
COINED: The darkness within...

Ben, a millionaire, swaps realities with his dream self Alsies, and wakes up upon a death sentence. A story about how both of them level up. Ben from real to fantasy world, and Alsies from fantasy to the real world, devoid of magic.

Killswitch · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
55 Chs

Guild mission: Ben

Ben had always been fascinated by arcane arts, and he had spent months studying, perfecting and practicing different spells. However, however this day, he wanted to use his abilities to infiltrate and see the operations within the guild without the mask of lord. The spell was said to be able to change one's very essence, transforming them into a completely different being. Intrigued by the possibility, Ben decided to cast the spell on himself, curious to see what would happen. As he chanted the incantation and performed the intricate hand gestures, a wave of energy washed over him, and he felt himself changing. When he opened his eyes, he was no longer Ben, but a stunningly beautiful elf woman. Her long, silver hair cascaded down her back, and her piercing green eyes shone with an otherworldly light. She was dressed in intricate, ethereal robes that seemed to shimmer in the light. Ben's three guards, who had been standing nearby, were utterly shocked by the sudden transformation. They had been his loyal companions for the past month, and they had never seen anything like this before. They stumbled over their words, trying to comprehend what had just happened."Lord Ben, is that really you?" Elara stammered, staring at the woman in front of them. The elf woman nodded, her voice soft and melodic. "It's me, but I am now Benhilda," she replied, her voice filled with a sense of mystery and power. They feared asking, Ben had showed immeasurable power the whole day. As they made their way towards the guild, Benhilda knew that she needed to conceal the true identities of her guards. With a flick of her wrist, she cast a glamour spell on them, disguising them as ordinary travelers. They entered the bustling guild hall, filled with adventurers of all shapes and sizes, eager to begin their quests. The atmosphere in the guild was electric, with the air crackling with excitement and anticipation. The adventurers were eager to start their journeys, and the sounds of chatter and laughter filled the hall.As Benhilda and her guards approached the registration desk, they were met with curious glances and whispers. The guild members were clearly intrigued by the enigmatic woman and her companions, and some even approached them, eager to find out more. "Welcome to the guild, traveler," a friendly guild member said, smiling warmly at Benhilda. "May I ask for your adventuring name, so we may register you?" Benhilda smiled back, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "You may call me Benhilda," she replied, her voice filled with confidence and charm. The guild member nodded, jotting down her name on the registration scroll. "Ah, Benhilda. A fitting name for such a captivating adventurer. We are honored to have you with us." As they mingled with the other adventurers, the guards couldn't help but overhear the whispers and excited conversations about the mysterious new arrival. They exchanged knowing glances with Benhilda, realizing that their journey was about to take a thrilling and unexpected turn.As Benhilda and her guards signed in and received their guild cards, they felt a sense of excitement coursing through their veins. The guild card was a symbol of their official membership, granting them access to various quests and missions that would test their skills and bravery. As they marveled at their new guild cards, Gideon, the wise and experienced guild master, walked into the hall. His presence commanded respect, and the adventurers fell silent as he made his way towards the four newcomers. "Welcome, travelers," Gideon said, his voice carrying a hint of gravitas. "I trust you have been briefed on the guild's rules and regulations?" The adventurers nodded, and Gideon proceeded to explain the adventuring rules in detail. He stressed the importance of teamwork, honor, and bravery, and the need to always prioritize the safety of civilians and fellow adventurers. His words were delivered with a blend of stern authority and genuine concern for their well-being. "In our guild, we value integrity and courage, and we work together to uphold these principles," Gideon continued, his eyes scanning the crowd. "Now, as esteemed members of our guild, I must inform you of a crucial event. Tomorrow morning, there will be a hunt led by Lyra, our most skilled and revered adventurer. It would be wise for you all to join her."Gideon explained that the hunt was aimed at exterminating the ferocious beasts that plagued the trade routes, farms, and the nearby forest—a place ominously known as the Forest of Beasts. The beasts had threatened the safety of the local community for far too long, and the guild was determined to rid the land of this peril. "It is a perilous task, but with your skills and determination, I trust that our guild will emerge victorious," Gideon concluded, his unwavering resolve evident in his words. As the adventurers exchanged eager glances and whispered plans, Benhilda and her guards knew that they were about to embark on an extraordinary adventure—one that would test their mettle and cement their place in the guild's history. They couldn't wait to join Lyra's morning hunt, eager to prove themselves and protect the land from the relentless threat of the Forest of Beasts.As the adventurers continued mingling and preparing for the upcoming hunt, curious whispers began to spread throughout the hall. The adventurers exchanged furtive glances and murmured to one another, questioning the identities of the mysterious woman, Benhilda, and her three enigmatic companions. Speculation buzzed in the air, and some couldn't help but wonder about the background and capabilities of these unusual newcomers. However, Benhilda and her guards paid little attention to the hushed conversations around them, focusing their attention on the task at hand. With a shared glance, they made their way out of the guild and into the bustling city beyond its walls. The anticipation of the upcoming hunt thrummed in the air, and the city buzzed with activity and fervent preparations for the impending venture into the Forest of Beasts.Outside the guild, the adventurers rendezvoused with a group of other guild members who would be joining the hunt. A grizzled veteran of many battles stepped forward, addressing the assembled group with authority. "Listen up, everyone. The rules are simple. For every boar you fell, you'll be rewarded five silver coins, provided you present proof by bringing back the left ear as evidence. The meat and hides are pricey to the merchants. Lord Alsies has donated to the guild, be sure to receive payment. If you face a carnivore, it will warrant a gold coin, and for smaller herbivores like rabbits, each one will earn you a silver coin, he who fells a green dragon will be paid a gold coin from the pockets of every adventurer from this hunt, and if a party kills a red dragon, two gold coins from each pocket to their leader," he explained, his voice firm and delineating the parameters of the hunt in detail. The adventurers nodded, their expressions determined and resolute, as they absorbed the rules and prepared to embark on the challenging mission. The anticipation in the air was palpable, and the air hummed with the promise of the adventure that lay ahead. As the sun dipped low into the horizon, the group set out, each step bringing them closer to the heart of the perilous Forest of Beasts.