
Complex L♡ve (Leo x reader)

Love is one complex and difficult puzzle that needs to be completed.Sometimes,mostly,it never gets completed but sometimes and after a lot of work,it gets completed.Lets see if this one gets completed. ⚠️WARNING⚠️This story contains alcoholism,abuse and self harm.If you are sensitive in these kind of subjects,DO NOT READ. Thank you

Arvy026 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Bonding through chaos

Narrators POV:

After your visit to Leo's home,you confirmed that it wasnt the best idea to stay for dinner.

You knew that Raphael didnt mean to make you uncomfortable,but he is kind of over protective especially with his brothers.At least based on Leo's words.You didnt mind though.

If you were in his position you would have done the same.Since trust is probably one of your biggest insecurities.

A few days have passed,your connection with Leo was getting stronger.

He always came to visit you after school,sometimes hang out on rooftops with him.One day he even brought you flowers.A bouquet of red roses.He was always trying to make you feel better.Everytimme you saw him,your heart was racing and you couldnt take your eyes off of his.

It was now 4 months after your dad passed away,but even though you still had the guilt in you,Leo was the only one that could cheer you up even at your lowest.

One of the bad things that happened in these 4 months?Your best friend moved to San Fransisco.Even before she left you didnt have the best relationship after your dad died.

She was very distant,very often didnt want to come over to hang out with you and she even started hanging out with some girls that would talk shit about you behind your back.

You didn't care much but it still hurt seeing her go cause she was your childhood best friend.

Your POV:

It was now time for me to call it a day.My boss left the store and told me to close tonight.

I was so grateful that I found a job so I can pay my house rent,the bills and other things as well.I was able to find a place at a clothes store close to my house.

I closed the shop and started heading home.Leo usually walked me home but today,he had an emergency mission,so he couldn't walk me home.That was totally fine though,I mean what could possibly happen?

During the way,something didnt feel right,I could feel something in my gut.I was kind of alarmed so I took my house keys out and placed a key in each gap between my fingers.

A very useful technique my father taught me when I was little.

I approached my house.I checked the perimeter of the building to make sure no one was there.

I went in and took the elevator to my apartment.

I reached my apartment door when I saw that my door was open and the door lock was shattered in pieces on the wooden floor.

I took my phone out about to call Leo when I heard noise coming from inside the house.

Instead of calling him,I texted him to come over.I placed my phone in my jacket pocket and took out my pepper spray and pocket knife that I always carry with me.

I got in the house hesitantly.I was trying to be as silent as I could.The first thing I saw was the living room area being trashed.The couches were torn,the glass coffee table broken into small pieces,a wooden bat stucking out of the TV screen.Windows were broken as well.

I was shocked when I moved to the kitchen area.Plates,cups,mugs and pots were all broken on the floor.

I slowly moved into my bedroom.Trashed too.I was going around trying to figure out the damage and who would do such thing without stealing anything.

That when my eyes layed on a broken picture frame in the middle of the room.I picked up the frame and saw the picture.

It was me and my dad in one of the trips we went together in the woods of south America.It was one of the best memories of my life.The glass of the frame was shattered in tiny pieces and the wooden outline was broken as well

I was so focused at the photo that I didnt see someone coming up to me and placing one of his hands on my mouth and the other hand,which he had a knife,on my neck,the picture frame falling from my hands and on to the floor.

My eyes widened with fear and I started shouting,probably out of instinct,but since he had his hand over my mouth,my voice couldnt be heard.

My heart started beating so fast I thought I was gonna die at that very moment.

"Dont make a sound.If you do..."someone said as he applied a little pressure to the knife on my neck.I felt like I couldnt breathe.I pressed my eyes shut while some tears of desperation and fear went down my face.

Then,I remembered.The defense classes.I lifted my left leg up and hit his groin with such force he let me go.After he ket me go I opened my pepper spray and sprayed his eyes.

He started screaming

"AAA you son of a b*tch" he shouted as he put his hands over his eyes.I started running towards the exit,when I felt another hand grab mine.

'Great'I thought to myself.

I turned to look at the man,while at the same time struggling to get my arm free.The man was a lot taller than me,his face was covered with a ski mask but what could easily be seen was his eyes.They had a kind of greyish-green shade.

Narrators POV:

The man pushed you,causing you to fall on your back pinning you down with his hands.You tried to fight but he was too strong for you to escape.

"What do we do with her?"The man holding you asked his partner while the man that came from the bedroom area was constantly rubbing his eyes."What we did with him as well!"The man said.

At that second,million thoughts were crossing your mind but you were brought back to reality when the man was knocked out in a matter of seconds.

The man holding you, let you go.Out of instinct you crawled away from him.You instantly knew that Leo had come to your rescue.

In a matter of seconds,the second guy was knocked out as well.

Leo approached you with a very concerned look on his face.

"Are you ok?Did they do anything to you?"he was asking you while checking for injuries.

"I'm fine."Leo sighed in relief.You kept looking at your trashed apartment when tears escaped your eyes.

Everything you knew,all your memories,your life,were in these walls.And just like that...

It was destroyed.

Leo POV:

It was really hard for me to see her cry.It broke my heart seeing her sad.She didn't deserve any of this.

She has already been through so much.Why does she have to suffer more than she already has?

I got closer to her and I placed my hand on her shoulder.She flinched at the feeling of my touch,but then relaxed a bit.

I pulled her into a hug while she cried in my chest

"Hey hey,its ok.Im right here.Im here.Ill never leave."I whispered to her.She stayed in the hug for a few minutes till she calmed down.

"I think you should stay with us for a while.Theres no way I'm letting you stay here."

She looked in my eyes."You sure?"she asked me kind if hesitant.

"Are you kidding?Of course I'm sure"

A faint smile appeared on her face.She started walking towards her room when she turned to look at me.

"Ok um...I just need to grab a few things.Ill be back shortly."I nodded.She turned to leave but turned again to face me.

"Um...I would tell you to sit on the couch but...--"she started saying

"Its fine,dont worry,I'll sit on the chair"I assured her.She smiled and then went in her room.

I waited for her silently when my eyes landed on a broken picture frame on the table.I picked up the photo and my eyes widened.It was a picture of her whole family.I spotted her older sister and that's when a sudden realization hit me.

Well...1st chapter in this story with a cliffhanger.Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.I know it's short.There was going to be more in this but I felt like ending it here was the perfect cliffhanger since the next part needs a lot and I mean A LOT of work.Again thank you so much for reading my story and I'll talk to you next time.Bye!!!😘