ ==> B- 3,000 Points. Confirm?]
With the vitality of a Jonin, he felt that he could run full tilt for hours with minimal fatigue. For running a store, it was certainly overkill, but now he wouldn't worry about being tired at all.
[Due to Physical Energy increasing, Chakra Pool has been upgraded to C-]
Ah, Marashi thought that made sense as Chakra was made up of physical and spiritual energies. Since vitality was related to the body, it would make sense that his chakra reserves increased. It probably took a few upgrades since he didn't really have a way to increase his spiritual energies outside of traditional training. Reading books would help, and perhaps even playing games in the shop that relied on strategy. He may not get Gamer Benefits, but this would still count for training normally since his mind would be in VR, or playing the PC version would still stimulate his brain. Naturally, training physical energy in either mode wouldn't work for him.
Perhaps that was why Gamer Benefits didn't apply to him? He was unsure.
Now that he was down to 19,500 points, he would save the rest, and once his store was empty he'd buy more PCs. The next upgrade costs 10,000 for 5 more PCs.
His only stat at Jonin was vitality, so did that make him a Special Jonin or Tokubetsu Jonin? They typically have only one skill at the Jonin level, thus the rank.
Ain't that something? Probably not though. Vitality alone doesn't really mean anything. If he were to apply it to Taijutsu, then maybe he'd outlast them. But his strength and speed are too low. Well, that stinks.
He still has a long way to go, but that doesn't deter him.
Marashi's gaze turned to Team 7. With Naruto grinding out spellements, the others began their wizarding journey.
[Sasuke Uchiha]
He didn't know how to feel about the old man. Was he based on the Third Hokage? The beard was cooler.
The Book of Secrets was just some kiddy quiz that would be given to toddlers.
He was a shinobi, why was this the method to determine his school? (Bro you're 12. You're the target demographic.)
Storm was the school he got, but he noticed the same option and saw the different descriptions.
He chose Fire. The Uchiha clan were Fire Release users, so why wouldn't he choose it? It felt natural, but a part of him felt a special calling to Storm, but he ignored it.
[Sakura Haruno]
She thought the headmaster gave off a similar feel to the Third Hokage and was directed to the book.
The test was more like a personality quiz, except for the part where she tried figuring out what was the most powerful force of nature.
Life was what she got, and after reading the description, she felt excited.
Sasuke would most definitely have a strong school, so wouldn't that mean she could just heal him?
She chose it without hesitation.
[Kakashi Hatake]
The beard was quite grand and impressive.
He went through the test with a bored demeanor and mostly chose teamwork-related answers that he thought fit him best.
Death was his school. His mind instantly flashed to dark places and bad memories, so he wanted a different school.
Looking at the options, he didn't really feel anything spoke to him. Storm jumped at him in the beginning, but he wanted something different, as it reminded him of Lightning Release.
He chose Balance, a blend of the 6 schools, finding harmony and equality in all things, taking elements of each school.
As the famous Copy-Ninja, how could he not choose this one?
Marashi felt that Sakura and Sasuke's choices made sense.
The Uchiha hadn't known of his affinity to Lightning and hadn't learned the Chidori yet.
There is a common misconception in the fandom that you could have multiple affinities, and fanfiction does not help this stereotype. You are born with an affinity to one element unless you have a Nature Transformation Kekkei Genkai or Bloodline Limit. For example, Haku had Ice Release which is a combination of Wind and Water Release, so he'd have two affinities.
It's unknown whether Sasuke's true affinity is Fire or Lightning, but his thoughts gravitated more toward Lightning considering how much he uses it, but another theory is that he has two affinities. How is this possible? Indra's Chakra could potentially give him a Lightning Release affinity, while he was born with a Fire Release affinity as well.
Who knows, it's just headcanon.
Don't even get him started on the dreadful secondary affinities or tertiary affinities, those ideas are just awful. If that were true, then it wouldn't be impressive to use two different elemental releases, as Kakashi stated that Jonin typically only knows two.
It's why Hiruzen Sarutobi's complete mastery of all five nature releases, barring Kekkei Genkai Nature Transformations, of course, was considered very impressive and incredible.
Enough with fan theories, Kakashi's choice was one that was truly bizarre to him until he thought about what Balance was.
For the 1,000 jutsu copier, it made some sense, especially given his ideology on teamwork and cooperation. It was a pure utility school. There are some hard-hitting spells, but that wasn't the focus.
They all went through the tutorial and met the big bad of the arc.
Because the player base was so small, there was only one realm, so they found each other and added one another to their friends list.
A lineup of Fire, Life, and Balance was quite nice. Of course, in these lower-level areas, team composition doesn't really matter yet, but it was nice to get used to it early.
After going through Unicorn Way, Olde Town, and Triton Avenue, they felt more pulled into the world of magic and how it affects the populace.
Apparently, the undead using Storm magic was truly strange and Malistare had a hand in it.
It took them two hours to reach Naruto's quest and found him outside of the Harvest Lord's tower, about to grind it some more.
They talked a bit and the three were surprised by his outfit. Of course, they got drops and equipped them giving minor stat increases like school resist, health, and a little damage, but Naruto truly had that shit on.
What Marashi did was add Bazaar gear to certain boss fights to farm if one wanted to.
Level 5 Bazaar gear was RattleBones.
Level 10 Bazaar gear was Harvest Lord.
While Level 15 Bazaar gear was Lord Nightshade, the final boss of Wizard City.
After many runs of Harvest Lord, he got the Tier 2 Lightning bats that went from 245-285 damage to 265-295. It was quite nice.
His gear was also nice since he could only get his school-specific gear. His hat increased health and storm accuracy. The robe also had health and storm accuracy while the boots just gave storm damage and resistance. He had an athame that gave mana and health. His ring gave similar stats to his athame.
Naruto's amulet gave a Lightning Bats card, but it did 285-325 damage which was real clutch sometimes. He also got a Noice Storm Deck that gave him more card space and treasure card space.
Marashi saw Naruto's luck and couldn't help but feel envious. He truly has the devil's luck. Usually, spellement farming shouldn't be that fast, nor getting full gear, as you'd probably just get copies or different pieces of the same slot like multiple hats or rings and so on.
He'd have loved that luck when farming for Darkmoor in his past life and Dragoon gear when that first came out.
Treasure Cards(TCs) are just one-time use cards that you put in the sideboard and you draw them by discarding a spell from your hand and pulling from the side. Naruto had a few Lightning Bat TCs and even a Locust Swarm, a balance spell.
He naturally gave it to his sensei upon seeing that he was Balance.
"How'd you get all that gear?" Sasuke was surprised to see Naruto kitted out.
"Oh! I just farmed this place while you guys were catching up!" He responded.
Marashi added a feature where you could show your stats to others, you could already do this, but other people had to click on you to look at them, but now you could choose to show others.
It was just a holographic screen of their own stats in midair.
Once he finished explaining, the others grew interested but didn't plan on farming it now. Maybe when the others weren't on the game they would try it out.
Naruto helped them with the quest and stopped farming. Now that they caught up, they would be a four-man team.
They defeated the Harvest Lord and went to the other streets.
Cyclops Lane where you battled Trolls, Minotaurs, and, of course, Cyclops. From rescuing students and fixing Cyrus Drake's fuck up, they didn't like him at all.
They also noticed his family name was the same as Malistare. That was quite interesting.
When he tried getting them expelled, they were no longer interested, they wanted to throw hands. Ambrose tried to rationalize his behavior, but it was still quite extreme.
Defeating the boss, they moved onto Firecat Alley.
The elves were getting too lit and corrupted so they teamed up with a witch and beat the boss.
Team 7 was then given the choice of doing the main quest in defeating a ghost in Olde Town or doing another street called Colossus Boulevard. They decided to hold off on that and just focus on the main story.
They discovered that the Death School was in Nightshade and upon seeing the professor for the school, Kakashi was thankful he chose Balance. He liked dogs and having a teacher as one was quite a novel sight. Although, he really felt envious of Sasuke as his teacher was something else.
Eventually, they went to the Haunted Cave on Triton Avenue and entered the creepy tower at the end of the street to fight Lord NightShade, the final boss.
This one was actually a bit tough considering the Field Guards had quite a bit of HP and were Storm, so Naruto had to pack in some Storm Prisms.
After a hard-fought battle, they won.
They went back to Ambrose and were congratulated for being the saviors of Wizard City, something Naruto was jumping for joy in. Sasuke and Sakura looked embarrassed by being in his presence but Kakashi was more melancholic, knowing that he should be one knowing what he holds and what his father's intention was, but was glad that he felt like one in a game.
He decided that he really liked Wizard101 as he gazed at the dynamics of his team in nostalgia.
The ending of this chapter wasn't planned, but I really liked how it turned out.
Marashi upgraded his stats so he could work more in the store without feeling dead tired, especially since he's going to be open for all hours of the day.
I really hope people are getting these school references, I feel very big brain when I come up with them.
Thanks for the continued support!
Motivation has been at an all-time high, but I dread the crash, or maybe not.
I'm writing so much because there's nothing to read and I don't feel like reading clones. Harem this Harem that. Ultra Mega Super Genius God Cultivator bowing to no one and squabbles in the streets for minor inconveniences! Bland MCs, although maybe mine is too.
Until next time!