
I’m pregnant

Chris got lily in the back seat of the car and laid her down to rest, he closed the door and then jumped to the drivers seat and drove back to the city center where they lived, on the way he pulled out his phone and called one the guards to instruct them to buy two pregnancy tests. They got home around 4 pm and Lily was feeling much better than she did earlier, she was actually irritated at herself for getting sick and now they had to cut their day short.

A little short while later one of the guards knocked on the door and Chris quickly got up to open, he took the plastic packet that the guard had brought to him, he thanked him then closed the door. He sat on the couch that lily was sitting on and he took out two pregnancy tests and placed them on the coffee table. "What are these for" Lily asked, she was still irritated and now Chris was confusing her with pregnancy tests.

"Please take the test, we may be pregnant" he said to her confused face, he was actually excited about the possibility of her being pregnant, he was very proud that in nine months time he might be holding a baby in his arms. "I've been on contraception since we met and haven't skipped a shot, I can't be pregnant" lily said pushing the test kits away from her. She had been taking the contraceptive because she knew that having a baby while on the run was dangerous, just being pregnant was dangerous so she made sure that she prevents a pregnancy from happening.

"You fainted just now, and I know that you on a prevention method but it won't kill you to check right?" Chris asked, the doctor they met earlier told him that it was possible to get pregnant even when on contraception because no contraception method was ever hundred percent. There were a few cases that women still got pregnant while on a strict prevention method so it may be the case with Lily as well. Lily looked at the kits and did not argue back with him, to prove that she was not pregnant she got up took the kits and went to the bathroom. Chris followed her into the bathroom as well to lend her a hand.

"Please excuse me I can do the test by myself" She sneered. "If you're pregnant, you did not get pregnant by yourself, I put the baby inside you so I'm responsible" said Chris with a sarcastic smile. Lily got annoyed by his answer, of course she knew that she did not get pregnant by herself, but what was he going to do? She had never peed in his presence before, maybe he wanted to hold the sticks while she peed on them, her face turned red with embarrassment at the thought and she tried to push him out. " it's okay I'll be fine please wait outside okay" she tried with all her strength to get him outside but he was not going to budge, he was adamant that he Wanted to be in the room with her when she got the results.

"Babe, I was not outside the room when I had sex with you, I sure as hell won't stand outside to see if you're pregnant" he said with his arms folded, he wanted to be there for her every step of the way so she better give up the idea of chasing him out.

Lily finally gave up the idea of chasing him out and just went on with what she had to do, she was so embarrassed to have to pull her jeans down to her knees while Chris got busy opening the kits and reading the instructions. He handed her a small cup that was provided in the kit to pee in, Lily wanted to dig a hole and jump in it, how was she supposed to pee in a cup with him watching.

"Need some help babe" Chris noticed that she hadn't let out a drop urine, he opened the bath tub tap to get the water running to encourage her to pee, it usually works, whenever humans hear water running they get the urge to urinate for some reason.

"It's not working I'm too nervous, why not turn around and look away at least" said Lily, Chris agreed as he saw that she was already uncomfortable with him being in the bathroom with her. Finally she peed into the cup and finished what she had to do and washed her hands. The cup of urine was on the basin and Chris turned back and got down to work, he dipped the test sticks into the cup for two seconds then laid them onto a flat surface. The leaflets instructions said that they should wait for five minutes before reading the results, lines would appear on the stick.

One line meant not pregnant and two meant that the woman is pregnant. They both waited silently while watching the time go by on the timer, they saw one line appearing first on both sticks then, a few seconds later ...a second line appeared on both sticks, that only meant one thing. Lily is pregnant! Chris jumped for joy and hugged Lily tight in his arms, he actually scored a goal, however lily was standing still in the position that she had been in five minutes ago, she was shocked and her brain was trying to figure out how it happened, she had made sure that something like that never happened at a time like this. "I'm pregnant" lily whispered to herself.