
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Thirty two

I blinked. my roommate?

Shay looked at me too, puzzled. we both looked at Tiyane as she slept then at the door. My roommate inserted his key into the door and tried to unlock the door. But my key in the lock prevented him form unlocking it.

Shay sprung to her feet and as i put my shirt on, she waved her finger in circles and vanished with tiyane and the first aid kit.

"coming!" i responded before unlocking the door.

as i live and breath he stood there.

Dreadlocks and glasses with everything. his huge school bag filled with books and a laptop.

i keep forgetting i have a roommate.

"hey." i greeted him amd he looked at me with tired eyes.

"hey, who you been talking to?" he asked.

"i wasn't..." i looked into his eyes and saw sleep deprivation and baggy dark circles beneath his eyes. "when was the last time you slept the entire night?"

he walked to his sode of the room and sat on his bed. he was drenched too. but not as bad as tiyane was.

"i slept an hoir yesterday."

"just sleep." i advised and went back to my side to give him space to change.

"anyone came looking for me?" he asked.

"i wasn't even sure you existed until ten seconds ago." i responded and cleaned up Tiyanes wet clothes.

"guess no one came." he said.

"yeah no one came."

i took the clothes and put them in a bag and left the room. but it hit me, he's been asking me this same question the entire semester everytime he came around. was he waiting for someone to come over? did he want that person to come over but... its not my problem who he's waiting for.

Shay did take her to a hospital. A private hospital near the center of the town center and, it seems, she had already checked her in. Even though i felt like a hospital wouldnt help her much, it seems logical to send her here.

Though not effective.

I walked into their room and found Shay, wearing a doctors coat sleeping in a chair she pulled up next to Tiyane's bed.

As they both slept, they both looked okay. Peaceful. I hoped. I couldn't see their eyes. Nor movement around their mouths as they slept. So i fomulated, no nightmares.

At least they were sleeping okay.

Shay's face, i realized, i missed seeing it. Her naive scaredy cat ways of pullying mischievous acts, i missed them.

But she was bound to return back home in a year. Her thirteen years of training on earth were coming to an end. Very soon...

"You know," i saw myself seven years ago in Shay's head struggling to keep everything together and were those tears? When did i cry? "She looks beautiful if you look at her with no bias." She said waking up.

"She is." I replied and the marsh upI've been seen in her head stopped. "But what's with biases? do you have anything against her?"

"Oh, i have a lot when it comes to girls you like."


"I heard you wiped America two thousand years ago back when it was called Zarahemla."

"Zaramelha" i corrected her.

"Its Zarahemla. Not Zaramelha. What the heck is Zaramelha?"

"What i call ancient America."

"You made kids laugh at me for that. Its like calling america Acameri, or Amecari."

"I didnt say learn words from me. Anyway i call it whatever i want. Acameri sounds good, who coined it?"

"One of the kids upstairs."

"Copyright infringement, I'm taking it. What's with the bias?"

"You're mg brother, i love you. If she's not good enough you're not gonna date her."

I chuckled as she said the same words I told Ava before i threw her boyfriend and her into a deserted island and left them there for a year. "You know i told Ava the same thing years ago before threw her and her boyfriend to Agaze for a year without anyone else and told them, if they wanna get married they should survive for a year without killing each other."

"Aunt Ava?"

"Yeah. Right before she tried to kill me but it was worthwhile. made me rich enough to buy her a wedding present."

"I should do that to you."

"Nah not you too. Ava vowed to revenge, and a hundred other people."

"Guess you guys do have fun."

"Dont worry, you will. A lot of time to kill makes one naughty."

"Yeah." She agreed and we looked at Tiyane as she stirred.

"You panicked."she said turning nad looking directly into my eyes it felt as though my soul was bare naked.

"Yeah, i know. But I'll try not to again."

"I'm not Cyraon. Don't hide your emotions near me or her." She motioned to the sleeping Tiyane and i bowed my head in agreement.

"It's the first time I've seen you panic."

"Maybe but, what about you, when would you leave?"

"The elders say somewhere next year, but lets not talk me, let's talk you. Is she Kiara?"

"I dont know." I looked down and thought about it. All the answers i had were inconclusive. A few said she wasn't. The times I've met her should've felt her like i did thousand years ago. But I've met her last year and been here with her all this time but never felt her. I've only felt her once. Last week.

A few clues... maybe I've been friends or enemies with her in the past and all i felt was the left over feelings.

"Is she familiar to you?"

"I don't know. I just feel strange around her. I feel complete, i wanna stay next to her but that's about it all." I admitted. "And she's like a puzzle i cant figure out. I can't figure out if i like her or i just wanna be next to her."

"Tell me about Kiara. How did you meet her and how did you feel?"

"Do you remember that 2012 guy."

"I remember the giant that wiped his ass with you and the Alkebulan throne holders."

Seriously. 2012 and that is all remebered. A giant wiping his ass with me? After all that?

"Okay dont look at me like that. It was a bad pun I'm sorry."

"I thought we agreed never to talk about it again?"

"We did. Im sorry so what guy?"

"The old guy with brittle bones."

"I remember him. I absolutely have no intention of forgetting him."

"We met because of him."

"How? I thought you guys hated each other."

"You know, back in the day he was called the king of all men. The king of punt in its entirety and he used to be vocal about guardian. Usually we took him as our detractor. The critic. We used him as a bit of a guide to... you know, know what we do wrong and what we need to emprove on."


"So he was a bit of... you know, off limits. Like the gods' king Hermes. But one day he decided to attack the guardians and harm them rather than just talking."

"How did you handle it?"

"I flipped. Like most days. We didnt have a saint then, but all the guardians of then saw me as the saint because before he disappeared, i was the only person he took under his wing. So i was the only candidate though i often refused."

"Ive heard about that. But i also heard you refused it for over four thousand years."

"I was the youngest of all guardian i was barely two thousand years old and i had lost my family and friends in the first bombings so i was reluctant because i felt like a faillure. But then..." i stopped and took a breath.

"But then what?"

"I think its better if i showed you."


I smiled and put my hand on her right temple, right above her optic nerves. "Hold on tight, it might get graphic, so just bear with me for a moment."

"What are you doing?"

"Showing you my memories."

I closed my eyes and recalled the memories of old and passed them into her eyes so she saw what i saw.

"You making me read your mind?"

"No, yes... just... i dont know. Im putting you in my shoes two thousand years ago. Just keep quiet and watch. Okay?"

"No comments."
