
Cloning system in another world

Xzson's life in the human world had always been an uphill battle. Tormented and bullied by his classmates, he endured each day with silent resilience. But his life was about to take a dramatic turn. One fateful day, after a particularly brutal attack, Xzson lost consciousness, only to awaken in a realm beyond his wildest imagination. In this new world, an enigmatic system offered him a choice that would redefine his existence - the power to create and control clones of anyone. With newfound abilities at his fingertips, Xzson embarks on an extraordinary journey, seeking justice for the torment he endured in his previous life. He'll discover that, in this world of limitless possibilities, the line between hero and villain is often blurred, and the choices he makes will shape the destiny of not only himself but entire civilizations. As Xzson harnesses the power of the cloning system, he'll face challenges that test the limits of his newfound abilities, and confront the darkness within himself. The path he chooses to tread will determine his ultimate fate and the fate of the worlds he encounters. Hello everyone this is my first time writing a novel, if I made any spelling mistakes please there ignore those, and I will try to do better in future chapters.

Uphar · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
228 Chs

My little home

As twilight descended upon the village, Oblivious to the young boy lying on the floor. they callously kicked me out of jail, their voices slurred and uncaring. "Go back to your home. We don't have food for you. If you ever try to run away, we will keep you for a few days." Their mocking laughter followed as I made my way back home.

Walking through the village streets, I couldn't escape the disdainful gazes of the villagers. I felt like an outcast, unwanted and rejected. "according to my memories my small abode is located outside of the village, my parents' land and home were now in the possession of the village chief, who had made me their slave after the tragic demise of my family".

upon reaching my meager dwelling I saw my hut which let me feel a little bit comfortable, after entering the humble hut containing only two-room and worn-out furniture and a bed without matters. The broken window and bare wooden bed added to the sense of abandonment that engulfed me.

As hunger gnawed at my stomach, I couldn't help but reflect on my plight. The villagers had denied me even a meagre portion of rice, leaving me famished and forlorn. Looking out at the rice field that once belonged to my parents.

"That rice field used to belong to my parents but after the event, The village chief forfeited the land "I couldn't help but feel resentment, but I knew that any attempt to claim my rightful inheritance would only invite further torment.

In a corner of the hut, I spotted a small, weathered mirror. Looking into it, I was taken aback by my reflection. The hardships I endured had failed to diminish my handsome features." Is this person me? I look more handsome than my previous self, it would be wrong to call me handsome, instead of beautiful would be perfect, my appearance could cause a commotion among the women and girls".

my delicate black hair and blue eyes can make any woman lust after me, However, my torn and soiled clothes marred the image of the person I could have been.

Yet, as I examined my current appearance, clad in worn and tattered garments, I couldn't help but feel far from the image I had envisioned. In my previous world, I might have been the object of admiration, capturing the hearts of many with ease. But here, the reality was different. My dishevelled appearance stood as a stark contrast to the allure I had envisioned myself to possess in this new realm.

Shaking off the thoughts, I shifted my focus to a small wooden almirah nearby. With a calm demeanour, I opened its creaky doors, revealing a collection of worn and old-fashioned clothes. The garments held a rustic charm, reflecting the simplicity of the villagers' lifestyle. Realizing that I needed to clean up, " I remember the villagers usually bathe in the river, the river not far from the village. I should clean myself" I selected a few clothes from the almirah and decided to head towards the nearby lake, which is not located far from the village.

Walking towards the serene lake, I felt a sense of tranquillity in its crystal-clear waters. The gentle ripples mirrored the reflections of the surrounding trees, creating a picturesque scene. Despite the weariness that lingered in my bones, I found solace in this natural haven.

"Hay system can I make anyone's clones in the world" I was in thought is there any restriction on making a clone that could make noises?

(no! there is no restriction, the host can make anyone's clones in the world even the gods!)

"What!" I show a disbelief expression after the system response.

"I can even make a clone of gods".

"System does God exist in the world"

"On Earth the world once I know the concept of God remained in mystery and mythology, throughout history, there wasn't any evidence of their presence or the direct intervention of affairs in mankind. however upon arrival in this new world now it's become evident that gods have much more influence in this world".

Here, in this unfamiliar world, the divine entities held immense power, surpassing even the mightiest countries and their rulers. Their existence was not just a matter of belief, but a tangible reality, capable of shaping the very fabric of this world.

(yes host! existence of god is real, but they don't typically interact with mortals and their affairs directly. they make aloof and distant, observers from their celestial abode. only then the world is facing a great threat and cataclysm to the world, then take action and by sending the legendry heroes, individuals blessed with exceptional power and ability to save the world against the impending doom)

The system explained everything in detail, and I nodded my head as I understand everything.

my mind was still processing the system explanation, it was giving me too much information to consume at once.

After having satisfying bathing in the river's fresh water, I selected attire I had with resemble my acceptance of this world and my willingness to adapt.

As night fell, I venture back to my abode but an eagle caught my eye in the rice field. Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to create a clone of the majestic bird.

I ask the system to make a clone of the eagle.

(target found scanning the target)

(making clone 1%..20%...50%...100%! a clone has been made)

After a few seconds, a white light appears in front of Me, and he sees the same eagle which is a flow away of sudden shining of ray.


name = brown eagle

level = 1

sex = male

stamina = 15

power = sharp eyes, jaw bit.

race = brown eagle bird

(successfully made up clone! if the host wants it can control his body and consciousness and command them to do whatever you want)

I became excited and instantly said to the system "I want to control his body".

(the host can control his consciousness and body by just concentrating his mind on the clone)

I concentrated my mind on the clone, I could feel its seamless connection forming as if I was becoming one with the eagle.

In an instant, the eagle's eyes flickered open, and I experienced the world through the majestic creature's senses. "I'm inside the eagle, this is like a dream! " The feeling was exhilarating, soaring through the skies, and witnessing the beauty of the landscape from such a unique perspective.

"This is happening, wait... my body is still standing without making any noise there, I can't leave my body like this" I couldn't leave my original body unattended, standing motionless in the open. So, I swiftly shifted my consciousness back to my human form, returning to his home.

Once inside, I lay down on the bed, taking a moment to rest and gather my thoughts. Though not the most comfortable of accommodations, it was the best I had at the moment. Satisfied that I had secured my original body, I once again focused my mind on the eagle, immersing myself in the avian experience.