
Code Geass: Azure Prince

Claudius El Britannia, The 4th prince of Britannia, A person who wasn't supposed to exist was in fact a transmigrator. Armed with future knowledge he would control it for his benefit while not entirely changing the timeline.

9yearsoldkid · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs


Camelot division headquarters

Camelot, the kingdom of King Arthur, which was home his greatest knights of the round table., and now the home of the only 7th generation Knightmare code-named Lancelot.

As I was walking together with my ever faithful servant Mary I saw Lloyd yelling at the various technicians and engineers he had worked on one of the most powerful machines in the world.

Upon coming into earshot, I decided to greet the man, "Yo Lloyd long time no see."

Lloyd freezes while he slowly look behind him after that he immediately run towards Lancelot and hugs it.

"You can't have my Lancelot it's mine," Lloyd childishly said as if I was going to steal his favorite toy.

Seeing this I can't help but sigh and said "I'm not going to steal your Lancelot besides Merlin is cooler, Hmph! Once it's upgrade is finished it would now also be a 7th Generation Knightmare." Once I started talking about Merlin I can't help but be proud as If I was a child bragging his new cool toy.

As we were having conversation Cécile made herself known as she walked up towards us.

Seeing the two acting like children she can't help but smile as the two argues who's Knightframe is the best.

Finally she asked me "To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit Prince Claudius?" She asked courteously 

Before I could respond, Lloyd interrupted, "Oh, he's probably here to pilfer our ideas, research, and prototypes that's all," in is typical fashion.

"Oi! Pilfering Really? That's the bad way to put it Lloyd-san, We're not pilfering your ideas, Hmmm what's the best way to put it? Ah yes! We're just getting advice Yes I came here for advice," After saying that I can't help but nod my head as if I'm proud for my excuse.

Hearing my excuse Cécile can't help but laugh at my childish antics.

After she finished her laugh I continued "Actually the real reason I'm here is because I heard that you finally found a pilot besides yours truly who could handle Lancelot."

Lloyd finally replied to me "So it was you in Shinjuku that Suzaku mentioned"

"Yep, I was impressed with his skills and hoped I could meet him in person is he here?" I asked though I doubted that he was actually here at all.

Sadly I was right, "No, unfortunately, he is in the hospital being treated for his injuries he had before we found him."

"A shame I was supposed to be here in order to recruit him, Too bad, " I said while pretending to be sad

Lloyd immediately became alarmed and can't help but shout"First you stole my data then you're going to steal my pilot too? No I won't let you!"

Seeing Lloyd acting like this I can't help but laugh "I'm just kidding besides he is needed here in Camelot why would I do that?"

I continued "Well I just came here to check on him since he helped me in the battlefield afterall, I guess I gotta go now see you later,"

I left with Mary the way we came and the members of the Camelot division went back to tuning the machine that would be a defining factor in the things to come while Lloyd is still suspicious of my answer.

Ashford Academy

Kallen p.o.v.

After escaping with Ohgi and the other's after the cease-fire, I made my way back home to get some much-needed sleep but my mind still lingered on the blue and gold knightmare.

It was obviously one of a kind and top of the line by its make.

Probably made for the personal use of an ace or a knight of the round, but if that was the case why would someone like that save us from the firing squad.

Add in the fact that it looked like it could take on an army all by itself, which it did with us along with that other white and gold one.

However, a part of me was curious to how I could measure up against someone like him in a halfway decent knightmare rather than that rusty old Glasgow.

Eventually, I fell asleep because I had to go to school tomorrow.

The only reason I still go is because Naoto told me I shouldn't pass on getting a quality education, but after he had gone missing, I knew I couldn't just stay in my own world when my friends were fighting.

So I joined up with Naoto, Ohgi and the others who put me through beginner knightmare simulations and I proved myself the best out of everyone.

Going to Ashford Academy was nice, but did everyone have to be so ignorant.

It was like they didn't know anything about our culture, people, or existence outside of their precious settlement.

To have more flexibility with school and my extracurricular activates outside of school, I played the part of a sickly young girl.

But sometimes it was so frustrating pretending to be so helpless when I knew I was the most badass here.

I guess it was the stress, but I slipped up and let my mask fall in front of another student.

That student was the vice-president of the student council Lelouch Lamperouge.

He was a scrawny, unathletic, cold-hearted Britannian through and through, who for some reason beyond me was one of the most popular boys in school at least by girl's standards.

What they say in this cold, dark, prince of the school I didn't.

But then he asked not to tell anyone about Shinjuku when I asked why he was more surprised than me.

Then of all things he ordered me to go back to class, as I was about to call him out on what he said he was saved by an orange haired girl yelling about setting up for chemistry.

Throughout the day I would steal glances at Lelouch, did he know I was in Shinjuku, was he there, and if he does, then I'll have to find a way to silence him.

My opportunity to confront him came as he asked me after classes to discuss something.

Agreeing we want to the student council clubhouse where I would finally get my answers.

The clubhouse if you could call it that, had a massive ballroom and multiple living quarters, all in all, it shouldn't surprise me seeing the sheer size of this place and the cost of tuition.

As I was going to ask him what he meant, we were interrupted by the rest of the student council.

And the president Milly Ashford informed me that I was to join the student council because of school rules and my condition causing me to miss school.

One champagne accident and a failed shower room interrogation turned embarrassment later I was contacted by the voice telling me to meet at Tokyo Tower.

Before I could ask him anything, he hung up leaving me with more questions.

As I walked back after recovering my dignity, I went with Lelouch to meet back up with the others all staring at the giant television.

"Lelouch it's awful." Said the sad voice of Lelouch's blind and crippled little sister.

"What is?" Asked Lelouch.

"Prince Clovis has been found dead." Said Milly.

"They say he was killed." Added Rivalz

I was surprised and wondered who could have done this in the middle of a battle no less.

Meanwhile in Claudius' penthouses suite

Claudius p.o.v.

"Prince Clovis has been taken from us; he fought for peace and justice. He died a martyr. We must bury our sorrow and carry out his will." Said Jeremiah in practice passion and fervor.

Well took you long enough I was getting a little tired waiting around playing games with Mary, planning for future events, and ordering room service.

"Ahem, I didn't say you were done man-servant."

I shifted my attention back to the situation I now found myself in.

"Yes, My Princess," I bowed exaggeratedly as I replied jokingly to her while I served grapes to Mary, who was lounging on the sofa.

She now shed her officers' attire for a loose fitting tunic with a thin cape and tight fitting pants that only enhanced her figure.

I, however, was in a butler's uniform standing behind her as I lowered grapes off the stem into her mouth.

"As to how we got into this situation we're just playing poker and the one who lose must listen to the winner and unfortunately I lost, "

Note to self, never play cards alone with Mary again, as she is impossible to read and she reads people for fun.

After a while I can't help but be lost in my thoughts. Purebloods were my least favorite group in the army because of two things. They are Racist Idiots without an ounce of common sense in them resulting their meager pride to be their weakness and second I hate people without any common sense, "

"This just in a suspect has just been captured, the suspect is an honorary Britannian private Suzaku Kururugi a former eleven has been arrested for the murder of Prince Clovis." Announced the newswomen as they showed Suzaku being taken into custody.

Hearing this announcement I can't help but laugh "So this is the one that interests you?" Mary said before munching another grape.

Well it seems he's become the sacrifice for the pure blood's archaic ambitions, you wish to save him as well?" As she stretched like a cat arching her back up.

"Yes, I trust you'll make the necessary arrangements following these events," I said courteously as I gave her a napkin.

"Yes, but before that, I think I'd like a massage," She stated with a smirk before getting up and walking with a sway in her hips to the bedroom.

Well, I guess Suzaku and the Purebloods can wait as I followed eagerly to put my magic fingers to the test.

But before I could reach the room my phone rang so I went over to quickly answer and so I could get to the truly important things.

"Yes, okay so he's accepted, good, tell him that we'll move him to the base with the rest of the men and run him through the speed prep course. I want him ready to go with the rest within the week." I hung up after relaying my order for the next phase of operations.

"Oh, Claudius, are you going to help me relieve this stress or not?" came Mary's voice from the doorway as she stood clad in a revealing white hotel robe.

"Yes, My Princess it would be my greatest honor." I bowed then I followed after her closing the door and locking it.