
Collecting mutations in a magical world

Waking up in a strange new world of magic and adventure Jace must use his unique advantages to survive. Within his mind dots of light gather, granting him abilities of the nightmares he slays. In a world of mages seeking truth, power and authority how will be fare.

gumballs6 · Fantasia
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

The tireless crashing of the waves against the ship provided an organic serenity to The Darling's travels.

While the moon hung in the sky and cast down it's silvery glow, several servants, scattered across the railing of the cabin and the deck, watchfully monitored the waters.

Their temperaments were gentle and refined, a polar opposite to the savage and uncouth sailors.

Vast quantities of exquisite timber had been imported from across several empires to be used in the construction of The Darling. The finest architects and craftsmen had worked in unison to design cabins fit for kings and queens.

Ornate carvings of fierce dragons circling mountains and rivers, fields of wheat twisting playfully in the wind; painstaking efforts had gone into each and every detail.

Various activities were taking place in the sound-proofed rooms aboard The Darling. Upon reaching the shores of her destination, perhaps many noble circles would explode with scandal. Earls inviting dignified duchesses to their chambers and servants being pulled by their collars into the eager embrace of unscrupulous royalty.

Hidden from sight and separated by floors of billiard rooms, saunas and other such activities, the sailors quarters bore a stark contrast to the extravagant and busy chambers above.

Wrapped in layers of fur and sealskin the sailors slumbered deeply in their beds. They lacked even the energy to dream.

Wallets heavy with coin and tales of the horrors they had seen would be brought back by those that survived the voyage. Occasionally objects that defied logic and understanding would surface at the seaside towns where The Darling docked. They were treasures the sailors had found at sea.

However man's heart was often scarier than any beast or daemon laying wait in the darkness.

Experienced sailors frequently warned rookies not to let the magical things they might find see the light of day. In a world governed by nobles and the wealthy it was all too easy to make an ordinary man dissapear.

Nonetheless stories of greedy and foolish sailors who drunkenly boasted and bragged in taverns about sparkling sea shells or gems that spoke and sang, only to go missing days later were routinely spread amongst the men.

For the moment they were united in sleep, safe from the perils at sea.

The voyage across the roaring waves was halfway complete. 11 bunks were empty.

Rest kept the sailors' minds sharp and their bodies nimble. No sailor would stray from their bed until morning came to snatch them from their sleep. The 11 beds would not be filled until the next voyage.

'Those arrogant nobles above. Their beds are never lonely. They fail to appreciate the luxury of privacy.'

One sailor was still up.

The expert marksman, Jace.

His arms were crossed on his chest and his hazel eyes stared at the ceiling just inches above his head. Unlike the brutish mannerisms and behaviour of the sailors, the marksman had a quiet intelligence about himself.

On the first day of the voyage the sailors had mocked and laughed at the apparent scholar in their ranks. The hardened sailors had shared a pitying glance as they mourned for the loss of the out of place young man.

Yet that night, as the atrocities scuttled up the sides of the ship and beared their venom filled teeth, the scholar was the first to fire.

There was little time for unnecessary thought or consideration on the battlefield. Still the other sailors could not help but frown with surprise. New recruits had various reactions to the ferocious demons, never before had they seen such a lucky shot.

They all silently wished that some deity would smile upon them with kindness too.

While the sailors envied the good fortune of the scholarly young man, an explosion sounded once more. Again smoke rose from his rifle.

That day marked the most successful battle against the creatures of the depths. Although luck played a significant role, not a single man was injured. The innocent scholar was akin to a smiling grim reaper.

Every bullet claimed a life. This was a feat only the most capable of a monarch's personal guard could accomplish.

Such a frightening talent had somehow been recruited aboard The Darling. The sailors knew a generous bonus awaited the young man on the shore.

'I wonder if I gained anything new from today's battle. It seems like the repeated killing of a creature can only bring limited benefits.' Jace mused to himself, rhythmically tapping his left shoulder as he thought.

Closing his eyes Jace willed himself to "see" what he could not. With a week's practice he was becoming increasingly more adept at doing so. Initially it had taken him over a minute to achieve that unique state, now he required only a few seconds.

This was under the condition his heart was at peace. Achieving the unique state during battle would take months, perhaps even years.

'Fortunately I arrived with a cheat to this world, otherwise I wouldn't have survived my first day. Those damn crabs are truly fierce.'

Within Jace's mind a 3d figure of himself floated motionlessly. He could observe himself from any angle and even simulate movement. The detail was impossibly fine, no different to looking in a mirror.

Additional features were also available. Jace could choose to look past his skin and directly observe his blood vessels and organs.

All of this was fascinating and would no doubt make the royal surgeons and doctors of this world go green with envy. Ultimately however it was of little practical use.

The original Jace was physically fit and even somewhat talented with a rifle but it was impossible for him to shoot the eye of a charging beast from tens of meters away.

The difficulty was simply too high. Only a genius gunslinger supported by years of grueling training could accomplish such a feat.

The secret to Jace's extraordinary skill did not lay in his natural talents nor the experiences he had brought with him from earth. The cause was far more magical.

Behind the floating figure three dots of light twinkled with a unique charm. Just a few hours ago only two dots of light were present. The third was entirely new.

Suppressing his glee Jace focused his attention on the first dot. Pieces of information were transmitted to him by a strange mental connection.

From a unique creature named a Sea Skitterer, Jace had developed incredible perception and coordination. Sea Skitterer's were rare and no larger than a palm, Jace had chanced upon it on The Darling's deck after it was exhausted by a nightmarish storm.

Without thinking he had stomped on the many legged creature, ending it's life and earning his first supernatural ability.

The second dot of light came from the Bloodcurdle Crab, a name derived from the shrieking and wailing it produced upon encountering prey. Jace's blood developed immense vitality, given time and nutritious food he could regrow a limb just like the Bloodcurdle Crab.

'Please. I'm a glass cannon, give me something for defense!' Jace hoped with crossed fingers.

Nerves and excitement tingled in his stomach. So far his life had been in little danger. Each night they would encounter hundreds of Bloodcurdle crabs that swarmed The Darling as they sensed movement on the waves. With his frightening perception and fine control over his body the crustaceans posed no threat.

Their delicate eyes and underbellies were glaring weaknesses Jace happily exploited.

The ocean was incomparably vast. How could it be limited to one species of creature. Each night when the senior sailors shared their experiences he listened in.

Serpents tens of meters in length. Gargantuan creatures that made the ocean shake with a casual turn or dive. Beneath the depths lurked horrors that exceeded human imagination.

Information flowed into Jace's mind.

Surprise flashed across his face. Then a content smile settled onto his lips.

'Tomorrow is a new day.'

As his snores joined those of his fellow sailors Jace fell asleep with the pleased still plastered on his face.