
Code Geass FF

This is just a guy who reincarnated to Code Geass. the mc knows he reincarnated because the reincarnated identity had not died. Updates are 7 chapters a week. Please support me on P a t r e o n. You will get 20 chapters more in advance if you do. p a t r e o n.com/SoldKlad001 without the spaces and make sure to follow the big and small letters. This Fan fic is already planned out although crudely and I plan to finish this one before trying to make an original. I need support and motivation though, that's why.. P A T R E O N Edit: I only have one tier in my Pat reon now.

soldklad · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
359 Chs

Code Geass FF chapter 187

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"Really?" Nunnally asked in an awed-like tone with brilliant sparkling eyes as she thought that her dad is the greatest.

"Yes, really!" AA answered affirmatively with a proud smile on his face when he started bragging about his kid about the things he can make without holding back.

Yeah, he became such a doting person that breaks up his character of being a scumbag.

He even did not bother hiding much from his daughter as he brag, but although he did so, it is still planned anyway, because no one would believe anything he is saying right now.

They would only think that he is a father who likes bragging too much to his kid.

Besides, Nunnally is a sensible and silent kid, she would not even talk about the things that AA tells her to others herself except if someone asks her.

Also, she is only a little girl right now, she does not even know most of the words that AA is telling her about she just felt like it sounds cool and awesome so she kept listening.

At night...

Everyone got back from their trips to AA's island.

This island is not too hidden unlike the other one in Britannia.

There are not many trees in it and it is also not that big.

It has a vacation house in the middle and a small dock.

The main hidden base of this island is underground too like many other hidden island bases of AA.

Don't ask why AA like's making his bases hidden in some remote islands and also underground.

Remember that he also likes using giant asteroids as a hidden base by hollowing them out.

This mc is looking like a villain more and more, although he still has a bottom line and it even still is quite high.

It's already midnight, and Nunnally is already asleep in her room on the second floor of the vacation house while Marianne, CC, and AA are currently relaxing on the couch and drinking some tea.

They are talking about the things that they did earlier.

With Marianne getting envious about all the fun stuff that AA and Nunnally did, CC just giving out an amused smile as she observed the dynamic between the two and AA just bragging all out to Marianne.


So are we leaving already?" Marianne asked suddenly with a deep sigh.

"Hmmm... Yeah...

We cannot stay here for too long.

Britannia will start attacking Japan again later at full force after they stabilize their other gains in the other routes of their conquest.

Japan would not last more than a month against Britannia's full force.

It would be troublesome to get out of this country when it gets surrounded from all sides by Britannia.

Marianne, you know how strong Britannia's military is, especially after what I have developed for them.

We would take Lelouch with us next time, certainly.

I would arrange for some people to protect Lelouch here in Japan.

I don't know if Britannia's royal animal is a dragon or a lion but leaving him here is definitely, for him to grow up like a lion or a dragon." AA said with a confident smile to Marianne.

'And that's the less important reason why I wanted to leave him behind here.


In truth, I just wanted a Lelouch that is like the original or maybe even better than the original.

Without the burden of Nunnally, he would surely be able to improve better.

Although he is not my kid by blood, I still treat him like one, people only saw the Lelouch who is ambitious but they did not know that he is certainly not like that as a kid right now that I have seen him grow myself.

I think that he only made that oath and decision of destroying Britannia just after Japan was conquered in the OG canon timeline.

This time, he would still be antagonistic to Britannia but would not be too extreme like the original Lelouch.

This will open up more options for him to do things against Britannia and it would make him more open-minded.

All of this is because I wanted to also recruit Lelouch to my plans later whether it be the celestial being plan or the other plan.' AA thought inwardly.

"Okay..." Marianne said sadly with a pout.

Back to Lelouch...

"Britannia! I will take surely you down!


You will be my father anymore!

You wanted to kill mom and my baby sister!

That's why you exiled me when I questioned you!

I will certainly kill you!" Lelouch said to himself before sleeping as he thought of many things and the other matters that Marianne told him.

Marianne told him about the matters of Charles and herself, although a bit biased and deliberately made AA into some kind of a knight in shining armor, but certainly not far from the truth.

In South Africa, where AA built a Colosseum for Knightmare frame battles.

"Soran Ibrahim.

So what made you want to join the Colosseum instead of just being hired?" the interviewer asked seriously as he is also one of the managers hired to manage the Colosseum although everything was mostly run by drones and everyone is marveling about it.

Many forces have already seen this place by sending some spies or people openly after it started operating.

They marveled at how it was mostly run by drones and the human elements are only used for dealing with other humans.

Even the repairs for the machines are done by the drones.

They thought of contacting the owner of this Colosseum as they wanted to get the technology for these drones but they failed to get any means of contact.

When they tried asking the first few personnel that was hired about how they were scouted, the only answer they got was being hired online.

They were then amazed at how this operation is quite solid and seems to be foolproof.

No one can go against it as many tried already in many ways, be it money, influence, or force.

No one succeeded, and the ones who used force even got brutally killed.

- word count 1035 -

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