
Code Geass: The Golden Prince of Britannia

Author's Note: I do not own Code Geass, it belongs to people who own it and help make it what it is. The last thing before I start the book the whole thing is going to be from Lelouch's point of view…I may add a few craw Point-Of-Views from time to time if needed…side note on Nunnally Vi Britannia she was just Paralyzed by bullet wounds on both of her legs which puts her into a wheelchair.

Howard_Nichols · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Chapter 8: Battle of Shinjuku Ghetto Part 1

-3rd Person Point-Of-View-

-Date: August 15, 2017 a.t.b.-

The morning sun casts its warm glow across the Tokyo Settlement, Area 11, the air is buzzed with the tension of impending events, unbeknownst to most of its inhabitants. In a room within the Ashford Academy, Lelouch vi Britannia, a formidable figure standing at 6'09" with a build that mirrored Special Operations soldiers, awoke to find Kallen Kouzuki peacefully asleep beside him. She wore a provocative yet alluring attire, a testament to her muscular and feminine physique.

As Lelouch gazed at the sleeping beauty in his embrace, a tender smile played on his lips. The connection between them had transcended the boundaries of duty, evolving into a deep and passionate love. The room, bathed in the soft morning light, witnessed a moment of intimacy as Lelouch gently woke Kallen with a tender kiss.

"Good morning, my love," Lelouch whispered, his amethyst eyes locking onto Kallen's. "How did I get so lucky to wake up next to you every day?"

Kallen, still in the haze of sleep, reciprocated the smile. "Luck has nothing to do with it, sweetheart. It's destiny."

They shared a brief yet meaningful kiss, sealing their love amidst the uncertainty that surrounded them. Their relationship, blossoming like a forbidden flower, thrived in the shadows of secrecy.

Meanwhile, in the 375th Ashford Regiment, also known as the Black Knights, Lelouch, Kallen, and Villetta Nu operated as key figures. Marianne, the former queen's soul residing within the body of a Britannian general, assumed the role of sub-leader, guiding the Black Knights in their covert operations. 

Lelouch and Kallen having adopted to civilian lives, continues to attend Ashford Academy in Area 11, using their student cover to infiltrate both civilian and military spheres in order to do their mission

Villetta, taking on the identity of a Purest faction member, held a military rank of Captain while secretly maintaining the position of Lieutenant Colonel. Her undercover role allowed her to gather vital intelligence about the faction's plans.

In the Ashford Academy, Nunnally, Lelouch's younger sister, navigated the challenges of her paralyzed lower body with grace. Despite her physical limitations, she remained an influential figure within the Black Knights. Milly Ashford, Shirley Fenette, Naomi Inoue, Sophie Wood, and Nina Einstein, residing on the same floor of the student dormitory, dedicated their efforts to supporting Lelouch and his cause.

Naomi, a Britannian military operative, had seamlessly integrated into the Black Knights and assumed the role of one of Lelouch's Royal Guards, known as the Black Guard, her expertise as a spy within Naoto's resistance force solidified her place in Kallen's eyes as a capable ally.

As the day unfolded, the Black Knights prepared for the challenges that lay ahead, their headquarters, the G-1 Base "Knights Castle," strategically positioned just two miles near Ashford Academy for the looming Skirmish in Shinjuku Ghetto remained on the horizon, a potential storm that threatened to engulf them all.

In the quiet privacy of their shared room, Lelouch and Kallen prepared for the day ahead. With military officer uniforms neatly laid beneath them, they changed into the attire that would serve as their civilian cover. In this moment, their connection transcended the physical realm; it was a silent affirmation of the love they shared.

As Lelouch adjusted his collar, Kallen approached him, her gaze filled with both love and concern. "Be careful out there, my love," she whispered, her hand gently caressing Lelouch's cheek. "We'll meet again soon."

Lelouch nodded, a determined gleam in his amethyst eyes. "I'll see you tonight, Kallen. Stay safe, my love." They shared a final, lingering kiss, sealing their unspoken promise, before parting ways for the day.

In the bustling corridors of Ashford Academy, Lelouch and Kallen navigated the challenges of being students while secretly carrying the weight of their roles within the Black Knights. Meanwhile, Villetta Nu, maintaining her cover within the Purist faction, gathered intelligence that would prove crucial in the days to come.

The day took an unexpected turn when a military truck, containing a mysterious capsule and driven by Nagata, found itself pursued by members of the Britannian Military and the Purist Faction. Clovis, unaware of the Black Knights' presence in Area 11, spearheaded the Britannian forces.

Unbeknownst to Lelouch, Kallen was already on the scene, concealed in her Resistance uniform beneath her civilian attire, as the highway chase unfolded, members of the Purist Faction, including Villetta Nu and Jeremiah Gottwald, joined the pursuit.

Lelouch, riding his Suzuki GSXR 1000r motorcycle after leaving a chess match, stumbled upon the chaotic scene. Bullet marks adorned the military truck, and it lay abandoned in a ditch. Nagata and Kallen, both unconscious, were a testament to the intensity of the pursuit.

Driven by curiosity and a sense of duty, Lelouch, donning his helmet for protection, decided to investigate. Climbing into the back of the military truck, he discovered the hidden RPI-11 Glasgow Knightmare Frame and, to his surprise, the presence of Kallen.

Meanwhile, at Ashford Academy, Nunnally, Milly, Shirley, Naomi, Sophie, and Nina gathered in the student council room, unaware of the unfolding events. The tension in the air hinted at the looming storm that threatened to engulf them all.

Lelouch's heart raced as he found himself inside the military truck, facing not only the mysterious capsule but also the unconscious form of Kallen Kouzuki. Concern etched his features as he gently called out to her, "Kallen wake up, sweetheart, wake up. Are you okay?"

Kallen stirred, her eyes slowly opening to meet Lelouch's worried gaze. A soft smile played on her lips as she groggily responded, "Lelouch, my love. I'm fine, just a bit shaken. Nagata and I managed to secure the capsule."

As the reality of the situation sank in, Lelouch's mind raced. Kallen pointed towards the capsule, emphasizing the strange pull they both felt toward it, as if a lover's presence emanated from within. The enigma surrounding the capsule deepened.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Lelouch and Kallen quickly changed into their military uniforms, their ranks prominently displayed. Nagata, still unaware of Lelouch's presence, stirred and abruptly took control of the situation, heading towards the subways.

Feeling the movement of the military truck, Lelouch and Kallen exchanged glances. Their connection as lovers went beyond spoken words, and they both knew that destiny had entwined their fates with the mysterious capsule.

As the trio made their way through the city, Kallen and Lelouch shared a moment to remind each other of the previous day's conversation. The ominous pull to the capsule seemed to intensify, and Kallen voiced her concern. "Lelouch, it's like a magnetic force, pulling us in. Like a lover calling out to us."

Lelouch, unable to dismiss the mysterious connection, nodded in agreement. "We need to find out what's inside that capsule, Kallen. Our roles in this may be more significant than we realize."

Nagata, oblivious to the unspoken connection between Lelouch and Kallen, called out from the front, "I need you to get into the RPI-11 Glasgow Knightmare Frame and hold them off!"

Kallen, still recovering from the earlier events, hesitated but ultimately complied, not realizing Lelouch's presence in the back. Before she left, she reminded him about their Activation Keys to their personal Knightmare Frames, displaying hers as a visual reminder.

Left alone in the back of the truck, Lelouch contemplated the situation. Knowing that Kallen was heading into potential danger, he pressed the button on his Activation Key for the RPI-14 Bedivere, his personal Knightmare Frame. The machine whirred to life, preparing for the events that were about to unfold.

As Kallen rushed to confront the Britannian Military under Clovis and the Purist Faction, Lelouch found himself alone in the back of the military truck, pondering the mysteries that surrounded them and the unfolding chaos that threatened to unveil their secrets.

The air thickened with tension as Nagata, gravely injured from the earlier attack, drove the military truck into a ditch. The sudden stop alerted Suzaku Kururugi, an Honorary Britannian among the military, to their presence. Believing Lelouch to be a terrorist, Suzaku confronted him in the midst of the chaos.

"Identify yourself!" Suzaku demanded as he looks at Lelouch, who is different form the last time he saw him, Lelouch is now a towering figure at 6'09" with a muscular build not the same skinny kid the last time Sukzaku saw Lelouch, who walked into view wearing his military uniform, the whole revelation left Suzaku in shock even more so as Lelouch declared with the voice of a leader, "I am Brigadier General Lelouch vi Britannia, the Leader, Founder, and CEO of Bitiannia's 375th Ashford Regiment, the Black Knights,".

Suzaku, taken aback by Lelouch's transformation and newfound rank and posession, refrained from throwing a fist at lelouch due to the sock but couldn't hide his surprise, nagata, seizing the opportunity, opened the mysterious capsule. In a swift move, Suzaku placed a gas mask on Lelouch's face, anticipating danger and a duty of protective for a Superior officer.

To their surprise, the capsule revealed not poison gas but a restrained C.C. As Lelouch recognized her, memories flooded back to the days when his mother inhabited her body. "She is one of my girls but why is she in the capsule...oh Clovis, what have you done to her?" Lelouch exclaimed, rushing to her side to check on her condition.

Before they could unravel the mystery, Suzaku's superiors arrived, ordering him to shoot the supposed terrorist, Lelouch even thouhg he is wear a britiannian military uniform. Suzaku, refusing to follow orders, was shot in the back by a member of Clovis's Royal Guard. In a final act of defiance, Nagata, in his dying moments says "Death to... Britannia. Long live... Japan!" as he triggeres an explosion that engulfed the military truck.

As the chaos unfolded, Clovis, believing they had eluded him, ordered the purge of the entire Shinjuku Ghetto, in a following massacre that spared no one, the young and elderly fell victim to indiscriminate violence.

Amidst the turmoil, Lelouch and C.C. found themselves seemingly undetected by Clovis's forces, but however, fate had taken a cruel turn when Lelouch's phone rang, betraying their location to the focres the call is from his mother in the Black Knights' G-1 Base chekcing in on him which marked their undoing.

As the Royal Guard prepared to strike Lelouch down, C.C. jumped in front, taking a bullet to the forehead, the warehouse was cloaked in shadows, and the air hung heavy with the scent of betrayal of Clovis's forces with C.C. lay on the floor, a wound on her forehead slowly healing, as Lelouch faced the impending doom that seemed inevitable, his thoughts raced to right to his sister Nunnally, the girls, and his mother, whom he had reunited with just fifteen days ago.

In the depths of despair, a hand reached out to Lelouch…the hand of C.C. "Make a contract with me, Lelouch...my love," she whispered, her words carrying a promise of life and power. Desperation flickered in Lelouch's eyes, and with a nod, he accepted her offer. As he stood up, a surge of newfound strength coursed through him.

With his newfound power, Lelouch commanded his pursuers to "stand at attention and wait for the orders of your superior officer." A realization dawned upon him, he now possessed a Geass, similar to the one his mother wields.

Turning to C.C., Lelouch flipped her over, only to witness the bullet that hit her slowly emerging from her forehead. As the wound closed and healed, Lelouch marveled at the supernatural phenomenon unfolding before him.

Amidst the surreal scene, Villetta Nu, piloting her RPI-13 Sutherland of the Purest faction, and Lelouch's personal Knightmare Frame, the RPI-14 Bedivere, appear in the warehouse though the open doorn. The sudden appearance caught Lelouch off guard as both Villetta and his Bedivere delivered unexpected blows only to stop when it picked up on the gloves that she is wearing which are emitting a signal that is making her as a Friendly."

Lelouch, turns in time to see Villetta running past the now-geassed Clovis's Royal Guard right to him then was pulled into a loving hug and kissed by Villetta, "My love, I thought the worst...God, I am glad you are okay," she confessed, relief evident in her eyes.

Villetta explained that Clovis had ordered the purge of the entire Shinjuku Ghetto, but the reason remained unknown to her, Lelouch, now aware that the mysterious pull they had felt was due to C.C., clarified and explained to Villetta that C.C. was one of his girls, along with Kallen and the others, The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place as they realise that C.C. is what Clovis wants.

As the conversation unfolded between Lelouch and Villetta on more reasons why Clovis wants C.C, ten Soilders of the Black Knights rushed into the warehouse though the open door, guns drawn on the Clovis's Royal Guard only to met to their surpriset they find geassed smiling soldiers whating for orders, whichb their actions dictated by the absolute obedience bestowed upon themby Lelouch's Geass, Lelouch, with a confident smirk, ordered the geassed soldiers to comply with the Black Knights and then released but only once the hostile forces found themselves confined within cells at the G-1 Base under Guard.

Lelouch, Villetta, and the Black Knights shifted their focus to Operation Clean House, Lelouch, now in the cockpit of his RPI-14 Bedivere, gently placed C.C. in the Additional Bed, a seat designed for passengers and her, with a monitor eye that conveyed the very level of care and love he held for her.

As Operation Clean House commenced, the Black Knights attacked the Britannian Military under Clovis and the members of the Purist Faction though out the entire Shinjuku Ghetto, The battlefield became a dance of shadows, fire fight andmany more, orchestrated by Lelouch's strategic mind.

In the midst of the chaos, Lelouch, Villetta, and the Black Knights engaged in conversations that transcended mere planning, they all spoke in words that carried the weight of shared experiences and unspoken bonds, with the echoes of the Battle of Baghdad City resonated within them, a reminder of the challenges they had faced before.

Nunnally, Milly, Shirley, Naomi, Sophie, and Nina were brought into the plan, their faces reflecting determination and unity, In the student council room, where Nunnally and her friends gathered, the gears of Operation Clean House were set into motion.

The warehouse echoed with the sounds fighting which means that Operation Clean House was unfolding and under way, Lelouch, Villetta, and the Black Knights stood outside, preparing for the challenges that lay ahead. In the midst of their strategic maneuvers, Marianne's soul within the Big Breasted Female General having gone to Ashform Acdmany to get Nunnally and her friends only to her dismay, Nunnally was nowhere to be found, she turnsto Milly, Shirley, Naomi, Sophie, and Nina for information, only to find panic etched across Milly's face as she revealed, "Nunnally is in the Shinjuku Ghetto, getting Japanese food for the student council. It's her turn for the day, this is something we've done since Lelouch, Kallen, and Villetta went off to the M.E.F. Front two years ago."

Without a moment's hesitation, Marianne ran down to where Kallen, Lelouch and Nunnally's Personal Knightmare are hidden beneath Ashford Academy, when she enters the room she goes over to the platform that is hold P-02S Celestial Seraphim, Nunnally's Knightmare Frame, pleading for its intervention. "Save her my daughter, please keep her safe," she implored. The Seraph's Avatar that appeared in the responded in a reassuring tone, "No need to worry, my lady. I will get her and keep her safe."

-Location: Somewhere in Shinjuku Ghetto-

In the narrow streets of the Shinjuku Ghetto, Nunnally navigated her wheelchair, unsuspecting of the danger that lurked ahead until she ran into Two Purest Faction RPI-13 Sutherlands, one Purest Faction BTR-70M A.P.C, and a group of Seven Britannian soldiers under Clovis that now blocked her path.

Responding to Marianne's plea, the P-02S Celestial Seraphim burst onto the scene, tearing into the enemy forces with its formidable arsenal, which are a KMF-W6A1 35mm Heavy Assault Rifle w/Grenade Launcher and the torso-mounted Anti-Personnel Machine Gun unleashed a storm of firepower, securing Nunnally's safety.

Knowing that Nunnally's safest place was by her brother's side, the Celestial Seraphim swiftly retrieved her putting Nunnally, now safely in the cockpit, using its Secure Encrypted Channels to see where Lelouch is at once it located him went to his location making sure to stay out of the location were battle and fighting as taking place making it a total of 10 minutes to get to the warehouse where Lelouch, Villetta, and the Black Knights stood in shock upon seeing the Celestial Seraphim.

As the Celestial Seraphim stopped a few feet from the group it opened its cockpit to which Nunnally emerged from the cockpit and using the automated lift and a secure harness system was lowered to the ground and then rolled right towards Lelouch and Villetta in her wheelchair.

As soon as she got to Lelouch and Villetta with tears welled in her eyes as she embraced them, all the while recounting the perilous encounter of the group of Purest Faction members and the valiant intervention of her Knightmare Frame which saved her life form the worst.

In his military uniform with the Brigadier General rank in view, Lelouch couldn't help but feel a surge of relief and gratitude as he held his sister and lover close.

-Outside of the Battlefield at unknown location-

Suzaku, now awake and tended to by the Advanced Special Envoy Engineering Corps (A.S.E.E.C.), found himself teased by Lloyd, the eccentric scientist. "Ah, the heavens must be disappointed to have missed such a promising recruit," Lloyd exclaimed, while Cécile, one of Lelouch's supporters and lover, pointed out the significance of Suzaku's pocket watch, in own his peculiar way, Lloyd extended an invitation to Suzaku, urging him to pilot a Knightmare Frame. "The battlefield is where real miracles happen," he declared.

-In the Battlefield, at an unknown part of the Shinjuku Ghetto-

Meanwhile, Kallen, piloting the RPI-11 Glasgow Knightmare Frame, fought valiantly to defend the fleeing Elevens from the combined forces of Britannians under Clovis and the Purest faction. Amid the chaos, she activated her Crimson Valkyrie Activation Key which will summon her Crimson Valkyrie, a formidable Knightmare Frame, to gain the upper hand, but intol it arrives she is out gunned by the RPI-13 Sutherlands, due to this, she found herself cornered by Jeremiah and another member of the Purist Faction in their versions of the RPI-13 Sutherlands.

In the midst of the battle, Lelouch made contact with Kallen through their communication channels. "Kallen, go to the west entrance, sweetheart," he directed. She complied and sought further guidance. Lelouch reassured her, "Jump onto the train, have no fear, love. Villetta, Nunnally, and I have got your back. Crimson Valkyrie is on her way." Though surprised by Nunnally's presence, Kallen followed Lelouch's instructions without questioning.

Jeremiah, determined to thwart their efforts, halted the train with his Pure Faction Sutherland, undeterred, he ordered his subordinate to pursue the Glasgow, however, their plans were disrupted by the unexpected intervention of Slash Harkens from Lelouch's RPI-14 Bedivere, destroying the enemy Knightmare Frame.

Jeremiah who initially confused by friendly fire asked what division Lelouch was with but, soon realized the true source of the attack as soon as he sees Lelouch's Knight Mare Frame, In a desperate attempt to retaliate, he charged at Lelouch, only to have his Knightmare's Landspinner destroyed by the KMF-W5A2 25mm Assault Rifle that Lelouch has, Kallen seizing the opportunity, closing in on Jeremiah until he was forced to eject.

While the battlefield raged on, Lelouch utilized his communication system ,using the Secure Lover's Channel feature of it to contact Shirley's Personal iPhone 7 Plus, He sought information about the situation in Shinjuku Ghetto, Before Shirley could respond with an answer, Milly, Sophie, Nina, and his mother inquired about Nunnally's safety, With words of reassurance and love, Lelouch confirmed Nunnally's presence with him and Villetta, vowing to end the skirmish and ensure their safety.

As the skirmish in Shinjuku Ghetto continued, with Nagato, Oghi, and their team arriving at Kallen's location armed with a formidable collection of outdated Britannian Marine Corps gear that are left over form the invasion of Japan seven years ago, they are, carrying M16A2 assault rifles, M60A2 LMGs, M14 battle rifles, M67 hand grenades, Mk 153 shoulder-launched multipurpose assault weapons, 40mm M79 grenade launchers, and FIM-92C Stinger Man-portable surface-to-air missiles, they were prepared for the intense battle.

Oghi inquired if Kallen received a call, but before she could respond, Lelouch, Villetta, and Nunnally appeared seemingly out of nowhere from behind building, leaving Nagato and his group stunned, in total disbelief, Nagato exclaimed, "What are they doing here?" Kallen, stepping out of her RPI-11 Glasgow, along with Lelouch and Villetta disembarking from their Knightmare Frames, calmly responded, "They are with me, Nagato, and so is my Personal Knightmare Frame."

In a dramatic entrance, Kallen's personal Knightmare Frame, the PRI-15 Crimson Valkyrie, made its appearance, further stunning Nagato, Oghi, and the others. As they looked on in dazed astonishment, Naomi, unfazed by the sudden appearance, Kallen gets out of the Glasgow and then walked up to Lelouch, Villetta, and Nunnally, giving them loving hugs, "I'm glad you all made it," she expressed with genuine relief.

However, Naomi's reaction was different from the rest, who were left bewildered and slightly dazed. The sight of Kallen, who in her military uniform with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel prominently displayed, left the men in the team transfixed. Her powerful, big-breasted form commanded attention, and the aura of strength emanating from her was palpable.

Lelouch, towering at 6'09" with a muscular build reminiscent of a Special Operations soldier, stood confidently, his Brigadier General rank and metals proudly displayed on his military uniform, Villetta, having changed out of her Purist Faction uniform in the Sutherland while at the warehouse, now she adorns Black Knight's military attire, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel visible.

As the chaos of battle raged on in Shinjuku Ghetto, Lelouch found himself in a moment of strategic discussion with Nagato, Oghi, and their group. He explained the presence of himself, Villetta, and Nunnally in the midst of the conflict, detailing the ongoing battle between the Britannian Forces under Clovis and the Purest Faction against his own unit, the 375th Ashford Regiment, also known as the Black Knights.

Amidst their conversation, Nagato and his comrades uncovered a surprise within the train cars - 12 Black Knightmare RPI-13 Sutherlands adorned with a Black and Gold Knights Crest symbol. The last two Knightmare Frames were bio-locked, intended for Villetta and Naomi.

Villetta, transitioning from her Pureblood RPI-13 Sutherland to her designated RPI-209 Gloucesters, made her way to the bio-locked train car. Inside, she found a changing room displaying her unit logo, the 375th Ashford Regiment "the Black Knights," along with her true rank and other essential items.

Similarly, Naomi discovered her own bio-locked train car housing the RPI-209 Gloucester designated for her. Inside the illuminated changing room, she found a note granting her approval to join Lelouch's unit and become one of his Royal Guard, known as the Black Guard. With a sense of determination, she donned her military uniform, perfectly tailored to fit her form.

Meanwhile, Lelouch stood in front of his RPI-14 Bedivere, resolute in his military uniform with the Brigadier General rank proudly displayed. By his side stood Kallen, equally formidable in her military attire, embodying both strength and grace.

In the midst of it all, Nunnally remained within her P-02S Celestial Seraphim, positioned between Kallen's PRI-15 Crimson Valkyrie and Lelouch's RPI-14 Bedivere

As the Hind-D attack helicopters flew down the railway, scanning for Lelouch amidst the chaos of the skirmish, they finally spotted him among his comrades - Nunnally, Kallen, Villetta, Nagato, Oghi, and their group, along with the missing train that carried the Black Knights' Knightmare Frames. Surrounding them were 24 Black Knight soldiers, ready for battle.

One of the Mi-24D pilots radioed in to the G-1 Base, where Marianne and the others were stationed. "Knights Castle, this is Hind 1-1. We have the Commander and White Princess, insight, we can confirm that they're are both safe with a group of... I guess they're a small cell of freedom fighters, from the look of things they've been fighting the rogues for the last four years this is judging from the gear that have with them,More information will be given as I gather it...hang on, it seems one of the members of the cell got stuck by Lieutenant Colonel Kozuki, I wonder what he said to deserve that. Will update as the situation here develops. Knights Castle, Hind 1-1 Out."

-Marianne's Point-Of-View-

Upon hearing the report, relief washed over us. We had been worried sick about Lelouch and Nunnally's safety amidst the chaos of battle. The news that they were safe, albeit with a group of fighters, filled us with gratitude. We knew they were in capable hands, surrounded by comrades who had been fighting alongside them for years. As we awaited further updates, our hearts swelled with hope, knowing that our loved ones were safe and supported in their struggle against tyranny.

-One of the Many Main fights that going on in the Skirmish of the Shinjuku Ghetto-

-T-90A Tank Commander of the 375th Ashford Regiment: "The Black Knights"-

I watched from my position in the T-90A Main Battle Tank as the M60A3 Patton tanks under Clovis's command approached our position. We were well-prepared, with our forces strategically positioned for maximum impact. Our lineup consisted of one T-90A Main Battle Tank, two M1A2 SEPv2 Abrams Main Battle Tanks, two M2A3 Bradley I.F.V.s, and a BTR-90 A.P.C., manned by 21 of our best soldiers.

As the enemy tanks rolled into the open area, their commander sounded confused over the radio, "What in the world are the Black Knights doing here? Last I heard, they were in..."

Before he could finish, I gave the order to "Fire", the T-90A roared as it launched a high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) round form its 2A46M-2 125mm Tank Gun, straight into the lead M60A3 Patton, the explosion to the tank was immediate and devastating, consuming the tank in a fiery blaze and silencing the enemy commander instantly.

"Target eliminated," I reported calmly into the radio. "Engage the remaining tanks."

The two M1A2 SEPv2 Abrams tanks followed suit, their 120 mm L/44 M256 smoothbore gun thundering as they obliterated two of Pattons, with the other two beening taking out by the TOW anti-tank missile on the two our M2A3 Bradley I.F.V.s, the enemy was in complete disarray, their vehicles inferior and their strategy outdated compared to our advanced technology and superior tactics and fight.

The BTR-90 A.P.C. moved into position coving our infantry so they would not fire if any of enemy infantry took over, then unleashing its AGS-17D 30 mm automatic grenade launcher and 7.62 mm PKT machine gun on the enemy infantry, the 24 men under Clovis's command were caught in the crossfire and in the open, their screams barely audible over the deafening roar of our weapons, in mere moments, they were wiped out, the once formidable fight gorce now nothing more than a scattered collection of bodies and burning wreckage.

"Commander," one of my soldiers called out, "the enemy forces have been neutralized, All 7 enemy vehicles, personnel, and Soldiers accounted for."

"Excellent work," I replied, a sense of grim satisfaction settling over me. "Prepare to report back to Knights Castle."

I keyed the radio, ready to relay our success. "Knights Castle, this is the T-90A Main Battle Tank commander. Enemy forces have been neutralized. We have destroyed five M60A3 Patton Main Battle Tanks, three M2A3 Bradley I.F.V.s, and eliminated 24 enemy soldiers. Mission accomplished."

There was a brief pause before the response came through. "Roger that, T-90A. Continue holding your position and await further instructions. Knights Castle out."

I turned to my crew, nodding approvingly. "Hold the line and maintain readiness. This skirmish isn't over yet."

As we settled back into our positions, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. The 375th Ashford Regiment - the Black Knights - had once again proven their might. But I knew this victory was just a small part of the larger battle raging across Shinjuku Ghetto. And the true test of our strength was still to come.

-Lelouch's Point-Of-View-

As Marianne's voice echoed through the communication system in our Knightmare Frames, I felt a surge of determination coursing through me. The orders were clear: capture or eliminate all forces under Clovis la Britannia's command. It was time to put an end to the injustices plaguing Area 11, and Clovis's time as a tyrant was up.

"Brigadier General, this is Knights Castle," Marianne's voice declared. "News and orders directly from the Emperor. All forces under Clovis la Britannia's command are to be considered traitors to the Empire for the crimes committed against the people of Area 11. Capture or eliminate them. Good luck and good hunting. Knights Castle out."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on us all. Naoto and his group looked stunned, but I knew we had to act swiftly. "Clovis had many chances to rectify the situation in Area 11, but he failed to do so," I declared aloud to Naoto and his team. "His time is up."

With a sense of purpose, we prepared to move out. However, before we could proceed, Shinichirō Tamaki voiced his concerns. "Now hold on a single minute," he exclaimed from one of the Knightmare Frames. "Before I follow any of your orders, I want to know the name of the man leading us. Maybe the others are wondering about this as well. We have no idea who you are."

I stepped out of my Knightmare Frame, facing the group of twelve pilots. "You all have the right to know my name," I began, meeting their gazes with resolve. "I am Brigadier General Lelouch vi Britannia, Leader, Founder, and CEO of the 375th Ashford Regiment, the Black Knights. A member of the Royal Britannian Family, and the man who will fight for the people of Area 11."

A murmur of astonishment rippled through the group. They exchanged glances, processing the weight of my revelation. Tamaki looked particularly taken aback, his skepticism giving way to a grudging respect.

"Brigadier General," Tamaki repeated, his tone more measured now. "Alright, you have our attention. But why should we trust you, a Britannian prince, to lead us?"

I anticipated this question, having pondered it myself countless times. "Because I am not just a Britannian prince," I replied firmly. "I am a person who has seen firsthand the cruelty and injustice inflicted upon the people of Area 11. I was there during the Invasion of Japan I have lived among you for three 3 after the invasion, seen your struggles, and felt your pain. My goal is not only to dismantle the tyranny of Clovis but to build a future where justice and equality prevail like Clovis should have done."

Naoto stepped forward, his expression resolute. "Lelouch, you have my support," he stated. "If what you say is true, then we fight for the same cause. And I believe everyone here feels the same way."

The other pilots nodded in agreement, their initial hesitation fading. Tamaki finally gave a curt nod. "Alright, Brigadier General. Let's do this. For the people of Area 11."

We mounted our Knightmare Frames, the weight of our mission pressing upon us, but the resolve to see it through even stronger. The time for action had come.

-Fifteen minutes later-

I opened a channel to the G-1 base. "This is Brigadier General Lelouch vi Britannia," I announced. "For the record, our actions today in the Shinjuku Ghetto should be recorded as the Battle of Shinjuku Ghetto. Additionally, the units under my command will be designated as Black Knights Bravo 0-6."

"Understood, Brigadier General," Knights Castle responded promptly. "We are listing your group in the battle net as Black Knights Bravo 0-6. An update for your current unit: stay in position as additional Black Knight units are on their way to support you. Three Black Knights Mil Mi-24D 'Hind-D' helicopters are already on station for overwatch. More information will follow as it becomes available."

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, and I noticed Kallen, Villetta, Naomi, and Nunnally doing the same. Suddenly, Nina's voice crackled through the communication system.

"This is Reaper 1-1 on station with a General Atomics MQ-20 Avenger U.C.A.V., armed with six AGM-114R Hellfire II missiles for overwatch. It looks like the enemy forces don't have any drones...wow, I thought being Britannian they would use some type of U.A.V., but there are none. What were they thinking...it's like they were using their Knightmare Frames for all roles, but they're not doing anything right."

After ending the call, I spotted six M60A3 Patton Main Battle Tanks and three M2A3 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles heading our way. I quickly took them out with the Prometheus Missile Swarm mounted on the right shoulder of my Knightmare Frame. Then, I saw twelve RPI-13 Sutherlands from Clovis's forces along with six more from the Purist Faction appearing.

Before I could call them out, Naoto and his twelve-man resistance group, piloting their Black Knightmare RPI-13 Sutherlands and armed with KMF-W6A1 35mm Heavy Assault Rifles with Grenade Launchers, engaged them with pinpoint fire, taking them out efficiently.

-05 Minutes Later-

Five minutes after we dealt with the eighteen enemy RPI-13 Sutherlands, our reinforcements arrived. I watched as five BMP-3M Infantry Fighting Vehicles, five BTR-90 Armored Personnel Carriers, three TPz Fuchs 2 "Fox" 6x6 Wheeled Armored Vehicles, and five LAV-AD Air Defense units rolled into view. Two Black Knights Mil Mi-24D "Hind-D" Attack Helicopters and five Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow Attack Helicopters hovered above, adding a formidable aerial presence. Along with these machines, 113 Black Knight soldiers joined us, their faces set with determination.

Stepping out of my Knightmare Frame, I faced the gathered men and women. "Listen up," I began, my voice carrying over the sounds of machinery and distant gunfire. "We are one of many units of the Black Knights engaged in the Battle of Shinjuku Ghetto. Our mission is to advance and secure Clovis's G-1 Base."

Kallen, Villetta, Naomi, Nunnally, and the rest of the team listened intently, their resolve evident in their expressions. This was the moment we had prepared for, the moment to strike a decisive blow against the tyranny oppressing Area 11.

"Today, we fight not just for ourselves, but for every person in Area 11 who has suffered under Britannian rule," I continued. "We will move swiftly, we will move decisively, and we will not stop until Clovis's regime is dismantled. Let's show them the power of the Black Knights."

A cheer erupted from the soldiers, a unified voice of defiance and determination. I nodded, satisfied with their readiness.

"Mount up and move out!" I ordered as I got back into cokitpit, and we began our advance. The vehicles roared to life, the helicopters took to the skies, and the Black Knight soldiers fell into formation.

This was the beginning of our part in the Battle of Shinjuku Ghetto. As we moved forward, I couldn't shake the feeling that this battle would be the turning point we desperately needed. For Area 11, for justice, for the future—we would fight and we would prevail.

The path ahead was fraught with danger, but with our combined strength, I was confident we would overcome any obstacle. As we advanced, the first phase of the Battle of Shinjuku Ghetto came to a close, marking the start of a new chapter in our struggle for freedom.