
Coming to the Cultivation World as an Idle RPG Game Character

Ming Ze, a rich man's son who loves playing Idle RPG Games. As a fan of cultivation novels, he played a Cultivation Idle RPG Game using a lot of money so that he had the highest talents. In a short period of time, he managed to reach the peak of cultivation in the mortal world. When he was waiting for the next update of this game, an invitation came into his account. (Immortality will soon appear in the Seven Realms, are you interested in joining to fight for it, competing with all the best geniuses?) [Yes/No] ... https://discord.com/invite/b8Khz3TR

Dark_Crow1111 · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs


At this moment, Ming Ze was watching the destruction of space from his attack.

Compared to others, he was even more shocked because just yesterday he was still just a mortal man.

Now, with just a thought, he could unleash such great power, power that he didn't generate himself, but he received from his character in a game.

And that was just one of them, the power that came from the Calamity Dragon Bloodline. He still had other powers with different sources.

After a while, he finally looked at Sun Ji and Sovereign Crow who were now still lying down.

The latter's condition looked even worse. One of his wings had been broken, he was lying with his mouth bleeding profusely.

Without a doubt, he was already powerless to stand up.

On the other hand, Sun Ji, although also seriously injured, was still able to sit up. His mouth was not bleeding, only coughing.

He survived because his nine suns helped him reduce the impact of the attack. Otherwise, his condition would not have been much different from that of the old man.

Of course, it was not without sacrifice. The nine suns were now full of cracks while their light had become extremely dim, as if it could be extinguished at any moment.

His talent was indeed extraordinary, unfortunately his foundation was still weak, he needed more time to cultivate to truly be worthy of being considered a top genius. People regretted his laziness in the past that eventually made him helpless against top geniuses of the same age.

Ming Ze flew above them, giving a mocking look as they stared at him.

"To think you dare bark in front of me with how weak you are," he said, regretting the fact that they couldn't give him an interesting fight.

The expressions of the two instantly became worse because of his mockery.

"Kid, what evil technique did you use?" asked Sovereign Crow, starting to say nonsense again.

Perhaps Ming Ze's strength was too unreasonable for him to think it was an evil technique.

"You can ask the people in the Underworld after you die," Ming Ze replied, too lazy to explain more.

A black flame that then formed a sword appeared right in front of him after he said that.

Its terrifying heat could be felt from afar, the heat from Sun Ji's previous nine suns was insignificant compared to the heat of that black flame.


It immediately launched towards the Sovereign Crow.

With his condition, dodging became impossible. Even he wouldn't be fast enough to dodge with his prime condition.

In an instant, the flame sword pierced through his abdomen.


It turned into flames again that enveloped his entire body.

"Ahhhhhh..." His scream immediately resounded loudly, horrifying those who heard it.

Unfortunately, it only lasted a few moments.

When the scream disappeared, the black flames also disappeared, and the Sovereign Crow's figure was no longer there.

The only thing left was his storage ring which had already become so black, it could break at any moment.

It seemed to be stronger than his body.

"This man is so cruel." Several people whispered very quietly, not only terrified of Ming Ze's strength, but also his cruelty.

"He wants to show his dominance," another replied.

"Yeah, but you have to admit that he has power. Who exactly is he, why have we never heard of him? Is he from another world?"

"I don't know..."


Ming Ze didn't know people's conversations, nor did he know that there were starting to be different views towards him.

After killing the Sovereign Crow, he looked at Sun Ji.

So far, he hadn't felt any shock from killing humans. Perhaps it was because this was a different world, a lawless world where killing in conflict was taken for granted.

Coupled with the great power he possessed, his mind automatically discarded the guilt of killing.

Immediately his gaze fell on Sun Ji.

The latter was so frightened that he spontaneously moved backwards in his sitting position.

"W-what do you want to do?" He asked.

"I'll kill you too," Ming Ze replied, looking very relaxed when he said that.

This time, the black lightning gathered in front of him, forming a spear.

People were instantly made aware that this lightning was just as terrifying as the previous fire.

"Is he really going to kill him?" People wondered again.

Sun Ji was different from Sovereign Crow. The latter was just an old cultivator, in contrast to Sun Ji who was a prince and his kingdom was the Immortal Kingdom.

It might not be as powerful as the Holy Light Sect, it had even gone into decline because it had not produced a New Immortal for too long. However, still, it had unfathomable depth.

Told that he would be killed, Sun Ji gasped in anger.

He pointed at Ming Ze.

"If you dare, my sect will definitely pursue you until there is no place for you in the Immortal World," he said in a loud voice.

A threat like this was something Ming Ze would have expected from a cornered prince.

Unfortunately, it didn't worry him at all.


The lightning spear descended towards him at full speed.

In an instant, it pierced through his heart.

The black lightning bolts then dismembered his body into small pieces.

Less than a second and he was dead. What was still clearly visible of him now was his open mouth.

Everyone was getting more and more frightened by Ming Ze, some chose to leave immediately, worried that he would slaughter the audience as well.

And he was indeed staring at them.

When seeing his gaze, the old men who looked fierce quickly tried to smile.

"Young Master Ming, please don't get angry, we're just here to see your majestic figure," they said simultaneously.

They seemed to have no trouble turning from fierce to gentle.

"Go, and tell the world that I, Ming Ze, fear no one and will kill anyone who dares to provoke me," he said in a loud voice.

He unhesitatingly proclaimed himself to the world that he was a newcomer ready to join the competition for world domination.

After he spoke, the men flew off in a hurry, like they were being chased by the grim reaper.

On the other side, Xia Qinghe signaled the disciples of the Holy Light Sect to choose to leave as well.

She didn't want Ming Ze to suddenly get annoyed at them so that he thought of increasing the number of people he killed.