
Code Geass FF chapter 112

A few months had pass by in the blink of a chapter.

On AA's side, research of the thought elevator and the creation of exclusive knightmare frames are going good.

He even finally made CC's exclusive knightmare frame.

It was a semi multi purpose knightmare frame that had more emphasis on range and mid range combat with a lance and a sword for melee weapons.

It had more range weaponry though, with even a few bombardment heavy weaponry because she like being cautious and safe, away from the enemy while being meticulous enough to want to erase the enemy as thoroughly as possible with heavy bombardment.

She is someone who has a high standard after all, so most of the time, she is a bit of a perfectionist while liking it simple and efficient.

Because, like AA himself, even though she would not really die, she still does not like getting wounded, specially being blasted into pieces, she too does not like feeling pain after all.

AA's research on the thought elevator is quite normal though with normal progress speed for something that had no scientific basis to start on.

About his daughters...

He is having a hard time being a proper dad because he really does not know how except for doing technical things like changing diaper or filling up the milk bottle.

Being a father does not only include that after all.

Both Eunalia and Flora can't help but just laugh at him as he is really being cautious, nervous and anxious specially when he is carrying the babies.

It was like, someone would suddenly push him from behind making him drop his lovely daughters or something.

Anyways, his excessive preparation for the babies had earned him some eye rolls from the two ladies.

Even the milk formula had been specially designed and developed by himself and was taylor made for the two babies themselves together with other things like cribs and toys.

His supposed dinner with CC with just the two of them had gone normal again.

He really can't push intentionally, so he just let it go in the end.

'It is really hard to get inside her pants, sigh.' AA can only sigh in his thoughts.

- line break -

"Muhahahaha! Finally! We did it! We finally did it! Did it! Wahahaha!" A loud male voice sounded with a maniacal laugh that seemed to be showing signs of going crazy.

"Bwahahaha!" Other people just laughed together with him.

Everyone of them, be they a woman or a man are laughing maniacally and it seems like they are really about to go crazy.

All of them are inside a laboratory, looking at a big glass, tube like, container that had something floating in it.

"This is the future!" one of them shouted loudly as he stared at the thing with an enamored gaze.

"That's right! From now on. There wouldn't be any untalented children! Every child can literally be anyone they want to be!

No more handicaps!

No more genetic defects!

No more inherited sickness!

Our descendants from now on will be much, much, superior than us by many, many, times!" The seemingly leader of the scientists around said fervently with determination and confidence of the future he envisions while seating in a wheel chair.

His legs had long been atrophied and he does not have any hope of being able to walk in this life.

All he wishes right now is that, his children don't end up like himself.

That's why, here he is.

In front of a cylindrical apparatus filled with some kind of liquid that has something floating in it, an embryo.

"Cheers for the boss! Yeah!" many people cheered at the same time.

The guy in the wheel chair just nodded with a bright smile at everyone when hearing this kind of loud cheering.

"Let's postpone the real celebration for later!

For now, let's concentrate on taking care of this little guy.

We will only have really succeeded when this little guy cries his first one into the world!" The guys in the wheel chair inspiredly spoke with confidence.

- line break -

Somewhere in Africa.

*clang! Clang!



A squad of drone are busying themselves in constructing something.

If you look in the sky, you would see that there is something like a transparent dome that covers quite a wide area.

Just outside, you would see from a far is a busy city and in the open sky sometimes there come's some airplanes.

- inside an office somewhere -

A short Asian man is sitting on an office chair while concentrating on what is in front of him right now.

He is reading all the reports, may it be in the form of papers of pdf files in his laptop.

Everything is all about something.

Something that all his countrymen had been fantasizing about and had even made into a literary works.

The shogunate and the imperial dynasty in their country had just ended a few years ago.

Although their country is already following the democratic way like most of the world, some people and things had not really change.

The shogunate and the imperial family had just change from being in the open into being hidden in the shadows.

They changed from active rulers into capitalist who placed rulers into position while living the life they want.

A revolution did happen, it did result into something, but it seems that everything can't just be change so suddenly internally while trying to change slowly will just give others the chance to reject and avoid the change.

All his countrymen are still the same right now, they are still full of the arrogance of the strong, but they don't know that they are not even one of the top countries in the world.

It seems that, the same as changing someone's intrinsical personality, they needed some kind of shock therapy.

The man thought things through very seriously and cautiously.

He did not dare to voice his thoughts to anyone.

He just thought that, if that country continues going their way.

They will definitely reach our place.

Maybe, an outsider's 'shock therapy' can do the job completely this time around.

- word count 1043 -