
Color them yellow ( A Girl who is Allergic to Water)

She had been drowning constantly even though she can't even touch the water. Sia had been fighting all her life, trying not to be tossed away by the harsh tide. She was born allergic to water. She can't even touch a drop of it nor shed a bit of tears. She enclosed herself in a bubble that only herself can enter. Caleb-- He found peace whenever he is in the water. He can almost literally live in it. However, an accident changed everything. As a gold medalist, world star swimmer, how can he get away from hi most beloved sports now that he can't even get near the pool anymore? What is the future waiting these two individuals; one who long to enjoy water for even a little while the other dreaded water which he once loved the most. Can they make a clearer path in their lives or will they both drown together in the flood that had been brought by their awful past life events?

AthenaWisdom · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs



"Help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I wake up from that dreaded nightmare.

There I found him beside me in the wee hour of the night. Staring intently as if I am a lab rat that might be intoxicated by his self-developed potion called charm. He is always like that. He never showed me any significant emotion. His chiseled face always remained as cold as my favorite Vanilla ice cream; but what the heck I still know that I cannot live without him anymore. Then when I am ready to stop this craziness, he hold me in his arms as tightly as he could

No. I have to think this through.

It bothers me that we are we are just sticking together because we are both broken. I'm afraid that if that's the case, this blissful moments… feelings are just in my far away dream. Who am I to deserve such an almost perfect man? With my flaws and insecurities, what I am doing in his warmth embrace?

No. I am not like this.

It bothers me a lot that I care about these stupid things. I never cared whether people would stay in my life or not. I am mocking their desperate cries in my head. Their overly romantic belief in fairytales make me vomit out of my wits.

"I am with you. I am here. Nothing matters than this," that soothing voice that I seldom hear, I swallowed all the sorrow… regret… pain that I want to shout to this unfair world. Once again I believe in the words such as love and happiness.

Hi! Color them yellow is not entirely... overly about the romance between the characters. There might be some parts where there would be romance but I think most of the stories will revolve on the characters' inner struggles as well as things we are experiencing in our society.

But, but, but!!! I promise to make it relatable to all of us as much as I could and somehow still make you believe in a happy ending (haha ). These characters made me felt I am not alone and I hope it will do to you also.

Thank you for supporting these little tiny projects of mine. All of you had inspired me a lot to keep going!

Enjoy the first chapter!

AthenaWisdomcreators' thoughts