
Collapse Epoch: Awakening of the Apocalypse

xYUrxx · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 8:Purification Talent

Yi Tianque guided Sang Nian through the labyrinthine streets of the city, his steady presence a source of comfort amidst the bustling crowds and towering skyscrapers.


As they reached the imposing structure of the Century Tower, Yi Tianque's phone rang. With a brief exchange of words, he gestured for Sang Nian to wait as he attended to the call, his expression unreadable beneath the shadow of his hat.


After hanging up the phone,with a gentle pat on her head, Yi Tianque handed Sang Nian over to a figure clad in a pristine white coat, their face obscured by the glare of the city lights.


"Don't worry, they will take you for a comprehensive examination."


Sang Nian observed Yi Tianque's entrance into the Century Building, traversing through the lively throngs, and summoning the innermost elevator. With purposeful strides, he entered as the elevator doors swiftly closed, enveloping his figure in obscurity amidst the bustling surroundings.


"So, Miss Sang, please come this way," the person in the white coat said, their voice soft yet authoritative as they gestured for Sang Nian to follow. Sang Nian's footsteps echoing in the hushed corridors of the Century Tower.


Sang Nian was ushered into a different elevator, its ascent to the 72nd floor swift.


Walking down the corridor, Sang Nian followed the person, her footsteps echoing softly against the polished floors.


Turning a corner, they approached a white door adorned with a simple sign: Examination Room. The door stood before them like a gateway to the unknown.


With a slight tilt of her head, Sang Nian's gaze lingered on the door.

With a gentle push, the person opened the door, revealing a room bathed in soft light.


A doctor approached from inside, "Are you Miss Sang?"

As Sang Nian nodded, the doctor stepped forward, his demeanor calm and professional. With a gentle yet efficient motion, he fitted her with a device, the cool metal pressing against her skin.


Guiding her further into the room, Sang Nian followed the doctor's lead as they approached a large chamber. Its sleek contours and sophisticated design spoke of advanced technology and precision.


"We need to assess and collect data on your current physical condition and information," the doctor explained, his voice echoing softly in the sterile confines of the chamber.


"Is it okay to lie down like this?"

Sang Nian lying on a vast, plush bed, its surface enveloping her in a cocoon of comfort. The material yielded beneath her weight, molding to the contours of her body with a gentle embrace.


As she settled into the softness of the bed, Sang Nian couldn't help but feel a sense of relaxation wash over her. The chamber, with its serene ambiance and tranquil atmosphere, seemed to cocoon her in a world of calm amidst the whirlwind of uncertainty.


With each breath, she felt herself sinking deeper into the luxurious embrace of the bed, the softness cradling her in a gentle embrace. It was as if time itself had slowed within the confines of the chamber.


"Certainly, lie back and relax. There won't be any discomfort or disruption. The intelligent chamber will conduct a thorough scan of your body, gathering vital life data. Simultaneously, it will provide gentle comfort to aid in the healing process of your wounds. Just take a nap." With a caring touch, the doctor tucked her in with a cozy blanket before gracefully stepping away, activating the controls as he exited the room.


The hum of machinery filling the air as the chamber came to life. Sang Nian closed her eyes, surrendering herself to the soothing embrace of the smart chamber. She felt the tension in her muscles begin to ebb away, replaced by a sense of serenity and calm. The gentle hum of the machinery lulled her into a state of relaxation, her breathing slowing as she drifted into a peaceful slumber.


Inside the observation room, a team of doctors and researchers gathered around a large monitor, their eyes trained intently on the display as they analyzed the intricate data streaming in from the examination chamber. Each member of the team wore a look of focused determination, their minds fully engaged in the task at hand.


The monitor illuminated the room with a soft glow, casting shadows across the faces of the researchers as they pored over the wealth of information before them. Charts, graphs, and diagrams danced across the screen, depicting the intricate workings of Sang Nian's physiology in exquisite detail.


Dr. Li, the lead researcher, leaned in closer to the monitor, his brow furrowed in concentration as he studied the data. "The situation is not very optimistic," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.


On the screen, intricate charts and graphs displayed the detailed analysis of Sang Nian's physiological responses within the examination chamber. Each line and curve told a story, painting a vivid picture of her unique biology and the challenges it presented.


"It's clear that Sang Nian's body is operating at a level far below the norm," Dr. Li continued, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "The extent of her physical deficiencies is unprecedented, and it's evident in the severity of her wounds."


Dr. Li's observation echoed through the hushed confines of the observation room, his words a sobering reminder of the challenges that lay ahead. His colleagues, gathered around the monitors displaying Sang Nian's physiological data, nodded in silent agreement, their expressions reflecting a mixture of concern and determination.


"What's the point of fussing over such a useless child? Resources are already tight, and this isn't a charity organization," remarked another caustic researcher, entering from behind the door. The caustic remark cut through the air like a blade, casting a shadow of discord over the somber atmosphere of the observation room.


For a moment, silence enveloped the room, the weight of the researcher's words hanging heavily among his colleagues.


At this moment, oral information provided by Yi Tianque was relayed, and a doctor held a data sheet. "According to the information provided by Yi Tianque, the Bloodstone Heart should be inside Miss Sang's body."


In the examination room, a tense atmosphere permeated the air as the doctors and researchers grappled with the implications of the information provided by Yi Tianque. Gathered around the data sheet, they exchanged hurried whispers and speculative glances, their expressions a reflection of the gravity of the situation unfolding before them.


Dr. Li, his brow furrowed in deep concentration, held the data sheet aloft, his gaze fixed intently on the figures displayed upon its surface. Beside him, a group of researchers huddled closely, their voices a murmur of concern as they deliberated the best course of action.


"The Bloodstone Heart... inside her body?" one doctor echoed, his tone tinged with disbelief. "How is that even possible?"


A wave of murmurs rippled through the room, punctuated by the occasional gasp of astonishment as the implications of Yi Tianque's revelation began to sink in.

"How do we retrieve it? What method do we use?"

"Logically, given her poor physical condition, she should have suffocated and died from the toxin of the Bloodstone Heart on the spot."

"The scans from the smart chamber show that the Bloodstone Heart is still inside her body, but its volume seems to be shrinking... or melting!"

Several individuals were at odds, locked in a standoff.


On the other side, someone exclaimed, "The blood data is out!"

"Indeed, the blood seems somewhat abnormal..."

Suddenly, the person holding the data gasped, "Her blood is slowly purifying the toxins from the Bloodstone Heart!"

"She has a purifying ability!?"


The revelation sent a ripple of astonishment coursing through the assembled researchers, their eyes widening in disbelief as they processed the implications of the newfound discovery. The notion that Sang Nian possessed a unique ability to purify the toxins emanating sparked a fervent flurry of speculation and inquiry, each individual grappling with the profound implications of such a revelation.


"The blood is purifying the toxins?" one researcher echoed, his voice tinged with incredulity. "That's... unprecedented."


A wave of murmurs swept through the room, punctuated by the occasional gasp of astonishment as the implications of Sang Nian's purifying ability began to crystallize.


Tianque has unearthed a gem beyond measure this time. Sang Nian, deemed a paragon of ineptitude in physical prowess, emerges as a marvel possessing the rare gift of purification!


The data must be reported to the higher-ups immediately!