
Move out

Victoria family were all seated waiting for the meeting to start. They all look tired from the look on their face they just woke up and were pretty dissatisfied with this meeting.

Good morning family...everyone turned their attention to the voice but soon hissed it was none other than Victoria whom they all loathed but can't voice out their thoughts due to her relationship status in the house

Victoria what's the meaning of this meeting you arranged so early in the morning said her mother who actually loathes this daughter of hers.

yes sis hope there is no problem Alicia her step sister also butt in but only if anyone could read mind then they will see her evil intent for her sister

Everyone started asking questions as to the reason for this meeting that seemed particularly annoying.

Victoria cleared her throat and began her story of what actually happened.


It was a peaceful night Victoria slept rather early so she had no idea what happened after wards. she had a dream which was weird. she woke up only to see someone on top of her and she immediately laid on her side making the person stumble over for fear of being caught the person used a tiny green light to check her out but she saw the person instantly it was none other than her nephew who was molesting her in the middle of the night but she did not scream and just laid there silently. Minutes later her nephew lucas left her room for fear of being caught just to make sure she was sure she followed him secretly and saw him entering his room so she went back to her room and took her phone scrolling through it. she lost interest in sleeping so she was awake from 2:00 am but she could not stop thinking that how could her nephew perform such an act. she cried that had it been she slept whole heartedly she could have been raped so she decided she would wait up all night and inform her family so they could make a responsible decision on the matter.


Victoria finished her narration of what happened but instead of what she expected to happen the reversed happened.

Tori that's outrageous how could you say such a thing about your nephew even if he offended you shouldn't you talk to him instead of framing him. You are despicable was all her mother said.

Sis why will Lucas do such a thing and beside Lucas is not that type of person maybe you were dreaming and that's why you thought he was the one you saw it must have been a dream Alicia also commented

Bullshit I swear on my life I never did that I am innocent mum believe him I don't know what she talking bout.

Everyone believed Lucas and Victoria became the guilty one and she had to face her family.

Move out.

I said move out you clearly wanna destroy this family but I won't allow you so kindly move out. I may be your mother but I won't tolerate this attitude so apologize to your nephew or move out.

knowing Victoria ego she will never apologize to someone she believed offend her no matter the scenario so they were all excited that the bitch was finally moving out.

Victoria could not believe her mother would do such a thing to her so she was still kinda hoping when her mother sees her packing she will make her stay back to it never happened so she finally moved out and the whole family was happy about this.

Victoria moving out was a mistake on their part they'll forever regret.