
The Text

Joelle (inside her own head): This suck’s! I wish I could just come out and be heard, but no I must be the shy girl at school. If only people could hear my brain?

(Walking up to her locker when she glances over and sees a girl)

Cami: Hey Girl, how you doin?

Joelle: fine I guess, how ‘bout you?

Cami: You seem off? You sure you good? I’m here.

Joelle: I know, and I am fine, I’m just tired, I'll see you later.

(Joelle walks away headed to the front doors because school is out.)

Joelle (In her head): Ryann is my best friend and I can’t even be honest with her. I should be able to tell her. She will support me.... right?

Joelle walks home, and it takes about 15 mins to get home from school. She walks in and goes straight her room, even though her mother is sitting in the living room with her younger brother Maxx

Maxx: (Running up the stairs to his sisters' room) Hey sis, how was your day?

Joelle: (Looking up from her phone) It was fine, how was your day?