
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

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23 Chs

Welcome to my daily life monster.

Chapter 10: Welcome to my daily life monster.

After Kiyora Jin called me and wanted to ask me some questions,I didn't expect him to ask me these type of question. It seems he now knows about my secret identity which I wanted him to know. Though I think that ryoma did something so that Kiyora Jin can know about my identity because it was completely removed. The concert of [cube] was completely erased by those who invested in cube.

Now I wanted to see what he will do after I make him see what type of weapon I have in my disposal. So I took him to where a mission was being done. It seems he didn't kill anyone here.

He went behind Kiyora Jin before he could Kiyora Jin could even fell him. His presence was at absolute zero. But it seems Kiyora Jin has some good reflexes.

" My name is Alex Midgard. pleased to meet you." Alex said to Kiyora who still continue's to look at him with a glare which wasn't as effective as he thinks. Alex is the finest product made in [cube].

Cube is a organization which experiment's on human potential. They isolates kids at young age and nurtures them. They are taught things that kids couldn't be able to learn and they are far more ahead from the kids at their age. The kids at cube are capable of doing quantum physics, measuring theory, Lubegs integrals and many more. At the age of 5 a average cube student is able to do highschool level question 's and various martial arts such as karate , muay Thai, kung fo kick boxing etc. At the age of 10 a average cube student is able to do college level question 's and learn at least 10 martial arts. But the things is no one is able to survive till the age of 10. They most definitely drops out at the age of 8 or 9. The only one who are able to go past age 10 is Javi and Alex. But Alex is different from Javi. For Javi he can be said ,he barely survived. Meanwhile for Alex's case he is able to complete it all. He was able to out do the organization itself. That's why he is called {masterpiece of cube} and Javi is just someone who survived which itself is a big feat.

Which I was thinking,it seems Alex and Kiyora both are talking with each other quite freely. It seem as if they were old friend who didn't see each other for years. I wonder what they are talking about.


" Yup a girl with thick ass is my ideal type. " Alex said to Jin who grinned.

" well my friend I can't agree here. For me it's thighs. A thick one. To get a blow from a thick thighs is my dream. As they say ' Thick thighs save lives' " Jin said about him type.

The two boys were talking about their ideal type of girls. Which was the reason why they were acting as if they were long lost best friends.

" if you two boys have finished talking then let me tell you something Kiyora. This guy isn't the killer. The one you are looking for. I sent him to your room so that you can saved. " she said to Jin who just looks at her, dumbfounded.

" so you are telling me that all that shit for nothing and I would have died if I didn't had this strange feeling about some shit night happen type. So please consider that. " he said to aurora who just sigh's.

" well sorry but that was only way. So you want to know who is the killer? " she asked Jin who shakes his head as a no.

" Na~ I don't want to cuz I already know who it is. It's Javi Leonard 's mom and girlfriend correct?" he told her.

" Why? It might have been his friend no?" she asked him and he grins.

" well first of let's make something straight. What would happen if someone's son or daughter died?" He asked to no one in particular.

" Navigating the aftermath of a tragedy can lead individuals down unpredictable paths. following the devastating murder of their son, coming to terms with the unthinkable, individuals often grapple with profound grief, complicated emotions, and behavioral changes. in the quest for semblance, the peculiar behaviors exhibited by someone close to the victim can be perplexing. from withdrawal to uncharacteristic outbursts, understanding these actions becomes crucial not only for emotional closure but also in the context of the investigation. The loss of a child is an indescribable pain that can fracture even the strongest of individuals. Grief, a complex and deeply personal experience, manifests in myriad ways. Those close to the victim may find themselves in a state of shock, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of their loss. This shock often gives way to a range of emotions, from intense sorrow to anger and disbelief. In the wake of such trauma, it is not uncommon for individuals to exhibit behaviors that seem out of character, stemming from the overwhelming weight of their emotions. But -" He stopped ot take a breathe in and starts again.

"But none of this were being displayed in both Lucy and Charlotte. From his friend, I came to know that he is a playboy who likes to do it with other girls. He would switch girls as quick as I switch the tv channel Infront of my parents when some inappropriate things pop's up." he stops realizing what the said was quite embarrassing.

" Ahem! Let's continue. I have also confirmed it that Lucy and Javi both did it many times. But he wasn't satisfied. But one day he felt the want to do it and saw his girlfriend's younger step sister 'Green'. That day no one was there at the house. So he took the chance and starter to [Redirected] with his girlfriend's step younger sister..." he stops and let's the other two people present there absorb the given information. Alex had a look of disgust and aurora didn't say anything just clench her hand , ballin a fist. Since she also has a daughter she can place herself on Charlotte's place.

"... Let's continue. This news was about to leak out when miss Charlotte learned that Lucy's sister was [Redirected] , she couldn't stop herself. This information somehow went towards his mother. She had her mind blank unable to comprehend what her son did. When she came to talk about this her son was already knocked out by Lucy. His head probably had blood and they used hydrogen peroxide. Maybe they used a bit too much hydrogen peroxide so there was some light stain. And when they talked to me it seems their eyes were clearly lying. " he continued.

" Despite being a mother,she knows what is right and wrong. And I respect that so..." he takes a blue pen drive and shows it.

" This contains false files that I made when I reached the conclusion that you two, miss Charlotte and Lucy James were with this murder so I framed someone else who had same type of crime but more bad. " he said which made both aurora and Alex widen their eyes.

" How-" Alex was shocked.

" Well you two are quite the big lier." he grins and walks away.


The moment I met them I could tell that both miss aurora and Javi's mom and girlfriend were lying. It was easy to guess. But in my past life I have faced with people who can literally read someone's mind so most of the tune I had to be secretive about my thoughts. Deceiving both my self and others around me.

Despite me being a hater of lier's I lied yo myself all my life , thinking that can get away with everything. The only person I can be truthful are my mother, father and Rina.

The reason why I made a false accusations is because of Jonathan aurora and her influence. Her influence in both political and detective world is much greater than one thinks.

Influence is a powerful weapon. With enough influence, one can shape public opinion, create and define cultural norms, and even alter the course of history. With enough influence, one can determine elections, shape policies, influence consumer behavior, and even alter the way people think, feel, and act. With enough influence, one can shape the narrative, sway public perception, and direct the course of events. The world is a complex place, and those who wield influence can wield that power to effect change within it. The only limit is one's imagination, knowledge and determination.

And Jonathan aurora is a person with a great influence. She can make my entire existence disappear without anyone knowing.

I felt a vibration from my pocket. I took out my phone and saw a number that I was familiar with.

While chatting with Alex he gave me his number and it seems he sent me a text.

‹ I will be going to Japan and work with you and help you with your works. Is that fine with you?› it seems Miss Jonathan told him to do so. Well who am I to say no to free workforce and a powerful hand at that?

‹ sure. Do you have your flight tickets ready?›

‹ Yes I have›

A fast reply.

‹ ok then see you at Tokyo university. Bye› I decided to end this conversation.

‹ ok.› And he went offline.

Well having a monster like him in the team will help me in some way I suppose. Well what ever. I have to welcome this monster in my daily life from tomorrow.

Drop some power stone if you want. Quz they are my motivation. Thanks you for reading this.

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