
Collecting Heroines in the Multiverse

A guy reincarnates as a Futa in the multiverse. ---- MC has no real limit. Mc's a Futanari. Imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/Fy2Kce4 (Human form) https://imgur.com/a/VUiuuUa (Angel From)

FutanariLover · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

Tragedy and Quirk

Well sorry for not posting for the last 10 days, I was on holiday. I couldn't post during this time because my phone broke and I couldn't connect to my account. Also, the holidays end next Monday (The 5 of September) for me and I'll go back to school so I'll not be able to post regularly or even not at all.


Well… Incest is wincest.


After thirty minutes by car the two arrived at a hospital. They went to the reception and Angela gave them her identity card.

Seeing who it was, the receptionist took the phone.

"Please take a seat in the waiting zone. I need to call someone." She started to tap a number when someone stopped her.

"It'll not be necessary." A middle-aged doctor said to the receptionist. "Are you miss Adrasteia?" He looked at the mother and daughter pair but frowned his eyebrows seeing the Estra.

Angela nodded.

"Please come with me." Angela took Estra in her arms and followed the doctor.

'I hope It's not that…' Estra thought as she buried her head in her mother's neck to hide her worried and watery eyes.

After passing through the corridors of the hospitals, they arrived before an isolated room at the end of a corridor.

"Please prepare yourselves." The doctor said gently. He could not do much in those situations.

He pushed open the door to let the duo enter. Angela took a deep breath to try and be as calm as possible but it only made it worse. Her arms were trembling as were her legs. Estra gripped tightly on her mother and looked ahead.

First thing she saw was two men. One was dressed in a hero costume and the other was in a formal dress. The hero costume was pretty funny to look at and if it wasn't a serious situation Estra would have laughed her ass off. The two men were before a metallic longue table with a white sheet seemingly covering something.

Seeing the two enter the two men backed away and made some space.

Angela approached the table with slow and trembling steps. Arriving in front of the table she could see the silhouette of someone underneath the sheet which almost made her legs go weak.

She stretched her trembling arm slowly. She held the edge of the sheet and slowly removed it. As she removed the sheet she could see hair and seeing them she almost could not hold it anymore, Estra tightened her grip and feeling her daughter she steeled herself and continued to remove the sheet.

Bit by bit a face began to appear and when the face completely appeared Angela's legs went weak, she fell on her knees and held the edge of the table while tightening her grip on her daughter. She began to cry and scream.

"Sob…sob… Adam… Adam…ADAM!!!!!"

Tears also began to pour out of Estra's eyes. In her last life she was not on very good terms with her parents and it was the worst with her dad. So when she had loving parents in this life she was very happy, even though she preferred her mother she still loved her loving bear of a father very much.

But she was not that sad either, it may seem horrible but it's true. She is 26 mentally, and even though she has known Adam, her father, for four years and loved him, she can only shed a few tears and will most likely forget about it in some months. She is not devoid of emotions but she just thinks: "What can I do? It happens. No need to think about it anymore." then most likely forget about it.

The man in a funny hero costume approached Angela from behind and crouched down before rubbing her back.

"I'm sorry for your loss. Adam was a good guy. A little muscle-headed but he was also the most reliable." The hero sighed softly. It's not the first time it happens and will most likely not be the last. Although they can be considered friends, most of all they were colleagues and in his work it's almost normal to see one killed from time to time.

During the night some prisoners broke out from the Baumettes Penitentiary in Marseille and they had to look for them all night. Adam was able to find one but he didn't expect him to be so strong so before reinforcement came he had to hold on and here's the result. When they arrived he had his backbone broken in two and several brain injuries. And unfortunately the one that did that escaped.

Angela did not seem to hear the hero speak- she continued to cry and scream Adam's name. Estra could not do much about this situation so she hugged her mother tightly while using Holy energy in minimal quantity to try to appease her mother a little.

This continued for some time before she was too exhausted to cry or scream and just sobbed.

"Miss Adrasteia please go take some rest. We'll give a bed for you and your daughter." The doctor said.

"Hmm." Angela only hummed in response. She got up and then followed the doctor to a free chamber.

She entered the room and fell on the bed with Estra still in her arms. After putting Estra comfortably she lost consciousness and slept. Estra this time chose to sleep, even though she does not need to, she doesn't have the mind to stay awake the whole night or meditate.

When they arrived at the hospital it was morning and when they woke it was already evening. The first to wake up was Angela. She groaned before opening her eyes and seeing the hospital room. She was lost for a second before remembering what happened. She then had a lost look, she looked at her daughter and smiled lightly, her eyes regaining some colors.

"At least I still have you…" She caressed her head and then laid down beside her. Feeling her mother's hand, the sleeping Estra grabbed it and hugged tightly.

Angela's smile grew and she kissed her head. Then for the next few minutes she looked at her sleeping face before the doctor entered the room. Angela took her eyes off her daugther and looked at the doctor with lifeless eyes.

"I hope you had a great sleep. Someone is at the door and wishes to meet you." The doctor said professionally, not at all bothered by the look Angela has.

"And who is it?" She asked weakly without much emotion.

"An assistant from the agence where Adam worked."

"Then let him in." Angela said as she straightened up.

The doctor nodded before gesturing to a man with a suit, the same from before, to enter.

The man entered with several papers in his hands.

"Good evening miss Adrasteia. My name is Jaque and I was sent from the agence regarding mister Adrasteia…accident." He said very professionally.

"Give me the documents and I'll see with my lawyer." Angela said as she is not in the mood to speak about this.

"Very well." He handed the documents to Angela. "I wish you a good evening miss Adrasteia. Doctor de la Croix." He then left the room.

"Well I also came to ask you what to do with mister Adrasteia's body. Do you want to bury him or maybe…" Angela did not let him finish before giving her response. "Cremate him please."

The doctor nodded. "Very well. Also I shall recommend you to go home miss. It should be better for you and your daughter." He don't want to say it but he need them to leave quickly as it's still a hospital and can't have someone use a room for nothing.

Angela nodded. "We'll leave when she wakes up."

"Thank you." The doctor then left the room.

Angela looked back at her daughter's sleeping face and color returned to her eyes.

"Honey, wake up~" She said lightly.

"Mmmmh." Estra groaned as she turned around.

"Come on honey, you need to wake up. It's time to go home." She began to caress her head.

"Mmmh five more minutes…" Estra murmured.

"Come ooonnn! If you don't wake up no milk for a week." Angela said mischievously.

Hearing the word 'wilk', Estra perked up and her eyes shot open.

"I'm awake… I'm awake." She murmured as she straightened up and looked at her mother. But seeing her mother's eyes who lost some colors she immediately remembered what happened and hugged her mother.

Angela smiled and hugged her daughter back.

"Is dad really…?" Estra asked with her head in her mother's neck.

The light faded slightly from Angela's eyes. "Yes…"

Estra rubbed her face on her mother's neck as she felt her eyes swell up.

"We're going home honey." Angela said as she took the documents and some of her stuff before leaving the room.

"Mmmh…"Estra only hummed in response and gripped her mother's neck tightly.

Angela took the car and drove back home. The trip back was quiet. Estra looked blankly outside the window and Angela seemed to be lost in her thoughts.

Arriving at the door Angela asked. "Are you hungry Honey?"

Estra only nodded before dashing to her game the moment the door opened.

Seeing this Angela smiled. "If you're here everything's okay…everything's okay…" She kept mumbling as she cooked something for Estra and herself.

Angela made something simple for dinner, they ate quietly but you could sense a slight depressing atmosphere. After eating they went to the living room to watch TV before going to bed around 10 P.M. But before going to bed Estra asked her mother.

"Mom can I sleep with you today?"

"Yes of course you can. Come here." Angela held out her arm and Estra jumped on her. Angela catched her and the two went to sleep in Angela's room.

'Tomorrow I should tell her I awakened my quirk and maybe my angel powers, I could tell it's mquirk...It'll at least make her think of something else…I hope….' Estra thought before entering her meditation state.

The night passed by quickly and Angela was the first to wake up- she went into the kitchen to make breakfast. Some time after Angela left Estra opened her eyes.

'Mmmh I made some good improvements.' Estra though as she got up and stretched her little body.

"1…2…3.." She murmured then took a deep breath. "MOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!!" She screamed.

Hearing her daughter scream, Angela without a second thought dashed to her room.

"What happened? Are you ok? Are you hurt somewhere?..." Angela panicked and began to bombard Estra with questions.

"Look! Look!" Estra stretched her arm and another one appeared beside it. Then tens of little arms sprouted from the walls, ceiling and floor.

Angela was happy to see that her daughter had inherited her quirk. But then was shocked to see copies of her daughter's arms sprouting from everywhere in quantities normally impossible for a 4 years old kid. She became worried that her daughter was doing too much as she knew the repercussions on the mental this quirk has.

"It's wonderful baby but please tone it down or it'll make you sick." She said worriedly. She doesn't want her daughter to fall into a coma because she overused her quirk.

"Hehe don't worry mom I don't feel anything!" Estra smiled and continued to play with her quirk.

Angela was still helpless but didn't know how to make her daughter stop when an idea suddenly popped in her head.

"Honey listen. I-" She was suddenly interrupted by a voice behind her.

"Mom! Look!!" Angela instinct flared up and turned around at break necking speed before relaxing. Seeing that it was her daughter she relaxed but she suddenly noticed that it was only her head.

"Wh- Estra?" She then looked behind her and saw the bright eyes looking at her expectantly.

"How- How'd you do that?" She said with disbelief apparent in her voice. She looked shocked at her daughter.

"Hehe Aren't I the best mom! I feel I can even create full copies of myself!!" She said with genuine happiness. Despite possessing numerous powers she never was able to use them freely so now that she can use them, despite being only a small part, she is very happy.

"Yes… It's…Incredible baby…If Adam was still here, he'll surell be proud of you" She mumbled the last part, it was almost incomprehensibly. She was shocked by the scene but a lot of thoughts began to run through her mind.

'How can her body support this much strain? And her mind… If she uses it too much she can fall into a coma and at worse damage her brain…Even if she says she doesn't feel a thing I need to stop her. Or at least distract her with something…. I can't lose her…'

"Estra. If you don't stop this now, no more milk for a year." Suddenly all the limbs and body parts disappeared and the room returned to normal.

"NO! Please! Everything but this!" Estra begged.

"Then don't do this anymore without permission ok?"

Estra nodded vigorously.

"Good. Prepare yourself, breakfast ready in five minutes." Angela said before going back into the kitchen.

'Well It seems that I was able to repair most of her mind. She seems to have returned to her usual self.' Estra thought as she went into the bathroom. During the night except training, she also 'healed' her mother's mind and although it was long and hard to do, the effects are apparent. Colors returned completely to her eyes and she seems mentally stable, the only unusual thing she noticed is her unusual dependence on her, her daughter, she has.