
Complicated Destiny

In life, you always get this feeling, words whispered softly in your ear through passing winds, subtle signs left by forces beyond your imagination, dreams pointing you in a particular direction, it doesn't matter how it comes, it matters only if you choose to ignore the call, or if you accept it, accept the call and face, Destiny.

Mirabel_David_7630 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1. Birthday

|~ When life gives you lemons, throw that crap back at them and ask for a strawberry instead.

- Quotes from Kat.


Kat's pov

I woke with a start. The dreams were getting worse. It was all so confusing. I would be walking in the hallway of my school, trying to get to class before the bell rings, and then the school would melt away and I'd be in the forest, the forest where my dad's pack hunts in. I would be chasing a girl, I couldn't see her face, I didn't know what or who she was but it was clear, I wanted to kill her. I wanted to kill her so bad and that scared me because I've never wanted to kill anyone in my life.

Unlike my brother and sister, I'm not supernatural. My mom is a vampire and my dad a werewolf. The genes of vampires and werewolves are too dominant and conflicting to exist in one body, hence the reason why I have one werewolf brother and one vampire sister.

My sister Karen is 22 and already working in the royal castle as a captain of the vampire king's army. Damon is 19 and in his second year of college; then there's me, the last child, who is practically human. Yep, all the genes skipped me for some reason. No one, not even the packs priestess or any witches or sorcerers knows why. My mom says it's normal but I hate myself for it.

I'm the normal plain Jane among really powerful siblings. They try all they can not to show off in front of me but I really feel it when the ever elusive King of vampires calls for meetings and Karen and mom rush to go and I can't. I feel it when dad's pack calls for a pack meeting and he and Damon go and I don't. I even feel it when my best friends can't tell me things because their Alpha's and King's and clan leaders did not permit them to. Yeah that's right, I'm literally the one that doesn't fit in. It was worse when the school was only for supernaturals. I could go because my parents are semi important people in the supernatural society but I was the only human, the only play toy for the supernaturals and obviously, the bullied kid. That is until the Lycan Alpha of one of the most powerful packs to ever grace the supernatural society became my bff. Ashton became my protector and no one messed with me after that. In 5th grade they let other humans in the school in an effort to open up to the species whose world they inhabit.

I sighed and got off the bed. Who the hell goes to school on their eighteenth birthday.

"Happy birthday!" I jumped and screamed in shock. My mom had barged in holding a large cake followed by Karen who I haven't seen in forever, holding a tray of breakfast. Dad and Damon followed behind with large smiles on their faces.

The first thing I did was to jump into Karen's arms after she placed the tray on my table.

"I missed you K, I was worried you got killed on the battlefield or something" I said when I finally released her.

"You wish honey" she ruffled my hair and I didn't push her hand away only because I knew my hair was already in disarray from my night of tossing and turning.

I hugged Damon too because I haven't seen him since he started this semester.

"Damon how's college?" I asked as I settled on my bed, leaving the rest of them to stand. Not like they'd get tired anyway.

"It was great. But this is your day, not mine. Happy birthday little sis" Damon said, placing the cake on my lap so I could make a wish and blow out the candles. I took a deep breath.

I wish to find my mate today. At least being mated will help me feel better about being Jane, so plain that girl is, I don't like being her...

I realized I was holding my breath too long and let it go, blowing out the candles. Everyone cheered.

"So here's your breakfast honey. Yell if you need anything" Dad said as he handed me my breakfast and placed a kiss on my head. They vacated my room and I quickly ate my breakfast.

After eating I went into my bathroom and looked into the mirror. I almost screamed when I saw myself. My hair was everywhere, my eyes reddish with bags under them.

I got the shower running and got in when the temperature was just right. After my bath there came the hardest part of life, transformation.

"Arrgh! make it stop! It hurts mommy it hurts!" I finally got my comb through my hair and pulling it out was just not an option. My hair simply refused to let go.

"Hold on honey, here let me" She massaged a cream into my hair and the comb slid right out. I sighed in relief. She took over from there and styled my hair into a sleek ponytail.

"Thanks mom"

After she was done with my hair she left and I got dressed. I wore highwaisted denim shorts which stopped midthigh, a black off shoulder top and black knee-high boots. I dabbed little foundation under my eyes to hide my sleeplessness, put a little lip gloss and I was ready to go.

I cut a slice of cake because even though I hate my birthday everyone loves cake!. I picked up the remaining cake and left the room.

"Let me take that honey" mom said and collected the cake. I sighed. My family totally babies me. I walked down the stairs and screamed;

"Who's driving me to school?!"

"I'll drive you!" Damon answered. We said our goodbyes and we were off.

We arrived at school and I could instantly tell something was wrong. It was in the atmosphere, the feeling of danger.

Ash ran up to is and helped me out of the car. I said goodbye to Damon and walked with Ash to our spot. Our spot is a beautiful clearing in the woods with benches where I and my friends hang out. My friends consists of Christine who has the typical queen bitch attitude and looks to match. With her perfect blonde hair and baby blue eyes she was easily the prettiest girl in school and she knew it. She was also in a place of power, or well her dad is. Her dad is one of the thirteen high elders of the light far. Don't get me wrong I love Chris to death and she loves me the same, she's just really lousy at showing it sometimes.

There's also Jason who is our on and off friend. He's trying to find his place in this world. He's also one of the few demons that choose not to return to hell.

Janice is a succubus, a female demon who is said to have sex with men in their sleep and steal their sperm, or their lives of they're feeling adventurous. So not true. Well for Jan it isn't. Some Succubi do it for kicks and giggles. The succubi can eat real food to sustain their human bodies but they feed on chi and sexual energy but they can control the amount they take so as not to kill the person. They're masters of mind control and illusions. They can induce sleep and enter dreams. But Jan has got to be the nicest succubi ever.

Apart from Ash and Chris, she's my best friend. Then there's of course the numerous people who hang around us for popularity because of Ash and Chris but they never hang around in our spot.

"Um guys what's going on?" I asked.

"Well first happy birthday" Ash said and everyone else followed suite.

"Thanks. Now what's happening?" I asked.

"It's the jinn. They're coming to the human realm, they're coming here" Ash replied. I took a sharp breath in shock and fear.

"What! why would they come here, they hate every species but their selves!" I esclaimed.

"They're already here" Jason said. I took a deep calming breath and let it out.

"Does anyone know what they want?" I asked.

"No one knows. The council is having a meeting during lunch to find out what we should do. Every member of the council is gonna be there, even the vampire king, they're trying to get the jinn king to attend but we all know he'll never show" Chris said, staring lovingly at her nails.

"Do you know where they're having the meeting Chris?" I asked.

"Why would I tell you?, so you can go crash it, that's the only way you'll get in anyway" ok I promise she isn't usually a bitch to me. I would be the bigger person but where's the fun in that?.

"Oh and where's your invite?" I asked with a sarcastic smile on my face. She scowled.

"I am going to take over from Daddy and when I do I'll deal with you!" she said.

"Sweetie you're going to be co-ruling the fae community, not the world. The last time I checked I'm no tooth fairy so..." I trailed off and smiled smugly. If there's anything the fae hate it's being called tooth fairies.

Her eyes flashed ruby red and she charged towards me. I folded my hands across my chest and waited. At the last moment Ash jumped in front of me with a speed only vampires could match and jinn surpass. He grabbed her and growled.

"Stop it, both of you" he stared pointedly at me and I smiled innocently and shrugged.

"You need to stop jumping in front of her everytime she's in trouble, you're not her bodyguard wolf boy" well. Chris has got to be really mad because she usually never crosses Ash.

"Stop ok. It's the jinn, they're messing with our emotions" Jason said. Now that he mentioned it I felt a change in the energy levels in the air. It's stronger. I didn't get to be a vampire or werewolf but apart from being faster, stronger, more flexible and quicker than the average human, I have this ability to sense power levels around me and that's something no species so far can do.

"Right. I just wanted to warn you. The jinn are really powerful, being in the magical dimension for so long has enhanced their magic. They're shifters and can take any form so be careful" Ash said. By now we've reached our lockers since we started walking while Ash was talking. We all have our lockers together because since all the teachers in the school are supernatural, Ash pulled some strings. Petty, I know. That's why it was Chris's idea.

"So what do we have first pe.." "Out of my way!" I was interrupted by Adrian Peterson, the Alpha of stars pack who shoved me aside and dragged Ash away.

"Sorry Kat, meeting's now" Ash screamed by way of explanation for his asshole fellow Alpha. Honestly it was just wrong for their parents to step down from the role of Alpha and let their highschool children be the Alphas.

I sighed and opened my locker where I have a copy of my schedule pasted. I'd never remember if Ash didn't tell me so I just took some precautions.

Theater and drama, Jesus who the hell put that first period on a Friday morning!.

"Come on guys, let's head to hell" I linked my hands with Chris and Jan's and we walked off to class, talking about everyone's topic of discussion. The jinn.

"So they can just take someone's shape and pretend to be them?" I asked Jan.

"Well basically yeah. The person would just have to make eye contact with them. Then the person will fall into a deep sleep until the jinn takes another shape" Jan explained. She's a well read nerd so she knows random stuff.

"Well lucky for me, I'm so normal I blend into the crowd" I said with a smile on my face.

"Me too!" Jan cheered.

"I don't blend anywhere but I'm pretty sure Daddy's gonna send guards to protect us any minute" Chris said with false bravado.

"And for that we're grateful Chris" I said and we laughed.

I had just stepped two feet into my class when I was pulled out. I was about to scream when I saw that it was Karen and relaxed.

"Jeeze sis you scared me!" I said and clutched my chest.

"They asked for you" she said.

"Really!, no one ever asks for me. Now who's the they we're talking about?" I asked.

"The council of elders specifically asked for you sis, I don't know why but you have to go. Don't worry ok, I won't let anything bad happen to you" Karen ensured. She pulled me into a hug I didn't return. What does the council want with me? the only other time they awknoledged my existence was when they realized that I was neither a vampire nor werewolf and had to investigate to see if I would be a threat to the supernaturals or humans.

I followed behind Karen silently. The meeting place of the council I knew was somewhere in the woods behind our school, or well that's rumors, I can't be sure but that's where we're headed so I'm guessing there's some truth in the rumours. We walked for a long time and I was about to ask for a break when we stopped in front of a bunch of overgrown grasses. Karen pushed the grasses away and revealed a door behind it. She knocked in a really fast tune I couldn't quite catch and the door slid back at first, then moved to the right and made an opening for us to enter through. We entered side by side but I had to stay behind when the path became too narrow for us both. Soon we arrived at another door which she knocked on in that same tune and pushed open.

I stepped inside and gasped in shock. I had never been in an official council meeting where everyone attended. All leaders of all the magical species were present sans the jinn king. So much royalty in one room. The power levels in the air was insane!.

"Well Katrina Kaif, pleasure to finally meet you" I can't believe it. It's the vampire king in the flesh!. I had only seen pictures of him because Karen works for him. The guy is a recluse, never comes out in public, he always sticks to his castle in Canada. The vampire king like all supernaturals is inhumanly handsome with long silky black hair and dark eyes that have seen a lot. He exuded power like none I had felt before. Few people had the honor of meeting him and here he stood in front of me, holding his hand out for me to place mine in.

Karen nudged me and I snapped out of my thoughts and placed my hand in his., doing a curtsey at the same time. I know, extra but I don't know how to behave here!. He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it and I gasped at the energy I felt buzzing through him.

"The pleasure's all mine your majesty" I said meekly.

"Please, call me Cain" he said.


