
Code of the Guardians: Tale of the Saint.

I should have seen it. I should have calculated it all and seen this. I am a guardian, so i should have seen this. Her. Why she was born now, after all this time. Them. My guardians. i should have known the endgame was this. I should have paid more attention. Or rather, i should have not included them in this mess.

Omega_Bound · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Thirty Six

Tiyane was all tensed as we sat at the backseat of the hammer like a creeped out hostage. Her body was rigid and she looked as scared to touch even the seatbelt.

"You okay?" I asked her and she nodded nervously.

Your girlfriend is clearly not okay.

She's not my girlfriend but I know.

I took her hand and squeezed it slightly and smiled at her.

"Did you give her the watch? Did he give it to you?"


"I haven't set it up yet." I told them as i took the watch from my pocket. "I dont have her phone so i can't link them together."

"Link what?"

"This watch I'll do it when you have your phone."

Why did you avoid the times she tried to kiss you? Afraid?

"Shay, may you mind the road andyour speed, its bumpy ahead."

We drove into the school and she parked the car in front of Tiyane's dorm block. As I accompanied her to her dorm room, Shay told me about the situation out there. The judge was fighting something so the weather in the atlantic was pretty much fucked up.

Don't worry about it, was all i said. I'm pretty sure that Lyska could take on a few punches. Besides he is a judge, he won't lose it at all.

I gave her the watch without setting it up to her phone, but i set it up to my phone as her emergency contact. As she put it on, I told her everytime theres a change in her vitals, it was going to ring thrice. From then on, she would have three seconds to double tap the watch or else I would recieve both her location and her health status and i would come running.

She agreed and asked how much the watch cost. It wasn't part of their mainstream human tech but one of guardian corp tech pieces. Clearly it didn't have a pricetag.

Knowing how she reacted around money and expensive things, don't worry about it was the only suitable thing i could tell her.

She nodded shyly and walked into her room.

"She's going to sleep, Jay, let's talk business now." Shay said in my head and i felt her smile. "You owe me three wishes."

"For what?" I asked as i walkedaway from her door and back to the parking lot. Something about Tiyane was off. "You didn't heal her."

"Not completely, i strengthened her heart a little, so she won't need her medication for a while, depending on how long my power holds. Besides, she is susceptible to water healing. It works on her a little."

"Okay. Still doesn't guarantee three wishes." I said this time using my mouth as i was already in the parking lot.

"Wanna calculate?" She asked and i looked at her. She opened her head and saw her points. Trying to heal Tiyane, bringing her here for over five hours, and just naturally being Shay. Or i can count her first aid as the third wish.

"No." I told her point blank. "One wish and that's all you getting."

"Come you've given three for less."

"No, you already overcharged me for her medical bills."

"Come on, its not like thirty thousand is more than change to you, beside I'm going to be around for seven months, its not like I'm going to waste your money."

"What did you do with the money i gave you in 2012?"

"James, you know i love you right?"

"Not gonna work on me again, sweetheart. Try again."

"Okay, what if i went and took a peek at what Sue and the others are doing?" She asked with a smile. "We both know they might be having a bit of a problem dealing with your old friend."

"Fine. What do you want wishes for anyway?"

"I want blank checks on anything. Seven of them."

"Three. The other four would depend on what you're asking for."

"Thanks, darling." She kissed my cheek and left.

As she left, i sighed and put on a frown. I hate this part of the job but its neccesary.

I walked to my room as i conjured a hoodie and wore it. I switched doors and instead of mine, in southern africa, I was somewhere in England. Or rather, somewhere i should do my very best to forget.

The darkside every city had. Drugland.

I knocked thrice on their door and i heard the assholes attend to the door. One of the seven, but not the one I was looking for. But he was still one of them.

"Who are you?" Brandon asked as he opened the door and saw me, not one of the familiar drug users he meets everyday.

"Uncle Sam." I flipped the hitlist and searched for th name of he assholes here. "Prices have gone up a bit these days, tax has also increased. But business is good on you. So you need to pay up."

He took out his gun and i looked up as he pointed it at my face. "Stop being cap, are you a cop?"

"No, I'm the devil and your name came up," i mesmerized him as i pushed his gun to the side. Just off my face. "Now go tell Oaklee he has twenty seconds to get his dick off Denise and prepare his soul for hell, 'coz I'm taking him there i half a minute."

"Kaylee!" He shouted. "Some guy here says he's here to kill you. What should i do?"

"Pop the clown!" Oaklee shouted back as he continued fucking Denise. Brandom tried to put the gun up to my face and pop it but I waved his hands down and he pointed to the ground.

"Okay then," i pressed Brandon's head and it exploded as i walked in. The other guys in the other rooms they were cooking drugs in. I flipped a finger and they all lit ablaze and their cries and blazed lit the dimly lit evening and called for attention from the neighbours.

A second after making the guys lit ablaze, I walked into Oakleys room a few floors above the ground and my eyes fell directly into the naked Denise's eyes as Oaklee fucked her on top of the table where i was certain a lot of asses has been without ever beeing cleaned. She tapped him as i took out a hand gun and put on a silencer. He cries of the guys below finally reached the top.

"Oh yeah!" He groaned as he went in faster in her, completely ignoring her tapping and scared looks. But would he care? "Your pussy tight, bitch. Real tight."

I pointed a gun at him and shot his ass. He screamed as he felt the bullet pierce his ass and he went down. Crying.

She looked at me with her legs open, hands trembling and completely immobile with fear as she looked at me. Been a long time since I've done this.

I sighed and looked at the bawling naked guy on he floor. I ignore whatever it is that he was doing and turned his over and shoved the gun inside his ass.

He bawled harder as i turned the gun inside and shot open his pubic bone and then another to burst open his bladder.

He bawled even worse and i shut open his mouth. He was being rather noisy. She started sweating worse as she saw his mouth dissappear. Je started to panic too but he was within my grasp. I flung him across the room in front of her and pasted him on the wall. Crucifying him with the gun still in his ass.

"Here's the thing." I said as he looked at me. "Right now, I'm beyond livid. I'm simply somber. No emotion I'm just..." i sighed. Do i have to do this?

"When a child..." i thought of his action and i felt like this wouldn't be enough. I needed to torture him worse. "When a child is born, their sexual organs are just for show. Between five and ten, a girl doesn't have a pussy, all she has isn't even classified a sexual organ. Between eleven and fifteen, a girl child is..."

Can't i just melt him? I took a deep breath. An insult to air.

"She may have a pussy, but its weak and small, that's why even boys their ages have a pinkie sized dick. How old are you? Twenty nine? Thirty?" I asked him but he didnt have a mouth. His pubic bone was shot twice and he had a gun on his asshole. He was also going in and out of consciousness.

"Sorry i forgot." I stole an arc of electricity from the fluorescent light bulb and shocked him awake. He tried to scream but only came out muffled.

"Here's a question I'm dying to ask you, what made you think your oversized dick can fit inside an seven year old?" I asked him and he didn't answer.

"I'll be fair." I told him and conjured a flaming sword. Same one I've had a thousand years ago until i made an igigi win it from me. As it lit white hot, i cut his balls and dick off. She fainted as I threw the junk at her feet.

I took a straw they were sniffing cocaine earlier with and stuck it where the urethra ended.

He faded again and i woke him up with another pop at his chest and shot one more through his arm. Just to make him pain, and call this overdoing but a molestor needs way more than this. I took him off the wall and kept him awake a little juice from the powerlines with probes into his wounds.

For a sec, i though barbacue was on the grill. A rather crappy one.

I left the house ablaze with Denise in her bed at her home. Not that crappy house.

Before i could go anywhere i dropped by the hospital the little kid with a raptured hip was in and healed her hips as she cried in her sleep.

I implanted a happier dream in her head and left a little get well gift from Oakley. A bag full of drug money next to her bed with both a get well soon card and a threat to whoever tried to steal it.

I closed her ward door and took a detour back.

I watched Olivia play with her friends in her room in Dallas and realized, that kid wasn't older than her by a lot and still some guy did that to her.

Eun Tak felt the same if not worse. She was as old as her. I noted as Eun Tak slept on her table in class. She was also seven years old. Somebody could touch her and... or i dare that somebody to try anything on her. She woke up as her face lit and waved at me with her cute smile. A tooth was going to fall off. I smiled at her and saw it.

A bit of the future.

"Knock, knock!" I said on the door of her classroom. I think someone said something in Korean but, because i am me, i couldn't tell what that was. Come in or fuck off, I couldn't tell what it was. My ears were flooded with all the noise earth produced. Both present past and future.

Maybe it was come in. I think it was come in.

I opened the door and pullying a serving tray behind me, i walked into the classroom.

Their homeroom teacher was at the front, the students were all sitted except Sae won and Park Eun Tak was, as usual, sleeping on her table, looking both glum and tired.

Poor kid. She was tired.

"Yaboseyo." I greeted. Is that even Korean? Yhe teacher greeted me back in proper Korean cautiously, and i said something even more bad. "Mmianata, korean is not my friend and is not friendly towards me," i apologized. If this was humour, its bad. "So can i speak in English?" I asked and i wondered whay happens in the forecomming years. Ehy do i grow bad in korean? I speak every language for fuckssake.

"Yeah." He responded nervously.

"I'm looking for..." i took out Park Eun Tak's name tag and showed it to him. "Park Eun Tak. The angel sutted right there." I pointed at her huge head.

"And... who are you?" He enunciated clearly every syllable like a person who either didn't know English well, or was just being insultive.

Looking at him, i gave him my Guardian Corp VIP tag just to joke with him, knowing he wouldn't understand any of it at all.

I pushed the tray in front of me as I added, "sever, messenger."

"Okay, I think..."

"Shhh!" I shushed him softly and sneaked towards her silently.

She was snoring a little. Dreaming of ponies and... i smiled. I pulled out sunglasses i held hanged on my chest and she shot up fast.

"Not a ghost!" I said in my native tongue so the other students wouldn't understand as she looked at me bewilded. "Don't look over or below the sunglasses, you will die. Guardian Oliver's of Alkebulan's older brother at your service."

A little bow did the trick and she smiled and hugged me as she screamed my name. "Jamie!"

"Long time!"

"Oh my god, you are back! I missed you!" She hugged me as she cried and i patted her back. " how can you leave for seven years? Dont you how much I missed you?"

"I know, I know, I missed you too. Grand keeper." I smiled and my stomach fell as the vision ended.

I leave her for seven years in the future and she's a grand keeper? My sister replaces me... what the fuck happens in the future?