
COLD REVENGE( a taste of one's medicine)

My name is Adrian Rodriguez and I am what you call a hybrid. The werewolves and vampires had always been natural enemies, but two hundred years ago something happened. For the first time in the existence of wolves, a werewolf was mated to a vampire and this created a problem in the supernatural realm. Irrespective of warnings, they both went ahead with the relationship and I was born from the said unholy union, my parents did their best to hide me but then, they heard word of me. They hunted my parents and I for years, and we kept running until one fateful night my parents were murdered and I was kidnapped by the vampire association. They experimented on me and later forced me to be their killing machine. Now, I will stop at nothing to get my revenge but then, revenge tastes better when served cold.

JxTDiebere · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


A lady walks into the building , everyone was busy, whatever that happened left everyone in fear. She wore a black jacket, black leather pants and a pair of ankle boots. Her black hair was tied up in a ponytail, though she was a very beautiful woman but every look on her face showed seriousness.

She stopped an officer "Excuse me"


Showing her badge" I am detective Morgan, from LA police department, do you mind directing me to the office of your Chief"

"Sure, this way" he said

Arriving at the office, he knocked, after a curt reply from inside, he opened the door.

"Sir, this is detective Morgan from LA Police Department and she asked to see you"

"You may go" came the reply of the Chief.

"Sit" the Chief said

The detective took a glance around the office and sat down, the chief stared rudely at her, but she wasn't fazed by it.

"Less skip the pleasantries detective, we both know that you are not welcomed here"

Detective Morgan smirked, "But we both know that you would have to follow orders"

"This is Juneau's police case, I don't know why LA is interested in it", He spat the last words in anger.

Smiling she said, "Well, I will gladly enlighten you", she dropped a file on the table , "These are different murder cases that has occurred over the past seven years in Juneau, animal attacks, missing limbs or any other body parts, bite marks and all victims showing signs of sever torture"

"What we want in the police is results and not incompetence, and if you can't provide the needed, we might as well look for who can"

Enraged the Chief said, "You can not talk to me like that"

"Well, I work for your superior and you will do as I say", she scoffed, "Now, please call the officer in charge of the case and introduce me to him, I would like to begin immediately".

Left with no choice, he picked up the land line and called a number. Soon he spoke," Detective Morris, please come to my office immediately".


"Come in ", came the reply from the Chief

"Sir, you sent for me", the blond man said

"Yes I did, this is Detective Morgan from LA Police Department, California, she would be taking over the case"

The blond wasn't happy to hear this, but hid it well, bringing out his hand for a shake, he said "Steve Morris, I mean Detective Steve Morris"

Taking his hand, she said "Detective Morgan, I don't go by my first name", standing up she said " I guess that would be all for now Chief", turning to the other man she said "Please lead the Detective, I would like to start immediately".

"This way", he said and led her out of the office.


Detective Morris abruptly stopped and turned towards the lady, "Why did you stop?" she asked.

"You shouldn't be here and you know that"

"Sorry, I don't get you"

"This is Juneau's police case and I don't see how it concerns LA"

"Really-y", leaning against the wall she continued "So tell me, what have you people done over the past seven years to catch the murderer, if you people are so confident in yourselves, am sure you would have caught the culprit by know, if you didn't want others meddling in your affairs, you should have at least done your work "

Moving away from the wall, she said to the Detective Morris" it would be very much appreciated if you stop talking about this and face the real problem, I want you to tell me every single detail about the victims and the ways they died, maybe, it could lead me to the murderer"

"Sure, I will lead the way" and they continued.


"This is it, everything we have on the murder cases" Detective Morris said as he handed over the files to her.

She took the files and studied it "Impressive, the murderer seems to be very smart, but then why do all victims have bite marks"

Detective Morris's eyes went wide, "I-I-I don't-t know why" he stuttered, and that got the attention of the lady. "Really, why do I have a feeling that you are hiding something" she said moving close to him.

Suddenly, he brought out his phone and said "Yes I will be there", "Excuse me" he said to her and left the office.

"Strange, why do I have a feeling that there is something fishy going on here", she said as she kept studying the files.


When I left her in the office, I couldn't help but let out a breath, I didn't know, I have been holding. That woman is very smart, I would give her that, but she shouldn't be involved in this. I don't even know why they brought her here. She mustn't find out what's happening, I won't let her.

Suddenly, my phone rang, "We have a problem" I said

"What is it" a voice said from the other side

"LAPD is now involved"


"I don't know, they sent a woman"

"Take care of her"

"What!", I whisper yelled, "I can't just kill her"

"You have no choice, find a way to stop her or get rid of her "

"I understand"

"Good, remember our secret must not be revealed"

"Sure" and the line went dead.

Taking a deep breath, I went back to my office but almost had a heart attack, "Took you quite long" she said. How come I didn't sense her, I wondered, could she be-e, no, she can't be.

"Detective Morris I asked you a question"

"Sorry, I zoned out, what was your question again"

"Where is the file of the last victim?"

"Here" I said and handed the file to her. "He is still alive" she said.

"Well then, take me to him"

"I can't do that right now"

"Why?", she asked

"Because, he is not here" I replied.

"Where is he?", She asked

"We took him to the lab for a test, since he was in no position to talk"

"Well then, take me to him"

"But you just took a 6hr flight to Juneau, shouldn't you at least rest and have some refreshments"

"Thanks for your concern, but I can take care of myself, what I need is to solve this case and not refreshments, so if you don't mind, take me to him"

Left with no choice I agreed and we left the police premises.


I still can't shake out the feeling I have about this case. They are hiding something, I know that for sure, but then what?. We soon arrived at the lab and someone took out us in. The person who I later found out her name was Pammy.

Something common I noticed about the victims was that they all seem to have no identity, is that even possible ?No, there can't be none existence victims with none existence killer or killers. I am sure they are hiding there identities but why?, I will have to find out.

I looked at Detective Morris, he is hiding something, I won't ask him , but will surely find out.

"Please take me to the victim" I said to her

"Sure, this way " she said and led us to the place victim was kept.

The sight I saw was not for the faint hearted, if I wasn't use to seeing blood and horrifying scenes, I would have fainted. The victim's eyes were plucked out, his legs were cut off, so was his tongue, his face was disfigured and he looked like he was mutating, he had fangs instead of canines, and was behaving like a rabid animal. Whoever did this was a monster, but why not kill your victim?, and why leave him alive for him to be found?

"What are the results" I asked the scientist in-charge

"He suffered sever Haemorrhage, numerous infections, bite marks ,the diagnosis we did on his brain shows that his brain cells has been fried, this was due to a substance that he was forced to take and mutation is due to the bite" Dr Brandon replied

"Do you have his Identity?" I asked

"Ye-No, we don't", came his reply

Then I noticed that he was looking at someone, following his eyes, it led me to Detective Morris. Now I understand what is going on.

"Are you sure Dr Brandon", I asked again


"Well then, please make sure to inform me when you find out more information about him" I said to him.


Turning to Detective Morris I said, " I guess it is right time I take a rest, it has been one hell of a tiring day, am I right Detective?"

"Yes, you should", he replied

"Thank you Doctor for your time, we would take our leave now", he said to the scientist in-charge

"My pleasure", came the reply of the Doctor.

We left the lab, I took the time to study the structure of the building, now my skills as a hacker and burglar can come in handy.

As we got to the garage, "I will drop you off", he offered

"That won't be necessary, I have booked a taxi"

"When did you do that?", he asked

"I am smart", came my reply and walked away from him but then he called


I turned, "Where are you staying?", he asked walking closer to me.

"I don't see how it has anything to do with you", I asked unaffected

"You know, you haven't told me your name", he said while bringing himself closer to me until I could feel the heat of his body. I was only a few centimetres shorter than him with the help of my 6 inches ankle boots. With my 5'7ft height, he could have easily towered over me.

I looked up to meet his eyes, this is actually the first time am taking a good look at him. He was handsome, I would give him that, but not my type. "Like I said before, I don't go by my first name, moreover, you and I are not on a first name basis, Good night Detective Morris", with that I walked away.

I got into the taxi and asked him to drive me to the nearest five star hotel. When we arrived at the hotel, I paid him and went in. Then I checked into my room. Before coming here I had made sure to drop my things at my house, with the way things are going, I am sure my movements would be closely monitored, so, I need to be very careful.

Firstly, I scanned the room for bugs and CCTV and made sure to disconnect it. Then, I changed my clothes ,threw it in the trash can and ordered new clothes. I brought out my sketch pad and drew the layout of the lab. Now, it was time to put my plans to motion.

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