
Command & Conquer at RWBY

Expert GDI Commander has being Deploy at Remnant What will happen? Peace through power Long live the GDI Force

Souleye123 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

I am screw

"Construction Complete" "Rifle squad ready!"

while i was shock at the place, many thing is still working at background so i shake my head and focus on making sure i am safe first, i order all Pitbull, APC, And Predator tank to attack the Grimm

"Engaging enemy!" 3 of my unit begin the attack and they are destroying the unit instantly seeing as their nothing there i left them and focus on my base

next I deploy the Power Plant and Airfield and get another Refinery and power plant

"New Construction Option" "Building" "Missile squad, ready for combat!"

There is soo much voice in my head that i am confused because it has being long time that i play this game, but i still keep focus on the place

I leave the infantry alone for now and order 1 Hammerhead

"Training" "Construction Complete"

I deploy Power plant and get Tech Center


Seeing as i have a bit more time i recall all my unit in front line and gather all of them at 1 place after 20 second all of them has being gather

"Construction Complete" "Hammerhead online!"

I Deploy Refinery and Tech Center and order to get armory and Space Command Uplink

"Building" "insufficient funds"

"Great, I run out of funds" i should leave them alone and talk with all of the unit i gather

"ALL units, gather in front of me" hearing me all unit gather in front of me if they are still in the vehicles they get out of it

"Yes commander?"

"Do all of you remember what happened to you when being Deploy?" all of them shake their head

"Do you guys still remember everything about the Tiberium wars" everyone nod their head

'hmm from the look of it they properly don't need to eat and if someone talk to them they listen immediately huh perfect soldier that can talk and don't require to eat'

"Can everyone one of you take off your helmet?" every people here nod and taking off their helmet and i was shock at what i was seeing.

"Y-You have animal ears?!" i was seeing one some of them have animals ears and some of it have human ears

"Yes Commander, if you are born there is 50% chance of being either Human or Faunus" Faunus? really?

"Oh, can you tell me some of Tiberium's history?"


(5 minutes later)

'So what it is saying is that the Tiberium meteor has cause a mutation that make people change their race randomly but the history is still the same'

"huh" while i was talking with them armory and Space Command Uplink was already completed so i get the next important thing Ion Cannon Control Center and because i have nothing else to do i built Tiberium Contain around the Tiberium don't want to cause any damage around

"So what now commander?" one of The Missile Squad ask me

".....Right now we need Information, to increase our survivability so i am going to make a group" every soldier here starts to put their helmet back and lisen me

"From now on all of you here are Group Alpha"


"Good for now if i need anything else i will call you guys" I leave the soldier alone and focus on my building for now

"Construction Complete"

'speaking of the devil my Ion Cannon Control Center is done' i deploy the Ion Cannon

"Ion Cannon control mode active" EVA said

"while i want to see how it works i don't want to bring unnecessary attention by firing this thing"

'Let's see what i have for now'

(5 minutes later)

after playing a little bit with what i can do, i concluded all of this


- I don't have unit limit soo i can spam infantry all day

- i can only build 1 Ion Cannon

- I can train as many Commando as much as i want (already hire 6)

- if i build 2 Space Command Uplink i can send 2 Zone Trooper Drop Pods and other Support skill for double so that was usefull


while i am still looking around the menu The Firehawk i send talk to me

"Commander we found a civilization 2 KM west of the base"

"Good job Firehawk Keep flying at stratosphere and provide information on all of the map"

"Roger that, command!"

Because Firehawk don't required fuel i can send them to many direction, and with Firehawk flying to Stratosphere i don't have to worry being detected

I look behind to my new stealth unit that i am going to send to the city


- 6 Sniper Team

- 3 Commando

- 3 Combat Engineer


'Kind too much but if i am dealing with Hunter who have aura and semblance but this is more then enough, and i am not planning to go to war anyways'

"Alright you must have notice but we are in unknown world, so i want all of you to go the city and gather as much information you can, and remember this is a stealth mission so there must be no battle if possible understood?"

"Got it!" "I'm on it!" all of the soldier said at the same time

"Alright i want every soldier starts heading to hammerhead immediately for transport" The soldier salute at me and leave me to head to the Hammerhead

3 of the Hammerhead starts to get ready to take off 'oh another thing i notice is that Hammerhead can fit 6 people so i don't need 12 transport only need 3 for maximum of 18 people that mean 1 Hammerhead can fit 6 marine which i am glad'

"Now that Charlie troops is heading there, i want Firehawk to defend them from any possible air attack understood?" i speak to the Firehawk leader known as Zoey

"Roger that, command!" She salutes me and head to her Firehawk

I make my 4 team for each role for easy to lead the troops


- Alpha is frontier Group fighting head on our enemy led by Lila

- Beta Group is a Defense Group to defend the base led by Emma

- Charlie is a Stealth Squad and Recon mission if needed led by Mia

- Delta is Air support and Transport led by Zoey


'So yeah if any unit were to get kill i can get the information from the leader soo i don't get overwhelmed in a fight and i only need to tell them something about what they have to do and they do the job incredibly efficiently'

a few second late All of the unit is inside Hammerhead all of the units starts to take off and is heading to City

i look at the plane as they take off "....Good luck"


Souleye here, i don't really have any direction on what kind of ending this Will be so if there is any suggestion don't forget to put it in the comment section