
Code Geass: Azure Prince

Claudius El Britannia, The 4th prince of Britannia, A person who wasn't supposed to exist was in fact a transmigrator. Armed with future knowledge he would control it for his benefit while not entirely changing the timeline.

9yearsoldkid · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Hostage Crisis

Lelouch p.o.v.

After escaping that close call thanks to whoever dressed up as Zero, I was able to make my way into the sewers to escape my sister's forces.

Dammit, I can't believe I underestimated her.

She's not like Clovis at all, instead of being weak and foolish she's cold and calculating. Her forces are disciplined and battle-hardened, there's no way that they'd lose to a bunch of terrorists.

As I was running, I spotted a figure standing in my Zero costume in front of me, presumably the same one who distracted Cornelia to allow my escape.

"Why did you rescue me?" I asked the masked stranger. I had a feeling that I knew who it was, but I needed to be sure.

"I told you already I can't have you dying." Removing his or her mask revealed my rescuer to be none other than C.C. smirking at my misfortune.

"I wouldn't have lost if the conditions were equal!" I yelled in frustration at my quick defeat.

"You sore loser, if you're really that good then you should set up conditions the way you want," C.C. said playfully as she tossed my helmet up and down in her hands.

"Then that's what I'll do then I'll set them up." C.C. stopped playing with my helmet and turned to look at me.

"I'll raise an army that can't lose to Britannia, people, then a nation," I said with steel knowing what I must now do to able to beat an opponent like my sister or brother.

Naoto p.o.v.

After making it to the other side of the tunnel and far away from the battle people were receiving first aid, supplies and other forms of aid in a makeshift aid center run by an N.G.O. that was currently being flooded by poor civilians who had to evacuate their homes or risk being killed.

Despite not having almost anything, and it being crowded the people had smiles on their faces.

Even with a few Knightmares and soldiers around who were to help keep order, people were at ease.

I guess they were thankful to be alive, as I even saw people thanking the soldiers and aid workers as they helped them escape certain doom.

After all my years of fighting Britannia to bring back, the old Japan civilians never thanked me once for fighting for freedom and democracy.

Now I was being showered with affection and thanks from numerous people who recognized my squad and me, like the one's who go the word out.

I guess it was in part to these people having to fear not only the Britannians but also their own countryman who both controlled them through fear.

Now, they had hope that tomorrow would be better than before a luxury they didn't have without our help.


The peaceful moment was shattered by a rocket impacting a Knightmare standing guard over the camp that was soon followed by more rockets, gunfire, and explosions, as people scattered in terror on the sudden attack I looked to where the attack came from.

The attack was coming from the tunnel, the attackers looked to be remnants of the Yamato Alliance trying to break out of the ghetto.

They must have heard about the escape route and launched a surprise attack on the forces standing guard here uncaring if anyone got caught in the crossfire.

I dove into cover as the barrage continued as more knightmares swarmed to the tunnel entrance to deal with the last of the resistance members.

However, they were hampered by the crowds of panicked civilians all running to get away from the fighting that had started and prevented additional support to arrive immediately.

I saw a few of my fellow squad mates open fire as well as a remaining knightmare laying down suppressing fire on the enemy who was hiding in the rubble and sides of the tunnel.

To make matters worse, the second Knightmare pilot was forced to eject as another Knightmare emerged and began firing upon the soldiers with its Knightmare rifle.

As both soldier and fleeing civilian were gunned down I spotted a rocket launcher not too far away.

When the knightmare was reloading its weapon, I dashed from cover making a move for the weapon dodging bullets and explosions from grenades and a few rockets flying overhead.

I lunged for the weapon and grabbed it as the Knightmare finished reloading and opened fire at the reinforcements coming to destroy them.

After checking the weapon was ready to fire I leveled it at the knightmare, which had its attention on the other incoming Knightmares.

I steadied myself and aimed for the terrorist Knightmare and fired.

The rocket flew directly at the machine and hit the side of cockpit killing the pilot and disabling the machine.

I dropped the used rocket launcher and dropped down to my knees as my adrenaline high caught up with me.

I had killed my fair share of Britannians as a resistance member, but I have never killed a fellow Japanese resistance member before.

But as the knightmares gunned down the remnants of the Yamato alliance, I shed no tears for their deaths.

I felt numb.

There was suffering all around me, after everything I had done to help save the civilians, those terrorists just decided to ruin everything by trying to shoot their way out to escape with their own live not caring who got hurt.

I glanced out around me seeing the bodies of Japanese civilians who were thanking me just minutes ago and Britannian soldiers who tried to protect and help them lying together dead on the ground.

While beside the occasional shot executing a terrorist was heard, the voices of the injured and distraught filled the air.

I walked among the bodies of men, women, and children all lay there strewn across the rubble dead and dying while I escaped unscathed.

Why? I asked myself.

Why did those bastards do this, for what purpose did these people have to die for?

It wasn't for any grand ideas, for freeing Japan, or the greater good.

No, it was so those bastards could try and escape with their pathetic lives so they could hurt more people.

Even after all the torment and evil they caused to these people they just didn't know when to quit.

All they knew was to fight, lashing out to further their own ends, not caring who got hurt.

I was broken out of my own world as I heard a whimper from the rubble next to me.

Quickly I began looking for a survivor amidst this disaster.

Pulling a few rocks and debris away, I found a small girl bleeding. Her body was filled with small wounds that riddled all around her, but she still managed to cling to life as I pulled the bodies of her parents who managed to shield her from the worst of the blast.

"Hey it's okay, I'm going to get you some help real soon ok, MEDIC!"

I yelled out as I took off my jacket to apply pressure to her wounds.

The girl was small and had signs of malnutrition but seemed to be around eight years old. Her eyes were half-lidded and filled with tears as the pain prevented her from speaking much. She had a small doll in her that seemed to be new, must have been given to her by the relief staff.

"Nii-san, it hurts." The girl croaked.

"I know it hurts, but please keep awake, what's your name? I need a medic now!"

I tried to keep her talking as I shouted desperately for help again as medical teams were already overwhelmed with all the wounded before but were being stretched to the brink now.

" Megumi… Nii-san where's Kaa-chan and Tou-chan… It hurts Nii-san.

"Come on stay with me Megumi their waiting for you, just promise me to stay awake."

I couldn't tell the girl that they died protecting her I had to keep her talking if she falls unconscious she might not wake up again.

Fortunately the medics arrived on time and managed to give first aid to her as she was immediately transferred to the ambulance.

Looking all around me I started to think about everything again and what was truly important.

This pain, this despair that hung over everyone had replaced the hope and happiness we tried to bring them.

Was freeing Japan really worth it if the people will suffer unimaginable loss.

No, that line of thinking is what justifies the Yamato Alliance's acts of brutality and instigated the Britannian army to attack them.

Claudius was right, things have to change or all that this fighting will accomplish is pointless in the end.

I can actually help people with him rather than fight an unwinnable war.

This isn't, us versus them anymore.

There were no winners today; all there was were those who remain and these who have died.

Was this the world I wanted for Kallen and my mother, one with only despair and hatred to sustain it. Where the people are blind to their cruelty and suffering of their fellow man. No that is not what I want, I'm done fighting for a dream, I will fight for the people and the only one who seems to care for them seems to be Prince Claudius.

That man saved my life, gave me hope, showed me purpose, and was the only one fighting for the numbers in a country that see's my countryman as less than human.

I may not have had a choice in joining him, but if following him will allow me to help people instead of causing more misery then I will fight for him.

Families mourned for the dead after another tragedy has befallen my people as soldiers helped bury the bodies laying them to rest with respect.

Upon the graves of the fallen, I promised myself that I would fight for a brighter tomorrow and for my people, to break the curse of sorrow that has wrapped itself upon my homeland.

High-speed Britannian Train

Tokyo settlement to Lake Kawaguchi

Milly p.o.v.

"I never left the Tokyo settlement before this is my first time!" Announced an excited Shirley from the seat as she gazed out the window of the train.

"I'm sure you wish Lelouch could come with us don't you?" I asked the orange haired girl who was too easy to tease.

Shirley seemed to shrink in her seat as she munched on some pocky.

Shirley was a kind and honest girl who had the biggest crush on Lelouch and fell for the mysterious vice-president whatever reason.

Sitting beside her was our fellow student council member Nina Einstein, who seemed nervous to be leaving the settlement.

When Nina was younger, she and her family were attacked when their car broke down near the edge of the settlement and they were attacked and robbed by elevens.

"Don't be so shy, tonight we can stay up all night talking, let's tell each other which boys we like from school," I said smirking at Shirley.

"Then you'll probably have a lot to talk about right Ms. president," Shirley replied with a deadpan look and tone.

"Who can say?" I played off my friend's jest, as I didn't really think much of the boys at school.

Most were just boring and stuck up just because they were Britanians.

The student council was better, a collection of all kinds, who stuck together through thick and thin.

Lelouch was the object of Shirley's affection and was more of a brother that I liked to mess with.

Rivalz was a loveable loser but didn't really stand out much aside from being Lelouch's sidekick.

And Suzaku was just too new to know much, but from what I saw, he has bigger issues on his plate beside the student council.

The train went through a tunnel and Nina flinched from the sudden change as she was on edge as it is.

I went over to the nervous girl to reassure her.

"Nina it's alright, they're lots of Britannian tourists at Lake Kawaguchi, so securities fine. Don't be afraid it's not the ghettos." I said to her as I held her hands to calm her down.

"Yes, but?" Nina though much calmer was still uneasy being so far away from the safety of the settlement and Ashford.

"Don't worry we will be with you the whole time, we won't leave your side for a second." She accepted my reassurances and let go of me sitting up a little straighter.

The train then exited the tunnel and we saw the expansive countryside that seemed to stretch on forever.

"Oh, by the way, you guys I won this ticket in a lottery. So instead of a boring convention center we are going to a private traditional Japanese hot spring, spa, and hotel!" I announced to the unsuspecting fellow student council members.

"What, why didn't you mention sooner, and what happened to the original plan madam president?" Asked a curious Shirley, with Nina giving an apprehensive look at the words traditional and Japanese.

"Well it just so happens that I won a jackpot prize in a stall, can you believe it!" Thinking of this I still remember the strange uncle who persuaded me to try his lottery stall while traveling around and can't help but be curious and luckily managed to win this 5 star hotel ticket, Based on his face who looked like he lost his soul it doesn't seem fake but still for some random stall like this to have this to have a 5 star ticket is strange but after checking the ticket multiple times it's proven that it's a real deal.

At first, we talked small talk and pleasantries but eventually, I mentioned the student council's weekend trip to Lake Kawaguchi and he offered to send us to a private hotel he invested in for free.

I could only hope that this weekend would be a nice relaxing retreat from the stresses of life.

I had to quickly hide a blush from my fellow student council members.

The train kept moving as we made our way to the private resort hidden away from the bland mainstream hotel we originally were going to stay at.

Lelouch p.o.v.

I was sitting in the stolen vehicle that was now my hideout along with Ohgi, Kallen, and the others.

After meeting them and introducing to our new hideout, someone turned on the TV and I learned that the JLF had just taken a hotel hostage in Lake Kawaguchi.

I knew that Milly, Shirley, and Nina had plans to go there, but it didn't appear that they were among the hostages.

I feared something terrible had happened to them, and then I got a call from Rivalz.

I couldn't talk to him now with Ohgi, Kallen, and the others present so I ended the call.

However, a few moments later I got a text message from him.

Retreating to the second level and entering a private room I looked at my friend's message.

Apparently Rivalz was contacted by Milly and the others that they had changed hotels last minute and were not among the hostages.

I let out a sigh of relief that my friends were safe.

At the moment, I was watching a report on the situation.

I knew it was too soon for us to make a move, but I wondered why Cornelia hasn't sacrificed the hostages to eliminate the terrorists.

Could it be that she can't be there can she?

A realization struck me.

Could she be among the hostages?

If Euphemia is there that would prevent her from taking action was in the hotel with the hostages.

Cornelia always and a soft spot for her sister, so it would make sense that she would hold back if she were captured.

But the JLF must not know she's there; if they did they would be asking for much more.

Kallen interrupted my train of thought as she came through the door.

"Zero, what do think is going to happen to the hostages?" She asked concerned over the fate of the hostages.

I shut off the computer I was watching the news from.

"Eventually, there will be no reason to keep those Britannians alive."

I said not revealing that it would probably be the JLF that would kill the hostages.

"Yeah I'm sure your right."

Kallen seemed a little deflated at my response as Ohgi walked into the room as well.

"Hey Zero, I found these, should I hand them out to everyone. I mean as far as gear goes it looks very hip, but we're just a resistance group so."


I turned in my chair to face Ohgi.

"We're not a resistance group is that clear?"

I asked sternly to the confused Ohgi.

"Then what are we?" Ohgi asked.

"What we are, what we're trying to be, is Knights for justice," I said standing now in front of my comrades.

I learned the hard way that simple resistance won't take down Britannia, it will take something more.

And if everything goes to plan the Black Knights will become a force to rival Britannia.

But to make that happen, I must continue to have Zero be a man of miracles to be more than just a man but a symbol to inspire Japan to fight back.

Lake Kawaguchi

Mobile G-1 command center

Claudius p.o.v.

"Did you suceed? I see... good work then...I'll to it later Goodbye."

I ended the call with my subordinate and sighed. Thankfully my plan worked so Milly and her friends including Nina won't be part of the hostage and there is one less crazy person in the crisis and thinking of this I can't help but depreciate myself because I could've prevented this hostage crisis in the first place but still everything is for the best."

The Lake Kawaguchi hotel and convention center was situated in the middle of the lake connected by three bridges offering a picturesque view of the scenic countryside.

It also provided both the best and worst features you wanted if you wanted to take it over.

The JLF lead by Lt. Colonel Kusakabe seemed to think so too.

The location did limit how the Britannian's could approach the hotel. However, it also cut off almost all forms of escape for the JLF.

So now we had extremist terrorists now holding the hotel hostage with no escape route.

I always hated hostage situations.

Usually, the only reason one would go to such drastic actions is when they are driven into a corner, with no other option.

However, Kusakabe in his infinite wisdom chooses the dumbest possible response the JLF could do.

By acting as terrorists, they accomplish nothing but delegitimizing their own organization regardless of the outcome.

Not to mention also being moved up on my sister's hit list.

The JLF must have thought that taking hostages would have given them enough leverage to bargain with the Britannians.

They were only half right.

It was not that they had taken hostages, but rather who the hostages were.

Sure the politicians and businessmen were somewhat influential with the trade of sakuradite but the real reason the hotel isn't rubble is because Euphie decided to observe the conference on sakuradite there this weekend.

Why didn't I keep Euphie out of the way like I did with Milly and the student council?

It's quite simple, I couldn't.

While convincing my fun loving childhood friend to go to a private resort wasn't that difficult.

Trying to convince and control Euphie had only backfired on me like when I tried to prevent her and Suzaku from meeting before. Seems like fate can't be changed that easily unless you do drastic measures.

Also, If I'm right then even without the student council there, Lelouch will still take action as this opportunity was too good for Zero to pass up.

So I 'm now walking around the perimeter with Mary and Naoto in full uniform.

I was dressed in my favorite blue military coat like I usually do when I'm in the field.

I was looking to get away from the yelling and screaming in the G-1 over the failed attempts to assault the hotel whether by air, water, or underground.

I resisted the urge to sigh, as I knew it would be a long day and I would so rather be at a hot spring than standing around watching this hostage situation.

So I decided to go a pay Lloyd, Cécile, and Suzaku a visit but I didn't know where they were exactly.

Mary was her usual silent but serious self while Naoto was a bit sterner than usual.

After the terrible events following the attack on the relief center, Naoto had changed it seemed.

Gone was the angry young rebel, now he held himself just like a member of the Ouroboros Corps should, proud, unyielding, and disciplined.

I heard the story second hand from the reports of what happened and what he did there.

But when I looked into his eyes when I went to inspect the site I knew that he had committed himself to our cause.

He saw the horrors of war first hand and knows things must change.

And as long as I was committed to helping the Japanese then he would follow me.

Sure enough, I spotted the Special Corps transport with Lancelot inside being calibrated by technicians while Lloyd was sitting on the grass skipping stones with Cécile and Suzaku near him.

As my group got within earshot, I picked up part of their conversation.

"So the Japanese are still not being accepted enough into your structure?"

Suzaku said in clear irritation over the inequalities present in society.

"If that's true then what point is there in even having an honorary Britannian system?"

"Well, there's plenty of reasons, ranging from integration of foreigners into Britannian Society, to being able to control the population of areas easier take your pick."

I answered Cécile's question as I walked up to them with Mary and Naoto in tow.

"Your highness!" Came the surprised response to me from Suzaku and Cecile as they both saluted and bowed in respect, while Lloyd gazed over and waved casually.

"At ease, please I'm trying to get away from all this formality, so please just call me Claudius."

Really being sucked up to all the time really made spending time with somewhat honest people a luxury.

"I see you're well Suzaku, I sorry that our plans last time fell through, but I did wish we would reunite in a friendlier setting than this."

Suzaku was about to say something but held it back as he contemplating something.

"So what brings the Azure Conqueror out here did Cornelia drag you out here as well, then it must be for someone big in that hotel isn't there?" Lloyd asked aloud breaking any sense of pleasantries as he tried to probe for information.

"I'm merely doing my duty as an observer nothing more Lloyd, so did you came out here to gather data on the Lancelot?"

Lloyd was sometimes too smart for his own good, how I envied my brother Schniezel for snatching him up for Camelot.

"Naturally, however orders are orders and here we are dragging our feet instead, you could do something about that couldn't you?"

"Lloyd! Prince Claudius please forgive him, but can you give us an update on the situation?" Cécile scolded her boss, apologized, and asked for information.

Cécile was brilliant and savvy in her own right and another loss for my Magicka Corporation.

"If I had that kind of power, I wouldn't be able to walk around freely, but the situation is still a stalemate for now. We can't infiltrate the hotel, especially with that linear cannon in the tunnel so right now we are waiting them out until a better option presents itself."

"Oh how rude of me, you all know my lovely knight Mary Taylors, but I would like to introduce another member of my forces, this man right here is a new member of the Ouroboros Corps Lieutenant Naoto Stadtfeld."

I introduced the Mary and the stranger behind me.

"Ah it's a pleasure to meet Lieutenant, I'm Cécile, that's Suzaku, and the man ignoring us moping by the lake is Lloyd."

Always trust Cécile to make someone feel welcome.

"Ah, thank you, it's a pleasure to meet you as well my lady," Naoto said in a formal tone.

"Um, Lieutenant, I have to ask, do you know someone named Kallen?" Asked Suzaku.

I glanced at Naoto, who got quiet and seemed like he was going to deny it.

"Yes, that's my little sister's name, have you met her?"

Naoto asked admitting his relation to his sister to Suzaku, which somewhat surprised me.

"Well, we go to the same school Ashford Academy, I was just wondering because you look a lot alike and you have the same last name."

"I see, well that's good to hear," Naoto said in a reserved tone that Cecille and Suzaku picked up on.

"Is something wrong sir?" Suzaku asked Naoto.

"No, it's just, I've been away from home for a very long time and I haven't seen her in a while, so could you promise me not to tell her I'm here until I get the chance to?"

"Sure, no problem." Said Suzaku.

It seems Naoto wants to play things close to the chest for now, but you'll have your reunion soon, just not today.

"One last question sir, are you part Japanese?" Suzaku asked curious about Naoto's name.

There was a pause until I decided to step in for Naoto to cover for him.

"Even though the Lieutenant has a Japanese name, he is the rightful heir to the Stadtfeld family making him a special case, whether or not he is a half-Britannian doesn't not matter."

I said in a dismissive tone trying to avoid having to deal with this issue so soon.

All those present got the hint, but Naoto sent a questioning gaze my way, probably about being the heir to his family.

Lucky for me, Mary had me covered.

"The Lieutenant is a new member of the Ouroboros Corps who has joined under the recommendation of Prince Claudius, also the Ouroboros Corps has many part-Britannian and not-Britanians in its ranks," Mary said curtly.

I was thankful for my ever-prepared knight; she did always know what to say in moments like this.

"Thank you Mary, so you know Suzaku if you ever get sick of working for my brother's unit there's plenty of room for advancement among my forces if you ever wanted to be a part of a team?" I asked Suzaku but before he could respond, an irate and fuming Lloyd came storming up to me and got in my face.

"You are not, going to steal away my test pilot, don't think I don't know that you and your shady team has been stealing designs from me." Lloyd spat out jabbing a finger in my face.

"Come now Lloyd, stop spreading those baseless rumors, and it's only because of me that Suzaku got out of prison.

Lloyd looked like he was going to blow a gasket again, but Cécile managed to calm him down, reminding him that I was asking this time.

"Don't worry Lloyd I'm sure we'll figure something out, by the way, there's a project I wanted to discuss with you later after all this."

Lloyd stopping having a fit and was interested in whatever project I had in mind, but that was for later.

"By the way, Suzaku what are your thoughts on this situation?"

My question broke him out of his inner dilemma, as I desired to gauge where Suzaku's feelings are.

"My thoughts sir?"

"Yes, I was wondering how an Honorary Britannian would perceive the actions of the JLF here."

Suzaku looked back at the hotel for a moment then back at me.

"I know the JLF are trying to fight to bring back the Japan of the past, but going about it like this won't solve anything, especially taking those people hostage, their actions won't solve anything, and will only get innocent people hurt."

Well, something we both can agree on, to be honest, I was surprised he didn't go about spouting off about changing things from within like it was even possible to change Britannia without getting your hands dirty.

"I agree that how they are going to go about accomplish their goals, but is what they are fighting for so wrong?"

Suzaku was surprised by my statement along with everyone else besides Mary, who had heard this all before and knew what I was hinting at.

"What do you mean, Prince Claudius?" Suzaku asked as everyone just listened to what I was presuming going to say next.

"Everyone is fighting for the justice they believe in, everyone is born with different destinies, they have their own culture, families, countries, the moment you trample on the things they love you create hatred, that is not evil but human nature."

I had everyone hanging on my every word and no one moved to interject, not even Lloyd, who knew I had a follow-up.

"My point is Suzaku, even if the members of the JLF are in the wrong for their actions here, is it wrong for them to desire the past? Where they were considered equals to their fellow man, instead of second-class citizens, where their culture wasn't suppressed, and where they have no hope for a future in the current system. No, they fight and struggle the same as us because they are seeking a future where there is hope, unlike today where none can be found for their people."

I looked back at my audience who were all wide eyed at my declaration.

"We must remember no matter what conflict or struggle, that our enemies are also human, they feel, love, and hate just like us. Although I do agree that things must change with the empire or Britannia may face the eventual fate that all empires meet. Eventually, corruption and chaos will tear it down faster than any foreign power or rebellion could."

Though my words seemed shocking to Suzaku and Naoto, Cécile was stunned by my remarks which seemed to contradict everything national policy dictated, Lloyd and Mary, however, were not as surprised as I was the most outspoken in the royal family for being the most progressive of the family.

Prince Claudius we should be getting back to the command center soon, or the princess may send another search party after you," Mary said breaking the mood that I set.

"Yes I suppose we wouldn't want that, I suppose this is goodbye, for now, Suzaku, Lloyd, Miss Cécile it has been a pleasure until we meet again."

Alya, Naoto, and I said our goodbyes as we left Suzaku, Lloyd, and Cécile by the special corps trailer with the Lancelot.

I just hope Suzaku took my words to heart and was beginning to see things a bit more than just black and white.

Eventually, he will have to decide whether he'll continue on the path of appeasement to change the system from within, or help me reform the empire, through revolution if need be.

It all depends on if he puts his belief and hope behind my sister Euphie's vision of the future or my own.

What I neglected to tell them before that the reason for the honorary Britannian system was to give hope to the numbers.

And hope is a much stronger way to control someone after all, much more than fear and oppression.

Sad Christmas to y'all lol jk :^D

9yearsoldkidcreators' thoughts