
Clone battalion

This is something I decided to write in my free time and to be honest my writing skills are horrible but if you like it then awesome. P.s the times I update are probably gonna be random as I get burnt out easily

dragongod4949 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


Superman had a slight grimace flash across his face before he stood up and stood between the chained man and Wonder Woman as Batman stood to the side already knowing what was gonna be said.

"Give me more time I-"

A Huff escaped from Wonder Woman's mouth and she locked eyes with the man of steel who stood unwavering before she took a glance at Batman then back at Superman.

"I'm sorry Clark but your attempts are leading you nowhere and we need to know if he is a threat to Earth before it's too late"

She attempted to walk around Superman but he followed and placed his hand gently on her shoulder.

"Please just a little longer I promise"

After a reluctant yes she made her way out but she was replaced by Batman who stood next to Clark and pulled a file from underneath his cape and left them upon the table and went back to standing near wall.

Giving Batman a smile Clark opened the file and read what little information that was gathered before setting the folder back down.

"We'll start from the beginning"

Hours passed while I was being interrogated and I was finally released and escorted into a cell by the Flash and Green Arrow who were striking a conversation about pizza and which topping belonged and which should be burned in hell.

"I'm telling you man the classic is where it's at, it's scientifically proven to be the best!" With his hands moving at speeds hard to see Flash spoke only for Green Arrow to spew out a laugh.

"And where did you get that information?"

"My stomach!"

Sitting on my cell bed thinking back on their words as there was nothing to do besides getting electrocuted by touching the cell door.

"*sigh* just a few more days of this and I'll go insane….again."

Standing In front a pulsing purple portal A few men In hazmat suits were preparing their gear and once that was taken care of they looked back before giving a thumbs up to a man with a white lab coat who turned and entered one of the many temporary tents they set up.

Taking a deep breath in preparation for the worst the scientist sat and started typing on a computer that was set up hastily as the wire management could make a blind man cry, pulling up a screen that showed four different cameras he grabbed the radio near his keyboard.

"Alpha team 1 is ready to enter the portal."

"*bzzz* affirmative send them in, Bravo squad and Delta company are in route ETA 20 minutes *bzzz*"

Alpha team checked their rifles one last time and after the scientist gave them the green light they cautiously entered the portal each flinching in fear of immediate death.

The first soldier to enter couldn't believe what he was seeing and the scientist even more so as there were thousands if not millions of men all carrying weapons while standing in formation without a single muscle twitching except the occasional blink here and there.

After a few seconds they realize the clones did not pay attention to them not even a single glance, after this thought one of the soldiers pulled a small baggie from their bags and grabbed a handful of dirt before storing it then sealed the bag another soldier kept his eyes on the clones aiming his rifle in their general direction his arms slightly shaking as if all hell broke loose there was only so many bullets they had before they were overwhelmed and slaughtered.

After they gathered their samples they moved to the forest and grabbed a few leaves and branches they then made there way back through the portal only to be enter a white tent.

"*Bzzzz* as you were collecting samples we put up a radiation tent to keep any dangerous chemicals or diseases contained."

A few hours later they were cleared and stood in front of a laptop that was housing a pure black silhouette.

"The samples?" A gruff distorted voice spoke making the scientist rush to retrieve the said items and they placed them in front of the screen.

Scientist 1 "Sir all reading and test show that they are exactly like earth but…" his voice trailed as his eyes looked unfocused.

"But what, and keep it short as I have more important matters to attend too."

Refocused the scientist grabbed a clipboard a fellow scientist had and scribbled on the paper for a few seconds before he turned it reviling a decent drawn graph.

"Sir there almost completely identical in every way even down to their cells, but they don't have signs of aging or in short they never grew as if they were created fully grown!" His hands frantically pointed to the clipboard before he picked up a sample.

"This single plant contains something that ours don't and I pled for you to let us research it."

The sounds of metal shifting across fabric and colliding softly was all they heard.

"Permission granted."

The screen shut off instantaneous yet the scientist was not annoyed instead he looked as if he won a million dollars without being taxed.