
Collapse Epoch: Awakening of the Apocalypse

xYUrxx · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 1:Born into Death's Embrace

The crimson hues of a setting sun cast an eerie glow over the desolate landscape, a haunting canvas marred by the scars of a world torn apart. Ruined buildings stood like skeletal remains, their shattered windows reflecting the chaos that had unfolded. Smoke billowed from distant fires, blending with the ominous clouds that hung low in the sky. The air was thick with tension and the acrid scent of destruction.

Sang Nian, Her eyes, cold and determined, scanned the horizon from behind the scope of her sniper rifle. Her tattered combat gear clung to her like a second skin, a testament to the countless battles she had weathered. 

In the midst of the battle, Sang Nian's cold eyes betrayed no emotion. Each pull of the trigger, each evasive maneuver, was executed with the precision of a seasoned warrior. 

In the heart of the war zone, where the echoes of destruction reverberated like a sinister drumbeat, valiant warriors who had fought alongside her fell one by one. The war zone turned into a graveyard of their collective resistance, the air heavy with the weight of sacrifice.

The flames of war consumed them, leaving behind a trail of fallen comrades whose valiant spirits lingered in the smoky haze. The air, already thick with the stench of destruction, now bore the weight of sorrow as their sacrifices painted a tragic tableau on the war-torn canvas.

The war zone, already ablaze with the remnants of a once-vibrant city, bore witness to a cruel twist of fate. The flickering flames danced upon the ruins, casting long, grotesque shadows that seemed to mourn the fallen. The skeletal remains of buildings, now engulfed in fire, stood as silent witnesses to the tragedy unfolding below.

As the enemy forces closed in, the heavens themselves seemed to weep in sympathy. Heavy raindrops, like tears of the heavens, cascaded from the darkened sky. The downpour, a mournful lament, mingled with the billowing smoke, creating an ethereal mist that cloaked the battlefield.

The rain intensified, transforming the war zone into a watery purgatory. The flames of war flickered in the deluge, struggling against the ceaseless assault of raindrops that sought to drown both fire and hope.

Each raindrop carried the weight of sorrow, a tear shed for the fallen amidst the raging flames of war. The air, thick with the acrid scent of smoke and damp earth, bore witness to the heart-wrenching drama playing out in the ruins of a once-thriving city.

At the very brink of despair, Sang Nian's gun clicked in ominous silence, signaling the exhaustion of its final bullet. A surge of determination swept through her, and with a fierce gritting of her teeth, she cast the now-useless firearm aside. In the rain-soaked battleground, she retrieved her close-quarter knife, its glinting blade reflecting the unwavering resolve etched on her face.

At this critical juncture, there was no room for retreat, no avenue of escape. She plunged headlong into the storm of bullets, each step a testament to the steel in her soul. The rain, falling in torrents, did little to quell the fury of the battlefield. The deafening roar of gunfire surrounded her as Sang Nian, wielding her close-quarter knife like a beacon of defiance, wove through the deadly rain of projectiles.She pressed forward, navigating the chaotic battleground with a single-minded purpose.

At the critical juncture, amidst the hail of projectiles, Sang Nian closed in on the enemy leader. Like a shadow in the tumult, she seized the opportune moment. With a swift and precise movement, her small knife found its mark, thrusting into the leader's back. The clash of metal against flesh was drowned in the symphony of war, a silent victory within the chaos.

In an instant, thousands of artillery shells were fired at Sang Nian. Countless swords of gunfire converged upon her, piercing through the air like a deadly rainstorm. 

On the battlefield, the drumming of raindrops grew louder. Sang Nian lay lifeless amidst the ruins, countless bullets piercing through her form. She fell in battle, leaving her life on this piece of land.

When Sang Nian woke up once again, she was greeted by the stench of decay and the sight of a vast landfill. This time, she found herself reincarnated into the fragile body of a child, surrounded by discarded remnants of a forgotten society.

Her small form lay amidst the garbage, as if life had discarded her like the refuse surrounding her. For three days, Sang Nian remained motionless, her eyes closed, reminiscent of a lifeless body. The sensations of her past demise echoed vividly with each passing moment, haunting her like a relentless ghost.

Unwilling to move, she embraced the stillness, choosing to be indifferent to the world around her. In the frail frame of a child, vulnerability became an insurmountable barrier. The overwhelming weight of her own mortality, juxtaposed against the discarded remnants of civilization, bore down on her like a heavy burden.

On the third day, a profound hunger seized Sang Nian. As the hunger gnawed at her insides, the fragility of her new body became painfully evident, cruelly reminding her of its fundamental needs. With a sigh, Sang Nian sat up.

As Sang Nian sat up, the harsh reality of her surroundings unfolded before her with stark clarity. she commenced a meticulous scrutiny of her environment.

What unfolded before her was an expansive repository of refuse, adorned with fragments, lifeless forms, waste, corpses, steel shards, decomposing matter, and interspersed with viscous green liquids.The atmosphere, heavy with the stench of decay and despair, a putrid symphony of rotting flesh and the lingering aftermath of destruction, cast a grim pallor over the landscape.

The piles of corpses lay scattered across the vast garbage dump like forgotten remnants of a bygone world. The bodies were in various states of decomposition, with some contorted, limbs twisted at unnatural angles, as if caught in the throes of a final, desperate struggle. These silent witnesses of some forgotten tragedy formed a morbid congregation amidst the decay.

Sang Nian stood up, squinting her eyes against the harsh surroundings, her gaze involuntarily drawn to the distance. That seemed to be a safe zone or something akin to it. The city, centered around a majestic towering building like a fortress of hope in the midst of desolation, unfolded before her, with all structures converging around the central skyscraper.

The outermost edge of this safe zone was defined by an incredibly sturdy towering wall, constructed with reinforced concrete. Its imposing structure enclosed the area, creating a boundary between the relative safety of the city and the perils that lurked beyond.

The garbage dump, where Sang Nian found herself, was situated in a corner just beyond the towering wall. The discarded remnants of society were relegated to the outskirts. 

"Looks like a completely bleak beginning," Sang Nian thought.

But even in the face of piles of nauseating garbage, she now... really wanted to eat something!

Sang Nian felt exasperated, she was so hungry now!