
Code Name: Argonaut!

Just a nobody that died got some wishes and livin' that OPMC life I DO NOT OWN DC just my OC This is an AU so things will be different from the original storyline. May or may not be a harem probably not but there will be a love interest! First time writing so things will probably be messed up but oh well I wanna give it a go!!

lawless_last6969 · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Meet And Greet!

"Guess you're gonna get to meet the folks" Conner says to me as I land us on a roof top a few buildings away.

"Guess so. I think there's more company coming as well.. I can hear 6 more heart beats coming from behind us." I tell him and he shifts to press his back to mine in case its a threat. Not like anyone could really harm me but the gesture actually does touch me and now I'm even more proud to have him as a brother. "We face all this together! Get ready brother!" I tell him excitedly. My battle instincts are raging in preparation of a maybe fight.

A moment later Superman and Wonder Woman land in front of us and I can see her study my armor questioningly. Suddenly Batman drops in out of no where in between us. Behind us I can hear our other guests showing up. I glance over my shoulder and see Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Artemis, M'gann, and the giant Wolf show up looking at Conner like he was out of his mind.

"What's the meaning of this Superboy?" Batman asks cutting straight to the heart of the matter.

"This is another clone. Like me, just different! I got a message in my head to go back and check Cadmus then I ran into Lex Luthor who told me I wasn't the only experiment that was held in the tunnels." He said pulling me behind him trying to 'protect' me from them.

"Who is he suppose to be a clone of Superboy?" Robin asks.

"He is the spliced DNA of Superman and Wonder Woman." He says matter of factually. "His file was named 'Code Name: Argonaut' and I gave him the name Jason Prince Kent. He is my brother and I will fight you all if you try to take him!" Conner says leaking anger into his voice while making a fist and drawing the proverbial line in the sand.

"Calm down Conner, they wont take him, and if they tried they'll have to go against all of us." M'gann says coming to stand by Conner. Then the rest of the team forms up around us.

"Let's all just cool it, you said he has my DNA along with Superman's?" Wonder Woman asks stepping forward. Conner just nods in response and I just stand there wondering when it'll be my turn to talk. "Would he be willing to submit to my lasso to put Batman and Superman's fears at ease? I think they're worried he might be brainwashed to turn on us all." Wonder Woman asked and I just nod and step forward. Conner grabs my arm.

"You don't have to do anything Jason! Superman wouldn't have anything to do with me when I woke up here, they wont trust us we can just leave." He says glaring at the boy scout.

"Brother, I appreciate it, I do. But we wont be going anywhere. These friends of yours, they care about you and you seem to be apart of their team. I'll hold the magic rope thingy and then, you and your friends can show me around, yeah?" I tell him putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm not fragile brother, hehe. I'm doubtful they could harm me if they wanted to." I tell him with a chuckle before walking up to Wonder Woman. "Welp, lets do this mother dearest!" I say and I hear Wally snicker behind me.

Wonder Woman hands me one end of the rope and I just wrap it around my arm and smirk. "Tell me, are you a danger to the people of the planet earth?" She asks

"Maybe, I am only a danger to those who would do harm to others." I answer honestly, not that the lasso has any affect on me but they don't need to know that.

"Will you harm any members of your brother's team?" She questions.

"Maybe, I have a strong urge and instinct for battle, I intend to train with them and accidents happen, but I don't have any intentions of harming them purposefully.

I see her grin at my comment of having battle lust. It would be something we do have in common. "Do you wish to spend time with me and Superman to get to know us?" She asks almost hopeful.

"You, yes. If you want to get to know me fine, as long as my brother can join us. Superman, no." I say and I can see her smile at knowing I want to know her, but I see her confusion and his as to why I don't want to know him.

"Do you have something against Superman, Jason?" She asks.

"Yes." I say and I can see Batman and Superman put up their guard like I'm some dangerous animal, but Wonder Woman looks very calm and collected.

"What grievance do you hold against him?" She questions calmly.

"Ignoring and wanting nothing to do with my brother." I say then I look him in the eye. "I assume from what he said a moment ago, you haven't reached out to him, or even tried to train him in his kryptonian powers?" I ask and I can see some guilt there. "When I awoke, I was hit with an onslaught of sensations, I could hear everything around the world, I could feel their pain, I struggled with being able to control my vision. He had to have gone through the same. While asleep the caretakers would feed lessons into our heads so I know that these sensations came from my kryptonian side. So you went through it too. And you all probably wonder why my brother is so quick to jump to my defense and fight you all if need be." I say looking at the three of them. "I will give you a chance mother, but I want nothing to do with the supposed symbol of peace and justice over there." I tell her before letting the lasso fall from my hand. I start making my way back to Conner, and I hear Superman fly off after I called him out on being a douche.

"Sooo, can we keep him?" Wally asks excitedly.

"You're such a child, he's not a dog or a pet, you dummy." Artemis says glaring at the dunce.

"We will have to disc-" Batman begins to say.

"NO." Wonder Woman and Conner say at the same time.

"No, there is no need to discuss he will be staying with us Batman." Robin says breaking the moment of awkwardness.

"Fine.." Batman says before shooting his grappling hook into a neighboring building and just swinging away.

"Jason.." Wonder Woman says. I just turn and look at her in response. "I will be by on Fridays, to spend time with you and your brother if that is okay with both of you." She says. I look to Conner for his opinion and he just shrugs in reply.

"Sounds like a plan mother." I say before leaning over to Wally. "What's today?" I ask and the group laughs apart from Conner.

"It's Saturday, Jason, come on lets take you to our base and your new home." M'gann says cheerfully dragging me and Conner towards her ship that just made itself visible behind us.

"Tomorrow Wally and Kaldur can go out and find you some normal clothes to wear in public. You look about the same size as Conner so finding you something should be easy, any preferences?" Artemis asks.

"Um.. I'm not sure. I've been awake for all of an hour so I wouldn't even know where to begin." I say feigning ignorance. Truth is I don't have any idea on what kind of style would go best with this new body. In my past life I stuck to mainly funny t-shirts and cargo shorts, but I was a short chubby little fucker then. Now I'm roughly 6 foot 2 inches, and I'm packed with muscle, not quit body builder big but my musculature is very noticeable. "I could just do this.." I say as I use a bit of magic to place an illusion on my body, and now it looks like I'm wearing the same thing as Conner.

"How did you do that?!" Wally asks excitedly poking my chest and not feeling my armor. My magic is so OP I don't even feel like I'm wearing armor anymore, but I can still feel it slowly feeding my body the yellow sun radiation.

"I.. I don't know actually." I say actually a bit confused about it. I did ask for magic but I didn't realize I would just instinctively know how to do it. "I just knew I could." I say with a shrug as another chair, for me, sprouts from the organic ship.


The next day:

"Jason what are you wearing?" Wally asked looking at me strangely.

"Ah, Artemis and M'gann showed me a few articles of clothing in a magazine and I liked this best." I tell him pointing down to the loose fitting boot cut jeans, black combat boots like Conner's, and the fur lined zip up yellow and black hoodie.

"Yes. I can see that, let me rephrase. Why aren't you wearing a shirt under the hoodie?" He asks again pointing to my bare chest.

"Ohhh, Artemis said it looked better this way." I tell him and I see him get slightly jealous. That does confuse me a bit because at this point in the show he was still trying to get M'gann's attention even though she's clearing crushing on my brother.

"Jason, Wally, Black Canary just showed up for training sessions report to the hall please." Robin's voice came over the intercom. I just shrugged at Wally and started walking to the hall leaving Wally with his internal conflict.