
Collapse Epoch: Awakening of the Apocalypse

xYUrxx · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 3: The Descent into the Cavern

As Sang Nian followed Broken Blade into the cavern, she was engulfed by an oppressive darkness that seemed to swallow the very essence of light. The cavern stretched out before them, its yawning depths shrouded in impenetrable blackness that clung to the air like a suffocating shroud.

Broken Blade, with a practiced motion, opened a flashlight, its feeble beam slicing through the thick darkness with a faint glimmer of illumination. The narrow corridor of light cast eerie shadows against the cavern walls, revealing jagged rock formations that jutted out like the gnarled fingers of some ancient, slumbering giant.

The small creature that had been guiding their way had long vanished without a trace, leaving them to navigate the labyrinthine passages of the cave on their own.

The atmosphere within the cave was suffused with an unsettling sense of mystery and foreboding. The air hung heavy with the scent of damp earth and stagnant water, while the faint echoes of dripping water reverberated off the cavern walls like whispers of unseen specters.

Occasional gusts of wind swept through the cavern, their mournful howls adding to the eerie ambiance that pervaded the darkness. The ground beneath Sang Nian's feet was uneven and treacherous, littered with loose gravel and jagged rocks that threatened to trip the unwary perdson at every turn.

As they pressed deeper into the cavern, the darkness seemed to grow denser, pressing in on them from all sides like a malevolent force intent on swallowing them whole. The faint glow of Broken Blade's flashlight offered little solace in the face of such overwhelming obscurity, casting long, twisted shadows that danced eerily across the uneven terrain.

Suddenly, amidst the stillness of the cavern, they heard a strange and indescribable distortion emanating from deep within the bowels of the cave. The sound, eerie and unsettling, sent a shiver down Sang Nian's spine, her instincts tingling with an unspoken sense of foreboding.

"Trouble," Broken Blade muttered, his brow furrowing in concern as he exchanged a meaningful glance with Sang Nian.He reached for a small knife from his belt and tossed it to her with practiced ease.

With a silent nod, they quickened their pace, their footsteps echoing in tandem as they followed the direction of the ominous distortion.

After a turn, the terrain beneath their feet transitioned, the ground growing increasingly damp with stagnant water pooling amidst the scattered stones. A pungent stench permeated the air, a sickening mixture of blood and decay that assaulted their senses with its overpowering intensity.

Sang Nian glanced around, those...should be human bones, severed limbs, scattered all over the place, who knows what happened here...

Human bones littered the ground, their stark white surfaces a chilling reminder of the brutality that had transpired within the depths of the cave.

With a sense of urgency driving them forward, Broken Blade's pace quickened, his movements fluid and decisive as he navigated the treacherous terrain with practiced ease. Sang Nian followed closely behind, her small frame moving swiftly as she kept pace with her companion.

As they approached the source of the screams, they came upon a massive depression nestled between the stone walls of the cavern. Their path was obstructed by a figure writhing in agony, desperate cries echoing off the cavern walls with increasing intensity. The person's contorted form twisted in anguish, his arms thrashing about in a frenzied attempt to escape the confines of the cave.


"Help, save me, please save me!"

"Please, please... help... Ah! "

The person pleaded, his voice strained with pain and terror as he reached out for assistance. Each cry was punctuated by gut-wrenching screams that reverberated through the darkness.The agonizing pleas for help filled the cavern, the sound of desperation echoing off the damp stone walls with haunting clarity. With each passing moment, the cries grew increasingly faint.

As Broken Blade swiftly stepped forward, his movements decisive and purposeful, he reached out to grab the back collar of the man's clothing, pulling him outward from the blocked entrance of the cave. However, as the man was dragged into the feeble light, a gruesome truth revealed itself.

The man's body had been severed in half, the lower portion grotesquely missing, leaving behind a ragged, torn wound where flesh and bone should have connected. The sight was a grotesque testament to the brutality that had befallen him, his mutilated form a stark reminder of the horrors that lurked within the depths of the cave.

His life ebbing away in a final, futile struggle against the merciless grip of death.his features contorted in agony, until death.

As the eerie screech echoed through the cavern once more,with a swift motion, Broken Blade shone the beam of his flashlight into the rocky cavity, illuminating a scene that sent shivers down one's spine. The dim light revealed a macabre tableau of horror.

Suspended upside down from the cavern ceiling hung a monstrous meatball-like entity, its bloated form pulsating with an unnatural vitality, seemed to exude an aura of malevolence that permeated the air. Human limbs protruded from its grotesque surface, their twisted forms entangled in a writhing mass of writhing tentacles that squirmed and wriggled in the dim light. The writhing mass of flesh oozed a viscous substance, its tendrils reaching out like sinister shadows in the dim light.

Sang Nian felt her feet slip, instinctively grabbing the Broken Blade's wrist, and the two tumbled into the rocky cave together.

The flashlight fell to the side.

As if noticing the light from the flashlight, the mass of flesh seemed to turn toward the direction. The jumbled bodies piled together had eyes—some bulging from the pressure, others frozen in deathly terror. With the movement of the meatball, the eyes all seemed to fixate on Sang Nian and Broken Blade, creating an exceptionally horrifying sight.

Several tendrils extended, their sinewy appendages twitching and quivering as they reached out towards Sang Nian and Broken Blade.

Sweat beaded on their foreheads as they tightly gripped their weapons.

After a moment of silence, as the distorted scream echoed once more, its chilling resonance reverberating through the cavern.

In the blink of an eye, the tendrils surged forth with an almost frenzied intensity, thrashing and writhing, lashing out at Sang Nian and Broken Blade!