
Collapse Epoch: Awakening of the Apocalypse

xYUrxx · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 7:Return With Me

As Sang Nian's consciousness returned to her, she found herself in a vastly different setting from the nightmarish cavern. The crackling of a fire filled the air, its warmth a welcome embrace against the chill of the night. Beside the hearth sat the Broken Blade, his silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of the embers as he tended to the flames with practiced ease.


Sensing her awakening, he turned his attention towards her, his gaze steady and unwavering. The firelight cast shadows across his rugged features, lending an air of mystery to his countenance as he spoke. The flickering light of the fire danced in his eyes.


"Who are you exactly?" His voice was calm. "And why did consuming the Bloodstone Heart not harm you?"


Sang Nian regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, her mind still reeling from the events that had transpired. The memory of the Bloodstone Heart descending down her throat filled her with a sense of unease, its presence a constant reminder of the mysteries that surrounded her.


"I am Sang Nian," she began."I'm just a rag-picker kid...Moreover, what exactly is that Bloodstone Heart you spoke of...Who could have foreseen it ending up swallowed by me by sheer accident," Sang Nian uttered, her countenance tinged with bitterness. The repugnant taste was an experience she fervently wished never to revisit.


He gazed at her, a moment of silence enveloping the space between them before he spoke, his eyes reflecting the flickering flames, his words measured and deliberate.

"The Bloodstone Heart is a regenerative source," he began, his voice low and gravelly, carrying with it the weight of years of experience. "It usually appears in places with denser monster populations, hard to obtain, and incredibly poisonous."


"Incredibly poisonous..."The mere mention of the Bloodstone Heart sent shivers down Sang Nian's spine, its presence a constant reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows.


"But someone in the Century Tower needs this thing for research," Broken Blade continued, his tone tinged with a hint of resignation. The mention of the towering structure in the distance brought with it a sense of unease, its looming presence a constant reminder of the power and influence it held over the land.


"During your unconsciousness, I tried several methods," Broken Blade's words hung heavy in the air. The flickering flames cast shadows across his weathered features as he spoke. "But couldn't retrieve it. It seemed to have melted inside you."


Sang Nian didn't want to know what methods he had used on her body anymore. The events of the past few hours had left her shaken and weary, her body weary from the ordeal she had endured.


Having swallowed the highly toxic Bloodstone Heart, she was only concerned about how long she could still live. The reality of her situation weighed heavily upon her, each passing moment a reminder of the perilous path that lay ahead.


She sighed, her breath heavy with exhaustion. "So, how did we manage to escape?" she asked.


Broken Blade shook his head, a furrow forming between his brows as he spoke. "It must have been the Bloodstone Heart that attracted a large number of Soft Touch Monsters," he mused, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty."After you accidentally ingested the Bloodstone Heart, we didn't expect the Soft Touch Monsters to start retreating," he continued, his tone contemplative. The events of the past few hours had left them both reeling, their minds struggling to make sense of the chaos that had unfolded.


"Then, we slid out through the passage," Broken Blade continued, his voice calm and measured. "This whole thing is strange, especially you, kid. Your body... it's strange."


Broken Blade rose to his feet, his movements deliberate as he approached Sang Nian. His eyes scanned her body, his expression a mixture of disbelief as he took in the scars that marred her skin.

As he examined the scars, the wounds seemed to bear the imprint of their harrowing ordeal, a reminder of the dangers they had faced and the trials they had overcome.

Yet despite the severity of her injuries, Sang Nian showed no signs of poisoning, no indication that the toxic effects of the Bloodstone Heart had taken hold.


"Kid, I'm curious, why didn't you die?"As the words lingered between them, a sense of unease settled over Sang Nian.

"I wish I knew," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation.

"Normally, the poison from this Bloodstone Heart would cause someone to suffocate and die within a short period," he explained, his voice tinged with a sense of wonder. "But you...you just passed out." Broken Blade's words hung in the air.

"Moreover, the bites from the Soft Touch Monsters are venomous. I treated the wounds with medicine, but there's still some residual poison, indicated by the lingering bruising. Interestingly, I noticed this and deliberately refrained from medicating you," Broken Blade continued, his words carrying with them a sense of revelation. " Your body's response tells me you were injured but not poisoned. What's going on?"


He raised Sang Nian, her delicate form weightless in his embrace. "Now that you're awake, return with me.'"

"If I refuse?" She struggled a bit. Her words a silent challenge to the fate that awaited her.

"Don't worry, kiddo. I'm taking you to the Century Tower in the city center. There'll be food and schooling. " As Broken Blade spoke, his voice carried a rare gentleness that softened the edges of his rugged demeanor. Broken Blade rarely showed such patience, using a gentle tone to soothe a child. It seemed he truly regarded Sang Nian as a child.

Sang Nian thought swiftly. Her mind raced with possibilities, weighing the risks against the potential rewards. Despite the dangers that lurked at every turn, compared to scavenging for food in this dump, she might as well take the chance to see what the Century Tower was like. Despite the omnipresent dangers, it was better than picking through garbage—the chance to escape the relentless cycle of survival.


As Sang Nian ceased her resistance, a sense of calm descended upon her weary frame. She settled into his arms, her body relaxing against his steady form.

In the flickering light of the fire, she silently acquiesced to his proposal. 

The figures of the two individuals faded into the distance as the night grew darker.


"So, Broken Blade, what's your real name?"

"Tianque, Yi Tianque."