
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

twenty three

My heartbeat so loud as i stepped in front of her hostel door. Butterflies in my stomach danced like there was no tomorrow. I knocked on her door and waited for a second as i heard movement inside. Saw it. Her.

"Coming!" Her roommate i think responded as she got of her bed and approached the door. "Who is it?"

I loved this question. Every time somebody asked it, I had a thousand responds building in my head. Even a whole lot more impressions I could do.

"I am Jack mate, Captain Jack Sparrow." I responded immitating Johnny Depp's persona in Pirates of the Caribbean. Even took his accent and his drank posture and everything.

"What?" She asked and opened the door. Seeing me, she stepped back a little as recognition went over her face.

"Hi," I greeted her with my normal voice and accent. "I'm looking for, what's her name? Uhm, your roommate." I scratched my hair hoping she wouldn't catch on that I didn't know T.O's full name except her initials.

"She told me not to tell you her name, and she's not here." She lied. She was watching a movie with headphones on while lying on her stomach on her bed.

"Are you sure she is around?" I asked trying to see if she really wanted to lie to me.

"Roomie, James is here." She said after going in and pushing her closet door to reveal her roommate.

She knew me?

T.O, i definitely should name her something cute, took her headphones off and scrambled to her feet. she almost hit her roommate as she ran for the door but her roommate stopped her.

can she be any cuter?

"you are making it obvious." her roommate told her.

she stopped and started whispering something with her roommate. My stomach started reporting that something was wrong out there but I was on vacation. No going out to do anything for a week. I was going to focus on myself and her for this week. Nothing else.

She opened the door and greeted me with sparkling eyes and a beautiful smile.

"hi," she greeted with a sexy soft voice.

"Hi," I greeted her back showing her the DVD's. "I found the discs. Still wanna watch them?"

She took them and looked at me with curious eyes. "they are new." She said a bit amused. I gave her a sheepish smile.

"I know, but I didn't buy them today. I just never had the chance to watch them." I admitted. Maybe I should have removed the plastic wrapping.

"they are still wrapped in plastic."

I nodded, and added, "Maybe I should have removed it."

"you should have."

"right. So…"

"wanna come in?" she asked stepping away from the door to give me enough space to pass through.

"sure, when are you watching them?" I asked, wondering if I should open my back and show what I came with.

"I can spare and hour for a movie now, how about you?"

"I have time."

"okay." She placed her laptop on the table and inserted the disc on the drive. While the driver loaded and the app loaded too, I looked around her room as I sat on her bed, it was okay. Girlish but okay. Nice too, like her.

She gave me her chair and went to borrow her roommate's. I searched for an iron but felt afraid to take it out. Don't wanna empose my stuff on her. nah, fuck it. I saw her notebooks beneath her textbook and took it out. Her name written on it with a neat handwriting and a few hearts around it.

Tiyane Owens. That sounded nice. Tiyane. Strong. I wouldn't think of a better name for her.

"Hey tiyane, can I borrow your iron for a sec?" I asked talking out microwave popcorn bags out of my bag.

"what are you doing with an iron?" she asked from the other side of her roommates.

"A movie is not a movie without popcorn." She came out of her roommate's side and looked at me. I held packets of microwave popcorn for her to see. She looked at me weirdly and I dug into my bag. I took out a speaker and a small portable projector and put it on the table.

"what are those?" she asked folding her arms.

"A projector speaker and popcorn. Did I come with a lot of things?" she chuckled as she looked at the things I spread on her table. I connected the projector with the laptop and configured it.

"You didn't take your room with you, did you?" she asked amused. I think. too bad I can't see her whole face, just portions one at a time.


"stand still, Roomie, can you come see this?" she called for her roommate and she quickly came. They stared at me as I stood still in front of her laptop with a working projector, a speaker and ten packets of microwave popcorn. Okay maybe with the popcorn it was an overkill. But the rest, it wasn't.

Her roommate smiled and told her we were a match made in heaven. No need for her to worry.

"I've seen those in movies," she added approaching me. "are they available in Bots already?" she asked touching the projector and the microwave popcorn. Almost forgot about border control.

"I'm not sure, won them from a bet with a friend," I told her, remembering the fit Duke threw when I won his property and took it while he pleaded with me not to take the projector.

The only thing I wasn't sure of was it the projector was from present human tech or from guardian Corp or its allies.

"you won this on a bet?" she asked as she picked the projector up. Its resolution was a bit too high it made me a bit concerned it wasn't made by humans, especially that it was handheld.

I nodded as Tiyane opened her closet and took out her iron.

"its resolution is good." She admitted inspecting the projector. "wanna lend it to me?"

"not sure, I use it for online classes," I told her roommate as Tiyane gave me her iron. i asked her roommate if she would like to watch the movie with us but a quick look at Tiyane made her reject the offer, but she took three packets of popcorn. I set everything up and popped the popcorn with her iron and a bit of my abilities.

as the movie began, we sat on her bed and shared the popcorn. She smiled prettily as she stole a look at me I couldn't help but feel my heart beating beautifully.

during the movie, our shoulders touched, and as she ate my popcorn, our hands touched and I felt like I unfolded my lightning wings, I felt current pass right through her into me.

i looked at her as she laughed a sexy and beautiful laugh, the sides of the corner of her mouth felt too tempting and made me want to kiss them. my stomach grew irritable again.