
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs



This was getting out of hand. I thought of time spell breaker and cast it around the globe as i stomped the ground.

"You are not so bad yourself especially today. Keep it up and I'll fall for you." She said and ran up to me.

"Oh i wouldn't be suprised. I got my own charm." I raised my eyebrows and... Ew! okay this isnt meant for me. Narcissistic comments arent meant for me.

"Errg!" She ewed at me prettily and commented. "Dont do that. Ever. Doesn't suit you."

"I agree i definitely creeped myself out." Ew! I shaked my body out of the spider on my skin feeling.

"What's you listening to?" She asked taking the only earphone on my ear off and putting it on.

"Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith. Thinking about you."

"Oh, who are you thinking about? Your first love?" She stole a look at me and i pretended i didn't see it.

"No. But I'm not telling."

"Fair enough." She gave in. "You know i pictured you for an Eminem or Nf kind of a guy. Not a RnB or pop fan."

"Why do you say so?"

"You're quiet, always wearing headphones and a hood, thoughtoday you are not."

"Yeah. Guess you are right."

"So are you an Eminem fan?"

I smiled in comfirmation and almost bit my lips to stop myself from burtsing aboit how great Eminem is and everything i have that he both personally signed and once touched.

"You are."

"A big one."

"How big?"

"It'll seem like a lie if i told you so let me just say i could be a millionaire if i sold every merchandise he has."

"But i never see you wearing any."

"I collected and keep. I never wear the clothes made by a god."

"Oh my god, don't tell me you're like those nerds that keep everything in parkages and never open them."

"Ey!" I defended my fellow nerds worlds but with the damage the big bang theory had done, it was a bit hard for me to defend anything from her teasing without being compared to sheldon's childish and slightly autistic self.

After suffering beautifully through her teasing, we sat across the table listening to my RnB kpop ost playlist. Mid Punch and Chanyeol's stay with me, Ally' favourite... why am i thinking of her at this moment? ...song, the music just cut of and the dark chat showed for a sec. The address was in. My house outside Palapye and at 1800 hrs. A robotic voice asked, "Is it all right with yall?"

"We'll make time." I responded. "Just come with meat and don't be late." I exited the chart and made excused the interuption. "My brothers wanted to get together for a drink over the weekend."

"But I've never seen a chart room like that."

"It's my brothers' chart room, those two hacked my phone so they can see everything and hear everything around me."

"That sounds bad." She said and i didn't know how to respond to it. Facebook does it, we do it. Everybody does it.

"Yeah, i guess so."

She looked at me with sad eyes as we sat under the tree shades on benches.


"I'm sorry." She said still looking at me, i couldn't tell if it was an apology or if it was "excuse me, what did you say."

"I know i look handsome," ew! I swallowed my vomit. "but you'll stare holes in my face." I said taking peeps at her. I felt shy looking into her eyes and a bit uncertain and warm inside just standing next to her.

But i grew even more afraid of the time stops happening again that i didnt want to leave her alone.

If i didn't go out there and investigate a lot could go wrong. Easily.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked laying on the concrete slab table and stared at me. I followed suit, but stared at her facial features and the small details that had cjanged between now and yesterdays.

"I'm thinking of all the things i could be doing right now." I confessed. "Between nothing..."

"Do i bore you?"

"No, its... We're sitting her, doing nothing, just, staring at each other, its... I dont do nothing its bothering me a bit."


"I hate being left alone with my thoughts. They run amok."

"I thought you liked peace and quiet."

"Not really, it makes me overthink."

"What do you think about?"

"The defition of hangout." I dmitted my underlying concern. "Its this actually, but i kind of expected a bit more, like a drink or a meal or anything around those. You?"

"You've watched too many movies." She said leaning back with her eyes still sad.

"Well, they do sell the activities, I'll admit wanna do any of them?" I asked getting up from the bench. I swiped my to my keypad and speed dialed a cab and hang up on him twice.


"Come on, you don't even know what activity in talking about." I held my hand out to her. "Trust me, you'll love it."

She looked at my hand hesitating for a minute then took it. "I'm only going when you tell me what it is."

I looked at her. What the plan is? Hmm what was it? I looked at my watch. 1610. Hmm. Two three hours before sunset.

I smiled sheepishly.

"You have no plan." She commented.

"That is the plan."

"No plan?"

"No. Spontaneity is. Close your eyes, what you feel like doing, do it."

"How is that a plan?"

"You dont plan fun, it plans you. You flow."

"What the heck is that?"

"I dont know. But right now i feel like a chicken. Okay that came out wrong. I feel chicke... how do you say you feel like having chicken?"

"Two things. One you just said it. Two, that plan would leave you broke." I touched her fingers and balled them.

"One don't you worry. Two; I can afford to use a little bit of money for a day. Three, no one said we can have fun through money. Lets go."

"No I'm not gonna cost you money."

She looked at me with that look again. That look with a side dish of uncertainity.

I took out my wallet and placed a few notes in fronf of her. "How about we use just these?"

She took a quick look at the money I put in front of her and gave a definite no.


"Isn't this like your allowance?" She asked. I looked at the notes. There were six two hundred pula notes. And a few more smaller notes. I probably had about P1420,00. Thats around $140.

"No. Not really."

"You are not going to spend all your allowance on me." She said and got up as i saw the cab park a few meters away. Oh he was fast.

"Ok. But we still going out."


We went out of the school with the cab i had to add a bit a bribe on top to not tell certain people who used his car for transport that I was with a girl going out. Hard to do when he tell it to your face that he can see her. Or even harder when i used an emergency code to call for him.

But the afternoon out was what i needed. Though we didn't do much but I've had so much fun just hanging out we her. We had flame grilled chicken at Nando's and ran around window shopping around the mall and we before we came back, we passed by home for a quick horse ride since she brought up never been in a farm before.

Though it felt like I was repeating a few things some times over, I could've stopped time to watch her admire sunset. Or slowly gallop down the trail back to the farm. Something about her was gracefully beautiful. I didn't know whether it was the way she smiled that made my heart race and want me to paste my lips on hers. Or whether it was the memory of her taking her shirt off to put on mine in case she fell off the horse. Oh trust me, she took it off and the view of her chest, was beautiful. Tantalizingly beautiful. I have to give the farm helper a thumbs up for it. My heart came out of there judt liquid like the blood it pumps.

Or maybe it was the way her waist moved that had me thinking of all the things i could do to that waist.

Or the things i wanted it to move like that on top off. My dick would be firs... i bit the inside of my lips just to punidh myself for thinking about sex in front of her. I even had a hard dick.

"I had fun today. Thanks." She said still with that sad smile. I wondered if it was about the pills she ate at 1805 exactly or not.

"You're welcome. I guess i did something right today. Though what i really wanted to do seemed to have been a failure." I responded pointing at her chest and she stepped back covering her chest with a cute ezpression on her face i couldn't quite make it out.

I chuckled and added. "Oh, no that, that's already taken care of."

"Pervert." She whispered between gritted teeth.

"Your eyes been sad since we met the entire day. Thought I'd make you forgot about it but you seem..."

"I'm sorry i doubted you." She blurted out catching me a bit off gaurd. She explained that she and her friends ealier traded clothes and acted like different people to see if i could notice them but i couldn't.

At least she was being human. I asked her how many times they did it and she said twice. They passed by me twice without speaking and i looked once at them frowned and passed.

"Was that you in a dress?" I asked and she nodded. "You should've done it a lot more."

"Why you... arent angry, are you?"

"No, actually... when i was about to walk into the lab, that was you right?"

"Yes, that was the only time you stared at us long enough to say you were trying to make us out. Third time we couldn't count it in."

"Looks like i was a bit right. Well at least I'd know what it looks like when you wore a dress."

"You really are not mad?"

"No. It helps actually."

"Okay I promise I won't do it again."

"Don't. Just do it everytime you want and pass by me and see if i could recognise you?"

"Why? i thought you will hate it."

"I don't. I'll just look for other unconcious things you do that make you you." It told her and almost felt like kissing her good night.

I went back to my room moments later and sat behind my table my roommate was in but sleeping.

Okay are we all caught up? A bit.

Shit i forgot her number.

Anyway, i sat behind the table with my phones on the table next to the laptop. My private chat with PK and VK wasn't on. They were the ones i knew were going to feel time manipulation even if it was done like a chain of insignificant dominos like i did it.

Thats how they found me in the first place.

But whatever the heck was it? I looked at my computers. The answers were in there, but so was what i was going to do tommorrow. Or the day after. Or years to come.