
You're Him

- Nct - {YuMark}

Me and Johnny have been walking around the store for hours walking around because we are tired of being at SM all the time. And well this and sleep are what we do on our days off. It doesn't bother me much and I'm guessing it's the same with Johnny. We always speak English when we're alone together and some people here look at us all weird because we are asian foreigners. Like so what quit staring! Butt cheeks. I pout a bit causing Johnny to tap my shoulder and in a quick instant I snap back to reality and smile at Johnny.

"Dude you good? You pouted for nothing." Johnny said with a cute bright smile.

"Yeah just thinking, anyway you want to go ahead and get back to the company, we have practice in about fourth minutes. If we get there now we still have a good amount of time to stretch." I said with a light smile and he nods agreeing. We then strut out of the store and start to walk the one block distance from there back to SM.

"Oh right, you hear we were supposed to get a new transfer trainee. Doyoung told me. . . Well texted me." Johnny said and I just smile.

"Another new kid? Can't wait!" I smile and Johnny laughs at me.

"Yeah heard he's from Japan." Johnny said and I just drop my jaw.

"That's so cool." Damn- he might be right I'm fucking weird.

"Yeah, so let's hurry so we can meet him!" Johnny yells running ahead.

"Wait for me you giant!" I yell running after him soon catching up.

We arrived in SM running and exhausted, but yet continued to run due to the fact that we were afraid to being late.

"Doyoung! What's up?" Johnny and me stop in the middle of the hall to greet Doyoung who's heading the same way.

"Nothing much, you?" Doyoung didn't hesitate to smile and throw his arm over my shoulder.

"Same here, so Japanese kid right?" I asked and Doyoung nodded. Yeah Taeyoung told me and I'm just kind of here spreading the message." We love making new friends that's the only reason we act like cheerleaders and gossip about it.

"Well we are almost to the practice room so let's go." Doyoung said with a bright and sweet smile.

"Hey Mark." Taeyoung said with a cute smile and I hug him.

"Class is starting soon where is everyone?" I ask and he smiles and pointed towards the door and people start to slowly pour in.

"What the fuck how did you know?" Johnny questioned Taeyoung and he just smiled in response.

"Say something." Doyoung said and Taeyoung chuckled.

"Ok, they all come in around the same time always at this time. I don't know why but it's a thing." Hm? That's funny. I look through the room and see a unfamiliar face.

He was really cute actually. He has a pretty smile, dark black hair that lightly fell over his eyes, and a beautifully casual clothes that almost look like they should be brand names cause he looks so good in them. I tap Johnny and we both smile towards the boy though he didn't know us.

"Hi." I said in Korean. He answered hello in Korean but it was a bit off. He tried to say what's your name but messed up. Them he said the but of English he knew.

"What's your- uh, name?" He said and I smile brightly.

"Mark, what is your name?" I asked slowly to help the boy a bit.

"Yuta Nakamoto" he smiled widely and I shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you." I said and smiled returning the words in a sweet way.

"Ok class lets get together and stretch a bit before we begin ok?" Everyone answers politely and gets on the floor begging to follow the teachers stretching.

Through out dance Yuta was moving step by step and though he messed up here and there he looked amazing doing it. I worked with Johnny, Doyoung, and Taeyoung until class was over but right before anybody even left the room I run to Yuta with a big smile.

"Hey." I said in English and he turned towards me and quickly smiled and pulled out his phone for a quick instant after returning a hey back to me. Google translate was pulled up and he switched his phone key board to Korean and handed it to me. I already knew what it meant so I began to type my invitation into the translator.

"Me and my friends are going to go out and eat do you want to join." Though it was Japanese and I didn't understand I knew that it worked fine because he said yes and I quickly grabbed his hand dragging him over to the others.

"You bringing him?" Doyoung asked sweetly and I nodded.

"He needs friends. Let's fill that roll I mean he's new too." I said and Johnny quickly smiled.

That's what it was like for two weeks now. A sweet little japanese boy we had with us to keep him company as he used a translator and continued to learn Korean as we went on. The more I was around him the the more I felt drawn to him. His smile, giggle, eyes, hair, just everything about this boy made me want him as a close friend...maybe not even that I think I have feelings for the cute boy that always stuck to me. And even if I liked him I hoped he liked me too due to me not being able to keep my feelings hidden I would tell him and hope to not feel my heart break because of that amazing boys small little rejection.

So Im with him alone and we are traveling the streets as he looks for a place to eat.

"How about that Barbeque place? They have private rooms." I asked and Yuta smiled cutely and almost pulled out his phone. But I grab his hand and drag him along to the place so we could eat.

"Woah, pretty." He stared the places walls down with awe as we were leaded by a waitress to a small room.

"I didn't know you had these here. We have these in really fancy restaurants in Japan." He smiled widely as the translator babbled of in Korean to me and I just smile taking his phone.

"Yeah. It's pretty nice don't you think? Plus this place actually that pricey so that means order anything." I smile as he read the translator on his phone and looked at me with a light surprise plastered on his cute little face.

He held up an okay sign with his hand as the waiter came in with a quick smile. She handed us the menus.

"Heres this buzzer, press the button to tell us when your ready to order, I'll pick it up when I come back ok? But for now what would you like to drink?" She asked pulling out a pen and pad. Yuta taps the table and looks at me with a question mark.

I pull my hand up and make the y holding it up to my to my face and tipping it up and he quickly got it.

"Sprite please." He said in English with a cute tone and the waiter just chuckled.

"And you sir?"

"I'll have a Dr. Pepper thanks." I said politely bowing and then she left and I was left with Yuta once again.

"So what do you want?" I ask in English and he quickly looks at the menu.

"Can...read for me?" Yuta said in English with hesitant eyes and I just smile and nod. I walk over to his side and point to the first one.

"Taebokki." I said looking at him and he just smiles and repeats.

"Taebokki?" He questions and I just smile and nod grabbing his phone and then off it goes when I set it down.

"There are options for spicy, cheesy, regular. This is a type of rice cake meal, very tasty." He giggles at the translator and I just continue with the menu.

We finally had our orders placed on our tables and he just smiled at all the food we ordered as he was really proud. He began to dig in a bit but i stop him by opening my big mouth.


"Hm?" He hummed in response looking me up in the eyes.

"I like you." I said in Japanese. And he looked at me shocked but touched. I didn't know what to make of the emotions that's flooded me or the ones that engulfed his eyes.

"...really?" He went on in English and I look down at my lap and nod a bit. I hear him shuffle and then I hear small gentle footsteps approach me. His figure sits next to me and he quickly attacks me in a hug.

"I like you." He said in Korean and I just smile and hug back. He likes me back. I grab his translator and he lets go and smiles at me with adoring eyes and then I smile as I hand him his phone.

"Yes." He went off in English and I just attack him in a hug like he did me and I could help but smile now.

I had a boyfriend...and it was a cute little Japanese boy named Yuta. And he's part of NCT with me...
