
Chapter 48

Chapter 48 This is called a profession

  The entire process of returning home, except for the fact that the bus was a bit frustrating, everything else was smooth. To say the least, there were no roadblocks.

   I got off the bus at Lechi Station, looking at the familiar buildings and streets, it seemed a bit like a world away.

  There are a lot of rickshaws waiting for customers at the entrance of the station. Those who are looking forward to returning to their hometowns can have someone get on and off the bus.

  People who can ride in the car are those with big bags and small bags. Because they have a lot of things, they need to find someone to pull the goods.

  Han Songlin pulled Liu Yuyan and refused the invitation to carry passengers.

  The two of them have nothing else except Liu Yuyan has a handbag.

  Han Songlin came back empty-handed.

   Liu Yuyan wanted to buy some special products from Jiangzhong City to bring back, but Han Songlin refused.

  What to buy, I am too lazy to bring it!

   In the music pool city, are you afraid that you won't be able to buy things for the Chinese New Year?

Just kidding!

   "The city is so lively!" Liu Yuyan was a little amazed. It was the Chinese New Year, and the street lamps in the county town had been hung with red lanterns, and the trees were also covered with colored lights.

   At night, it must be very beautiful.

Han Songlin looked at the streets with people coming and going. If it weren't for the people on the street dressed in a sense of age, the cars were rare, and there were no battery cars running around, it would really make people dream of thirty years later. .

  Many things have been changing, but every year during the Spring Festival, red lanterns are hung high in the county town, and colorful lights are placed on the trees, but it has never changed.

   "It's really lively!"

   Liu Yuyan stopped suddenly, making Han Songlin a little surprised: "What's wrong?"

   You won't leave anything on the car, right?

  Liu Yuyan asked seriously: "You said, let's just go back and not bring something to Han Ting? Will she be angry?"

   Oh, that's a good question!

  When he was a child, Han Songlin was always looking forward to his sister's return, because every time her sister came back, she would bring herself new clothes, food, and even toys.

  Don't think that a child doesn't understand anything; indeed, at that time, she was young, so she really didn't understand; but people have memories, and they will remember when they don't know when.

   Anyway, the child may not be able to remember the memory before the age of three, but after that, he can already remember it.

  Anyway, Han Songlin can still recall some fragmentary memories of his childhood.

   are those impressive!

   Han Songlin and Liu Yuyan have been away for a few months, is Han Ting impressed?

  Han Songlin didn't think he would be sent there.

   "What you said is really a problem. We have to buy gifts for Han Ting. Tell me, what should we buy?"

   Liu Yuyan didn't know either, so she just looked at Han Songlin, waiting for him to make up her mind!

  Han Songlin has never bought a gift for a little girl, and he can count the number of times he has given gifts to others in his life.

   Really too little!

   "How about we bring Han Ting out after we go back, see what she wants to buy, and buy it for her!"

   As far as shopping is concerned, Han Songlin is very confident now.


   First, I went to the vegetable market store, and saw Han Songqing busy.

  When Zhang Mingfeng saw Han Songlin, he hurriedly greeted him: "Hi, boss!"

   "I haven't seen you for a few months, Mingfeng is getting more and more beautiful!"

  Zhang Mingfeng smiled shyly. She was really embarrassed by Han Songlin's praise.

   After all, Han Songlin is a handsome guy!

  Han Songqing, who was busy, saw Han Songlin and said with a smile: "I thought you should be there too, is the road going well?"

  Han Songqing has also traveled far, so he naturally knows how inconvenient it is to go out.

   "It went well!"

  Han Songlin remembers that Han Songqing said on the phone that his family members have also moved to the city?

   "Sister-in-law and the others?" Han Songlin mainly wanted to ask Han Ze.

  Han Songqing said helplessly: "There is a meeting at the temple, and Auntie and the others took Han Ting and Han Ze with them!"

   "Miaozi meeting? Sapo Mountain?"

   "It's not Sapo Mountain, it's Leiyin Temple!"

  Leiyin Temple!

   Well, the Buddha is at Daleiyin Temple.

  Leiyin Temple is a temple on the edge of Lechi County. In terms of age, it is very old.

  Incense or something, it's not bad.

  On the mountain of Leiyin Temple, there is also an ancient pagoda, which can be regarded as a cultural landmark of the orchestra.

  The county radio station in the music pool was built there.

  Because it is near the city and the mountains are high.

   "It's this time, and they haven't come back yet?"

   "I guess, I'll be back soon."

  When Han Songlin was a child, his grandmother often took him to temple fairs in the county.

  Until now, Han Songlin felt that the taste of vegetarian food was very special.

   For some people who are not used to eating, the taste of vegetarian food is definitely not suitable. But for Han Songlin, in fact, sometimes he still misses this taste.

   Many times, I would think about going to the temple to eat vegetarian dishes during the Chinese New Year.

  Basically, in the temple, there will be some activities during Chinese New Year.

  In the countryside, besides playing cards, there is nothing else to do during the Chinese New Year, just go to the temple to join in the fun.

  But every time, Han Songlin failed to go.

  Because there is too little time at home during the Chinese New Year.

   Moreover, as the older generation continues to die, the popularity of the temple is rapidly weakening.

  It's normal, isn't it!

  This is an era when the sun and the moon are dared to be replaced by a new sky, and gods and Buddhas can only live behind closed doors.

  After Han Songqing said this, he turned around and entered the room, and then took out five notebooks: "This is the account for the past few months, and I have recorded it here. Take a look!"

  Han Songlin looked at Han Songqing's serious face and smiled; took the account book, and then sat on the recliner and slowly flipped through it.

  Liu Yuyan also looked curiously. She could feel that Han Songlin trusted Han Songqing a lot.

  Han Songlin looked at it, in fact, he just took a look at the flowers and saw how Han Songqing was doing.

   It's not bad. The daily income and expenditure, monthly utility bills, briquettes, etc. are all recorded.

   Even the payment of wages is recorded.

  Han Songlin requested that each store should have a separate account, how much stewed meat was sold every day, and how much it was sold for.

  These accounts will still be collected every month, and they are also required to be checked at ordinary times.

   Once you get your salary, you have to do something.

   As for the employee, she must feel that the boss doesn't care about you if you are not a prince outside.

   Accounting is actually a form of corporate formalization.

   It's one thing whether you can see it or not, but it has to be there.

  In the future, when things really go wrong, many things need to be explained clearly.

  Do not record anything. After something happens, you don't know anything.

  Han Songlin still had another thought to say, the accounting is also for a kind of supervision.

   Behavior without supervision will eventually go out of control.

   "Third brother has done a good job, I can rest assured that you are in charge of this mess!"

  Han Songqing replied: "If you give me a salary, I must do things well!"

  What is a job?

  This is called a job. If you get paid, you should do your job well.

   No matter whether the salary is high or low!

  (end of this chapter)