
Who are you?

Have you ever felt that you were missing something in life, like everything you do doesn't feel complete. Then there are shows where people who have this feeling usually miraculously have an identical twin or something. Well yeah I have a big case of what ever that is. But the only difference from this and those shows are my twin hijacked my brain just to get to me. Crazy right, before I go on let me introduce my self. My name is Kyrie Dim, I live in a world where there is space travel and planetary communication everywhere. As a matter of fact I work, at a little mom and pop planet stop shop, on Pluto and come back home to Earth every Monday through Friday on a 10 minute light year line, a train that travels by light years. Anyway, I was abandoned as a baby on planet Earth in an area called North America. All I was found with was a golden locket on golden chain. The government found me and gave me to nice family it was nice. Everything was good until they started to show, my powers that is. I didn't know how to control them let alone know they were there. My powers made me able to control colors for the most part, depending on the day. During good ones they would just darken things around me, whether it be roadsigns, buildings, cars, weirdly even people. During bad days my powers wouldn't darken things but drain the color out of them, in the people it's as if they lose all determination and drive to do anything. This scared the family I was with and all the other people living there. Nobody came towards me and as I got older my powers got stronger and even more out of control. The only solution to controling them was putting me in a large black, and white room with no windows and one small door that locks from the outside and camoflouges in. I spent most of my child hood here, a lone. I guess the people saw that because they never judged me and tried to act normal around me, not in my face at least. In that room I would mostly try to learn how to control them in the day and cry myself to sleep at night. At the age where I was supposed to start school they started to home school me in a way. They taught me how to read and that was all I was doing, book after book after book that was all I could do to distract me from my magic. Here I am now though at 25 years old I am considered the most intelligent person on this side of the universe, and now those black and white walls bring me comfort and protection from the judgement and eyes of others. Also I am able stabalize and control some of my magic now. So you know my background story and now back to the whole twin hijacking my brain. This all starts in that same room where I lived most as a child in. I put windows in, there is a bed, and mirrors all around two of the walls. This is where I train body and powers, this is also where I escape reality. Anyway, I was training my powers trying to control darkening things around me when everything turned black. I couldn't move let a lone see what I was moving. Suddenly I heard a voice saying,

"Move to the mirror move to the mirror."

I don't know how or what got me to the mirror that I could not even see. But what I did see was a woman she was dark like milk chocolate. Her eyes were shimmering dark gold. She had short blond hair though on her it looked normal. She was wearing a grey shirt, black joggers, and black army boots on. The weirdest thing about her was that she had a floating necklace around her neck. There was a key around a gold chain almost the color of her eyes. But the key for some reason was deep violet with yellow and white spots that seemed to shine out of the key. When I looked closer and I was confused for a second, but after a bit I realised it was actually the universe, the real life universe. What made me even more confused was that my locket was doing the same exact thing the key was doing, and it was the same size and shape as the my locket. Then after I looked back at her and she said,

"Damn, about time."

After that everything went back to black and then I was in my room again. Everything back to normal except for the woman standing in my room.

"Who the hell are you?"

I said, and she replied,

"Hello Kyrie long time no see."