
Compound Cultivator

Just like every man, 20 year-old Zhou Kai strives to leave a legacy in this world. His legacy. A legacy that will be eternal and be glorified throughout the Dawn Continent until the end of time. But, he first needs to overcome his impotence and lack of talent for cultivation. In his kind of world where “dog eat dog”, he needs to become stronger than his enemies and be the strongest among his allies to restore the village and ensure a clear path to greatness. Join Kai in his Journey as he makes his way up the ladder of his world and discover the unknowns of his world. *** First story English is not my mother tongue The cover is not my original art.

_Cloud9_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Tai Xie’s talent

There was an eerie silence after both sides halted their advance but a Demon broke that silence with a deep voice.

"Babanuki, care to explain why there's two strong humans? You said that there was only one to deal with." The Voice was very stern and seemed to have authority.

"Baron Silut, You must have thought that I was a seer that can take a peek at the future." Babanuki answered with sarcasm and disdain.

"It seems 500 years in this dump have dulled your senses, Babanuki. How about I awaken some of those nerves for you?" Sulit rebutted.

"You!" Babanuki was fuming in anger and pointed two of his arms at Silut.

"Stop the useless squabbling you low-ranked demons. These 2 ants aren't even that difficult to deal with. We proceed with the plan for now. This Island is an important piece for our cause." The other Demon reprimanded Babanuki and Silut.


"Of course, Young Master Gumar."

While that mini dispute was happening, the 2 humans were carefully observing.

'They spoke in our language, trying to provoke us? Babanuki the 4 armed demon is here, and 2 others. One is named Silut. He has a humanoid build except for his limbs which are all sharp and like a blade of a mantis. The other is Gumar which is even more humanoid but with goat horns. All of them have red eyes…' Lu Chao was taking notes in his mind. The severity of the situation is through the roof but he knew that if by any chance he survives this fight, he had to at least know something. Anything about his enemies. 'Know your enemies and know yourself.'

He just calmly gripped his Gale Short Sword and raised his guard. With these strong threats, he did not dare to be careless.

Tai Xie also observed the enemies in front of her but, unlike the more experienced Lu Chao, she spoke her mind. "4 arms there is about my level. That mantis dude seems slightly stronger but that Goat prince is weaker than me." She was serious saying this but it was like cussing to the three demons.

'I-Is she trying to provoke them?! What we need right now is time!' Lu Chao was alarmed by this move of Tai Xie but he did not show it in his reaction.

'Tai Xie, we need to buy time, don't try to hasten the situation further!' As the older person, he took the responsibility to remind his junior of the goal using a spirit message but alas, it was already too late.

"G-Goat Prince…"



For a brief moment, Gumar trembled. Likely due to extreme anger. Luckily, there were just 5 people who heard that. ' The great and noble mid-ranking demon Devil Race was nicknamed Goat by a human.'

"B-Babanuki, who is this ignorant, pin-brained ant?" Gumar asked with a dark face.

"Young Master Gumar, this 'ant' is a female human with light affinity. I believe the inhabitants of this Island know her as Tai Xie the Troublemaker. My investigations also state that she is the human pinnacle of talent believed to be 1 in a billion." Babanuki respectfully replied in a concise manner.

'She was also the one who defended the Fox Maple Duke 10 years ago...' Babanuki did not say this out loud as he did not want to appear weak and incompetent to his fellow Barons. Obviously he has a grudge with Tai Xie.

"Oh? You mean this level of strength is the highest talent they have here? No wonder this island is in decline." Gumar commented with disdain shown in his face.

"No matter. Babanuki, Silut, get rid of these ants and let's move!"

Gumar was in a very bad mood at that moment. He was sent here by his clan to take care of this small, back-water Island with weak sentient beings but just a few moments ago, the weak 'ant' called him, the Young Master Gumar, a goat of all things. To add salt to the injury, Tai Xie judged his strength to be below her. 'This ant does not know its place. Come to think of it, if she's the most talented here, wouldn't killing her be the right move here? Hehe.'


"Right away young master."

Babanuki and Silut were also having the same thoughts about Tai Xie. Both of them knew that Gumar's comment was nowhere near the truth. Just based on their senses, they both felt that Tai Xie was indeed saying the truth about their levels of strength.

Among the five persons there, Silut was probably the strongest while Babanuki and Tai Xie may be equally matched. Gumar and Lu Chao are weaker than the first three. These are not set in stone though, these are just assumptions based on the first glance.

Now Tai Xie knowing who was strong and who was weak was impressive but the scary part was that Babanuki and Silut can discern that her age is relatively young. In fact Babanuki knows for sure that Tai Xie is only 30 years old and she is already at his level.

'This Tai Xie is definitely a big threat. I'm already 571 years old but a 30 year old human is on her way to surpass me. 10 years ago she wasn't even near my level but now…This time, I'll get rid of her and then this Island!' Babanuki thought with a serious face.

Silut wore a perplexed expression on his face as he thought. 'How could an Island as small as this give birth to a talent as scary as this? It's not like there are no demon talents greater than hers but, even at the Dark Continent, talents like hers would be scarce. Young Master Gumar here is of low talent but thanks to his mid-rank devil race bloodline, he barely reached Baron strength and he can still be an Earl but that would take a lot of time, resources, and effort.'

Babanuki and Silut only had these thoughts for a few seconds and then proceeded with executing the order of the young master.

Silut planned to take on Tai Xie and test just how strong a pinnacle talent human could do but Babanuki stopped him. "Baron Silut, let me have this fight."

"Hm? That's rare for you, why? You usually just fight those who are weaker than you right? I mean, the human was right when she said that you might be equal." Silut said nonchalantly as he still continued to slowly approach Tai Xie and Lu Chao's position.

Babanuki's eyebrow twitched due to the unnecessary comment that Silut threw at him but he still tried to keep his composure. "Khmm. Yes, yes. But are you going to fight someone who is weaker than you? Besides, she is not a swordsman. The only sword she uses is a flying sword." Babanuli said with a smug face. 'Besides, she can't possibly have a higher combat prowess than me.'

"Tsk. Fine, you can have this one, but leave the other human alone, I can see he has a sword. I'd like to warm up." Silut said with an annoyed face which was quickly replaced by a grin.

"What's taking you so long!? Just get on with it!" Gumar just wanted to get this over with and finish the task of conquering this Island and then go back home.