
Code Geass FF chapter 76

As Marianne aimed the heavy machine gun towards badger two, the guy himself felt the crisis with his instinct and the longer the time passed, the more danger he felt.

When he felt the danger from his back he immediately did a perfect dodge roll to the side where a rock, the same size as him, can keep him from becoming a sieve.

It very fortunate for him to do so because that save him from becoming filled with holes as the former place he was at was sprayed heavily just after he got away.

He shivered seeing that, so he hurriedly and nervously looked for a spot with a better cover because he felt that the current rock, where he is hiding, can't really defend him from his deadly foe.

And as luck would have it, he did find one. It was on the direction away from the exit tunnel though.

He doesn't have anywhere to escape from now and that made him him feel dread like never before.

He still hastily run to hid behind a better cover before thinking of a way out.

"Damn it! Hey! Let me go! I promise to not do anything and just go away!" Badger two said nervously as sweat dripped down heavily from his face and is almost ruining his camo face paint.

"Ha! You think I will let you go, now that I've got you cornered?! You guys fucking ruined my vacation! So I will fucking ruin your lives!" Marianne shouted from the distance furiously.

"Damn it! Just give me a fucking way out! Or I will fight you to death! I will definitely make sure to take you down with me, you fucking sh*t!" Badger two shouted furiously as he nervously trembled from feeling like this was the last few moments of his life.

And he knows that this might really be, his last few moments. That's why he is going desperate already and his mind is about to go overloaded from the speed at which he is currently thinking just to find a way out.

"I refuse!" Marianne shouted loudly as she got closer so that her aim is more accurate.

Eunalia and Flora heard the Marianne and the enemy speaking to each other and they are following their conversation.

They are also becoming nervous thinking about what if this guys still has a trump card that can take down Marianne down together with him.

But in truth, this guy is just down to the last few bullets of a hand gun that he had as a back up. He had even Thrown away his automatic rifle before just so he can run faster by losing some weight on him.

Right now, he is just a really desperate guy.

"Damn you! You are really forcing me! You b!tch! I will fucking take you to hell with me! *Roar!" The now desperate guy shouted on the top of his lungs before roaring as if his life depends on it, and it really does depend on it.

He run a mad dash towards Marianne from his hiding position as he roared his loudest in his short life while aiming his hand gun against Marianne.

Marianne is already aiming at him as he got out of his hiding spot though.

This moments felt like hours as the world slowed down to a crawl in both Marianne's and the desperate guys perspective.

Marianne saw the guys desperate expression, the sweats, his red eyes that is full of fury and desperation and the desert eagle trailing to aim towards her.

This moment made her more calm than ever as her aim became more accurate.

While the guy just saw his whole life flashing inside his mind as he also saw with his eyes, the heavy machine gun aimed at him squarely at the front.

'I'll die, I'll die, I'll die! Fuck! Damn! I wish that I fucked Jessy one last time before going on this mission! I'm going to die! I don't want to die, damn it! God! Save me! Devil! Anyone!' The guys thought to himself desperately as he saw Marianne's finger on the trigger started squeezing.

Eunalia and Flora just watched from afar with abated breaths as they stared with full focus, waiting if they will need to help Marianne if she was hit.

Cornelia saw and watched all this too after there wasn't anyone firing at their direction anymore and Eunalia didn't bother to cover her up with her own body.

She was looking at everything that is happening with big round shining starry eyes and a wide smile.

She excitedly thought, 'Aunt Marianne is really awesome! So cool! She really is my idol! Kyaaahh! So cool! So COOL!'

The sound of heavy gunfire echoed in this large dome like cave, it only sounded for a few moments before stopping.


Badger two trembled all over as he got filled with holes before dropping on the ground lifelessly while his eyes that was previously full of desperate determination dimmed.

Marianne just calmly looked on with some sweat from all the concentration and focus that she spent on this few moments that felt like long minutes.

She saw how the enemy's furious eyes dimmed out as he lost his life.

She saw how the guy twitched and trembled as she sprayed him full of bullets with her heavy machine gun.

How blood dripped from his mouth as he breathed his last and the dust that was stirred up as he dropped heavily on the ground.

Marianne started going down from her adrenaline high immediately after and started feeling the physical and mental fatigue.

'It was really a close one, isn't it?' She thought to herself as she reminisced everything that just happened.

And as she did so, she suddenly felt pain from her left thigh.

So she checked it up and found that she was shot in there.

It was quite a large wound but thankfully, the bullet just passed through to the back without hitting her bone.

Unfortunately, that made the bleeding far worse as there are now two holes that is gushing with blood.

She grunted from the pain as she started trying not to put any weight on her left leg but is failing because of all the heavy things she is carrying.

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