
Come Here, Prince!

Enchantresses, though, sat in a low position in the demon world, have never actually been looked down on. In terms of fighting force, they were neither powerful nor weak, but this was not a hindrance to the race. Why? Because no enchantress had to ever fight for themselves. Enchantresses, a more passive sub-race of the Incubi and Succubi race, was not as lustful as their main-race, but their ability to enchant was more powerful than any other demon in the demon world. While Incubi and Succubi rely on seduction, Enchantresses rely on “attraction”. Dawa Ianira was such a demon. The prince of the Enchantress race, a direct descendant of a demon lord from the Incubi race and a fallen archangel. And Dawa, this innocent and lazy procrastinator of an enchantress, was suddenly thrown in a series of worldhopping in order to rescue the fallen prince of the demon world.

asanikagami · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The Fall

The Demon World has always been dark. The sky was painted in a forever shade of red and black, never going bright nor getting darker. If one wants to see the sun, they have to crawl out from the Demon World and onto the Human World to experience what brightness was really all about.

Today, however, was different.

While the sky remained dark and gloomy, there were shades of bright red streak all over it. Like the sky was a canvas of painting that was suddenly splashed with blood. It dripped all over the place, creating an oddly beautiful but also ominous piece of art.

Dawa watched the sky as the red streaks gradually spread. He was in the highest room of the 3rd Royal Tower of the Royal Palace, watching the scene.

"I feel like it's going to be the end of the world." Dawa mumbled under his breath. And then his eyes caught the reflection on the glass window, where a large bed was placed behind him. On that bed, a man was lying visibly. "That's probably the case right now."

He turned around and walked towards the large canopy bed. The sheets were dark in color while the pillows were in a dark shade of purple. So, the pale, silver haired elf-like man lying on them stood out like the moon in a starless night.

The man had the face of an elf. Beautiful and holy, looking detached from everything around him. For a demon who has been ruling the Demon World for a very long time, he seemed to belong to the Celestials more than he does to the Demons.

Dawa squatted by the bed and gazed at the sleeping prince. His eyes carried no hint of emotion in them, looking like a stagnant body of water. No ripples could be seen in them, staying calm and undisturbed.

"The Ciro Palace is dark today." He told with a hint of nonchalance. "This is the first time I've seen this place quiet too."

Ciro Palace was the official name of the Royal Palace. It was the oldest historical place in the Demon World, existing way before most of the demon races were born. According to history, it was the gift of the first Demon King to his lover.

The Lord of Sleep and the Moon Enchantress; they were the first monarchs of the Demon World. They created a kingdom from the primordial chaos that was void, and took the creatures disgraced by the sun. Then, in this world of darkness, a flourishing world was born.

The Ciro Palace has always been bright and buzzing. It was the only place in the Demon World that was not gloomy and dark. For eons, it remained that way. Countless demon princes and princesses lived in the Ciro Palace and they never dared extinguish the light that lit up its hallways.

This was the first time since the fall of the Lord of Sleep and the death of the Moon Enchantress.

Dawa touched the lock of hair covering the prince's forehead and sighed.

"You should've just killed yourself if you wanted to escape." Dawa stroked the prince's pale and sunken cheeks. "Now, I'm forced to recall all your scattered souls. "

The blade on his left hand caught the light of a lampshade in the corner and the surface glittered fiercely because of it. The blade, although silver in color, had runes engraved on them that were glowing neon purple.

The blade moved and was placed in the neck of the sleeping prince. It hovered over the pale skin, as if contemplating.

Dawa spoke once again, still in a calm and nonchalant tone. He was apologizing for the series of disrespectful actions he will be making in the next moment.

"I apologize, Your Highness." He said sincerely. "I don't hate you, really, so please don't take this to heart. I just don't want to waste my time on you."

Dawa was not lying. He and the prince had nothing against each other. You could even consider them acquittance. They live outside of each other's lives. They only knew of each other's name, never really the person. Their tacit understanding of each other's personality however, made them get along well enough for others to think that they were romantically involved with each other.

First and foremost, they weren't. Everything was just a series of misunderstandings that the two were too lazy and too busy to care about.

Dawa and the prince had no idea that these misunderstandings would lead Dawa to being the person the ministers would force to take back all the scattered souls of the demon prince.

It was beyond ridiculous.

And this time, Dawa was going to end all these ridiculous charades.

"They said that you accidentally fell into Lake Kagami and a large portion of your soul was shattered.." Dawa stood up from his squatting position and instead sat on the edge of the bed. "They said that those shattered souls went into reincarnation. The remaining soul in your body was not enough, so unless you retrieve and piece back together those souls, you won't be able to wake up."

Dawa positioned the dagger in the demon prince's chest. "I only need to send this remaining soul to reincarnation. The pain is only temporary so don't hate me too much, Your Highness."

And then the dagger came down fast and swift, there was no hesitation, only confidence and determination to kill. The blade was once again caught in the light and for a swift second, it reflected the face of its holder. An exquisitely beautiful face with black hair and fox-like purple eyes. However , this beautiful face was void of emotion and only a trace of cruelty could be seen in them.

A demon. That's what Dawa was. A being that lives only for themself. Selfish hedonists were what they are. Was what Dawa are.

As the dagger came down and came in contact with the prince's thin clothes, there was a flash of light and a sudden force that knocked Dawa away from the bed. The light came from the prince's ruby earrings.

It was a high magic protective spell.

Dawa grabbed the dagger that flew a few distance away from him. Once in his hand, the dagger turned into smoke and condensed on a finger in his left hand, forming a thin ring band with a small purple jewel in the middle.

Dawa was not surprised about this development. This was the Demon World's Prince after all. It would be utterly ridiculous if he was to die in Dawa's hand that fast.

The enchantress had seen this coming.

But it did not matter. Anyway, if he really was forced to reincarnate multiple times just to save this sleeping prince, he could just kill the prince in those reincarnation and capture their pieces of soul.

At the very least, his anger would be satiated that way.

There was a loud knock on the door before it opened.

Followed by a maid, strolled in, a woman.

The woman had long, pale blonde hair decorated with flowers from all seasons. She was tall, taller than Dawa, and had a gentle and compassionate face. She wore an almost transparent green dress that showed all her skin except for her private parts.

She was the Queen of the Fallen Fayes.

Arcadia, the Demon of False Dreams.

She stopped in front of Dawa. Her bronze colored hand stretched out and in her palms lay a pocket watch.

Her gentle voice echoed in the silent room..

"The time has come. Please accept my gift, Lord Dawa."

This gift was the treasure of the Fallen Fayes.

False Dreams.

It held countless timelines inside it as well as some of the sleeping prince's scattered souls. Those souls were hurriedly put inside so they won't be able to reincarnate outside of their worldline.


After being silent for a long time, Dawa finally accepted the gift.

"I will do my best." not.