
Battle (1)

"Where are you going?"

An armed guard stopped Ming Shu before she could enter the forest.

"Sir, I came to deliver some of these arrows to my young master. He forgot them in the tent just now and we only noticed just now"

The guard snorted.

"With an errand boy like you, your Young Master is probably a bum too"

To the guard's condescending attitude, Ming Shu only bowed her head and rolled her eyes. She better not find out from which regiment this idiot is, otherwise she is afraid to let him meet his ancestors. An idiot like him will most likely cause some kind of problem to the army sooner or later.

"Sir, May I go now?"

The guard saw that the 'boy' in front of him didn't respond to his stimulation and lost his interest, waving his hand like he was driving away an annoying fly.

To this kind of person who will foolish offend people without discrimination, Ming Shu ignores and went on her way. She has some pressing matters to attend now.

With a light footwork she quickly disappeared from the guard front.

After seeing the young boy in front of him disappear, the guard palled. Now he could only pray that the boy don't remember his villain.

Ming Shu unaware of the guard psychological changes, completely tossed himout of her mind and followed the tracks from where her brother said they would enter.

Every group had one entry from the border of the forest so that the chances of competing for prey wouldn't be high and conflicts among the nobles would be generated from such trifling matters. Not that it deterred some shock between enemies, but it probably avoided making new rivals.

She thought that she would have at least a bit of problem following their tracks since she wasn't a master in the field, but the tracks from them were so obvious that even marks on the trunk were left.

Ming Shu wondered for a while if they knew she would come. Was she so predictable or are they luring the assassins? But the assassins should be already in the forest before the hunt began. So it was really for her?

As she alternated between being mad because they treated her like she was a kid and being sweet because of their care she heard the cling sounds of the metals against each other.

'A fight!'

She accelerated and soon she arrived at the scene. However she didn't jump in the fray yet. First she observed their situation since she didn't want to interfere unless she had to.

Seven young man were fighting against a group of 15 people dressed in black. In the black clothes a red embroidery mark was very catchy.

Seeing the mark, Ming Shu pupils contracted. This were the secret forces in Zhao Song's hand. They were dark guards trained since young in many fields like poisoning and assassination. Whatever important dirty work that Zhao Song wanted to do, they were the people who executed. They were a ruthless force that in the future made anyone tremble by only a mention about them.

'It seems this time he's really adamant in having his brother's head'

Hiding in the tree branches, Ming Shu couldn't help but feel a deep pride. Even with the disadvantage in numbers, her family could still hold well. Her five cousins made a formation without openings. While the eldest and the third cousin flunk the enemies, the annoying Muqing together with Muchen trusted their swords at the enemies and Muli aimed his arrows to any assassin who managed to find a gap.

Like that they easily handled 10 people by their own.

'It seems I don't have to worry about them for now' Ming Shu said while turning her eyes to her brother and Yifeng. Each one was handling 2 opponents.

'Wait. Two? There was 15 people when I came, where is the last one?' Ming Shu frenetically searched for traces left by the last assassin.

Just then a metallic flash appeared in the bushes at her north and Ming Shu moved instinctively.


Fifteen minutes early.

Yifeng group finally entered the forest and became quiet. Well, at least those who could.

Li Muqing hated the silence of the forest and he couldn't care less about the assassins. They would have to fight them anyways l, it didn't matter if it was sooner then expected.

"Do you think that the little tigress will follow us?"

"She's not you and have a degree of things" Li Muli looked at his third brother in disgust.

Muqing snorted. "Wanna make a bet? I'm sure that she won't be able to endure that boring atmosphere in the ladies meeting and will run here"

Seeing everyone's silence Muqing's temper came up.

"Believe it or not? I'm willing to be your horse for a day if I loose"

The four Li Young Masters immediately came in interest, and even Ming Peng looked at his second cousin.

"Sure. If we loose you can ask anything"

Muqing smiled. "Sure!" In a happy mood he started to break thinks making a easily seen track.

Li Muzhong was stumped with this behavior. Doesn't this thick-head know that they were been targeted by assassins? Why don't you just shout their location.

Perceiving his elder brother looks, Muqing pointed to the track.

"It's easier for the little tigress find is this way. What if she looses her way and find some danger?"

No one answered his words, but in the next second Si Yifeng saw his 6 companions doing some kind of easy track. The Fifth Young Master carving little marks in the trees that they passed. For a while he questioned his decision of leaving his life into their hands.

As he was about to ridicule his friend of his protective behavior, he heard a sound and reflexively dodge to the right. An arrow passed trough his cheek, leaving a thin blood line. If not his early detection he would probably be dead by now.

"They're here!"

As Li Muli warned the others, everyone made a fighting stance ready for the incoming assailants. Just as the words finished and they became prepared, 15 people dressing in black clothes appeared in front of them.