
Cold Love (Levi x OC)

This is my first time ever writing a fanfic. I kinda enjoy reading fanfic so I decided to try and write one. I might change the story a little bit and maybe I wouldn't even follow the story line. Please no hate on me. And I have a very bad grammar. Emily Smith was Erwin Smith's little sister. She was always with him and found that her brother was inspiring. She always thought that when she grew up a little older, she wanted to fight by her brother's side. She thought that it was easy to join and be a cadet. After three years of hard working, she finally graduated, Emily signed up for the scouts regimen and laid eyes on the Captain... Levi, humanity strongest soldier and the guy who fought by her brothers side.

weebsbitches · História
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9 Chs

Special Operation

Levi's  POV

   She just... She just... kissed me.

[Author-San] Well not really.

    I frozed in place. Oh my... Why is my heart beating so fast. Am... Am I falling for her?

Emily's  POV

     I sleep the whole night without nightmare. How nice. Finally able to sleep in peace. I got up from bed earlier and got ready to go to Mess Hall for breakfast. But I went to my brother's office first.

      And thinking about what I did last night just making me blush. How bold. Why would I even do that? My feelings would just keep on growing if I didn't stop doing stupid things to Levi. If I'm around him and he just gonna treat me with his stupid kind ass, I'm gonna fall for him hard.

       As I got to my brother's office, I knocked the and he said, "state your name and business." "Your sister and to meet you," I said.

        I heard him chuckled softly as he opens the door. Thank goodness Levi's not here.

       "So how's my lovely sister doing today?" He asked while hugging me and kissed my forehead.

       "I'm doing great, and I don't have a dream last night. I sleep peacefully!" I said, excitement lacing my voice.

       My brother looked at me wide eye, "Oh. And why is that?" He asked.

       I immediately blushed at his questions. Because I think that I slept without my nightmare is that Levi came and visit me last night. And I know that I liked him...

        "Emily? Are you okay? Are you having a fever?" Erwin asked looking concerned.


       "N-No I'm fine. R-really." I said.

        Then he noticed that I was blushing not that I was having a fever or something, "Oh I see... Who is it?" He asked.

         What the hell Erwin?! How the heck did you know?! "Ummm... Uh... I-it's..." Erwin cut me and said, "It's Levi isn't it?"

          Damn it! I want to wipe that smirk off his face! "Y-Yeah..." I said. I hate that my brother knows me so well... This so frustrating.

          "I knew it. You liked him. But of course I don't care if you want to date him because I already give you my bless." He said.

           "W-What are you talking about?! I-it's not like he likes me or something!" I said.

*After Emily's teasing session*

I left Erwin's office cuz he was blabbering some nonsense shit and got to Mess Hall. I sat next to Eren, "Good morning Emily." He said.

      "Good morning." I smiled.

      After breakfast, we got to the stable and I took my horse out to give her food.

[Author-San] I want to call Emily's horse hoe.

      We took off and got to the old castle.

At the old castle

       "Get inside and start cleaning the rooms. Don't leave any dust, it's filthy." Levi ordered.

       Cleaning?! Yes! Finally something I like to do. Well I like to do something else too.

[Author-San] Like stalking Levi👀

        I cleaned almost two rooms already and when I was walking down the hallway when I saw Levi was scolding Eren about how he still cleaning the room. Yup, it looks like he didn't even clean the room.

        Well I was going to ignore it and get myself ready before dinner when Levi calls out to me,"Oi, Cadet Smith."

        I facepalm. "Yes Captain?" I asked.

        "Have you cleaned your room?" He asked.

        "Already did. And I already cleaned others room." I said.

        "I'll be the judge to see if you had cleaned it properly." He said.

         Cleaning freak.

*Le time skip*

        After cleaning and Levi was the 'judge', I left and got to dining room, it's not really a dining room but we don't have anywhere else to eat, so they just made the room as a dining room. I just sat down randomly and next to me was Oluo and Gunther.

         "Tch." Oluo clicked his tongue. Ugh I hate it how he tried to copy Levi, in fact I don't like it when people trying to be a copycat.

[Author-San] well I surely don't hate kakashi.


          Thank goodness they didn't know what my last name is. They'd probably try and get on my good side just to be on my brother's good side.

          After everyone had gathered, we ate in a comfortable silence. And of course the other was trying to get to know me since Gunther, Oluo, Petra and Eld already knew each other.

          "So Emily, you're number one in class right?" Eld started.

          "Yeah..." I said.

          "Who did you train with to get that strong? You know that your skill even surpassed Captain Levi." He said.

          "I trained with my brother. Well he's always busy but he would try to get a free time to train me." I said nervously.

          "Tch, you think that with your skill you can just do anything you want?" Oluo said.

           What did I ever do to you Oluo?

           "Who's your brother?" Petra asked.

           I can tell the others were really excited to know who's my brother is.

           "It's umm.... It's uhhh..." I stuttered and Levi interrupted our conversation, "Her brother is Eyebrows, or what you guys called him Commander Erwin Smith."

           "WHAT?! YOURE THE COMMANDER'S SISTER?!" They all said in unison.

           "Umm... Y-yeah..." I said nervously. I love that look on Oluo's face, it's priceless! That shock look is just my favourite.

           And there were silence. The atmosphere around the room was tense. They seriously that scared of my brother? I finished eating and got up to get to my room. They're still sitting there, was too shocked and tried to process everything. I mean yeah my brother is the higher-up, but that doesn't mean you got to respect me too. Unless I have a title or something.

          I got into my sleeping gown. I fell asleep fast this time and immediately got consumed by the darkness. Nightmares... It's different.

         "Emily?" A familiar voice said.

         I turned around to see my best friend, her clothes were all bloody. I want to forget everything about it. That's why I tried to forget something, that is her name... I don't want to remember her name. And I didn't remember it. I forgot all about her. But I didn't forget the look on her face when she got eaten. That look of fear... But she didn't care to die... Her last words were, "Emily, run! I'm sorry I can't go with you! Please leave now! I love you! Take care of yourself!" I instantly woke up with a cold sweat and tears rolling down my cheek. I got up and walk down the hallway just to bump into someone.
